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  1. #1
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    Help with cycle!

    Hi everyone its been awhile since ive been on here. Since my last post i ran a cycle of test e and dbol at low dosages and had incredible gains. I know alot of people will tell me how damaging this could be because of my age and i understand this. Im not gonna argue it at all because i did alot of research before my cycle and learned alot. I am also going to be graduating next year with a bachelors in biology from rutgers.

    Before i ran my cycle I got bloodwork done and looked at all my enzymes, rbcs, etc to compare to on cycle and off. I also specifically looked at my natural testosterone levels because a key indicator in how well developed your endocrine system is, is youre hormonal levels. My natural testosterone production was about 1300ng/dl which even taking into account that not all of this is free testosterone is still high, which is a strong indicator my endocrine system is near full development.

    I ran that cycle when i was 22 and about 4 months, it was
    250 mg test e injected bi weekly (500 mg a week total) for weeks 1-10
    30 mg dbol a day for weeks 1-4
    arimidex .25 mg a day throughout cycle

    my pct was 100-75-50-50 mg clomidiphene citrate with 50 mg of nolva a week

    ive now been off for three months now, my bloodwork was good on cycle, its perfect off cycle, all my hormones are back to normal as well as enzyme levels. i gained a total of 22 lbs (from 211 to 233) then lost about 9 lbs mostly water during pct, as i have retained most of my strength.

    Amyway I just wanted to share that, so hopefully people will be willing to help me with designing my next cycle as they will see i am not an idiot headstrong kid with no knowledge on the subject haha

    So for my next cycle this is what id like to run:
    dbol weeks 1-4 at 30 mg/day
    test e weeks 1-16 at 750 mg per week injected biweekly
    tren acetate weeks 1-14 at 100 mg per week injected bi weekly
    arimidex or letrozole to counter estrogen effects
    humalin insulin injected immediately post workout (not sure what dose)?
    mgf injected post workout intramuscularly (not sure what dose)?
    igf lr3 injected off days intramuscularly?
    hgh fragment 176-191 ?
    ghrp-5 ?

    i will alo be taking melanotan 2 with this cycle to tan as well as various support supplements and definitely a prolactin antagonist for trens sides.

    my questions about this cycle would be is there a point of dimished returns running tren? also id like to keep the dose low ice its my first time using it but is 100 mg a week enough to see its full potential?

    I want to either run a form of igf or insulin along with this cycle as tren increases muscle satellite cells sensitivity to igf. Ill post this in the insulin section as well.
    what i want to know is what dosages should i consider running for insulin and is it most effective run in conjenction with igf?

    as far as the mgf and igf lr3 should i consider peg mgf? what would be the advantages to this.
    its hard to find alot of clear cut info on these peptides as theyre all in research stage, but from what i could find, basically mgf would be most effective injected intramuscularly immediately post workout as it has a short halflife and thats when your natural mgf levels are skyrocketing as well. and igf lr3 is best injected on days off or every other day to help keep igf in an elevated state

    as for the hgh fragment, id like to run that primarily to keep excess fat off as im bulking and hopefully result in a lower bodyfat percentage ( when i come off this cycle i want to cut and then compete)
    it probably wouldnt be effective to run grf or ghrp with injectable hgh because it is exogenous hgh, so increasing pulse length and frequency wouldnt result in any increased effeciency, but i included that to see if anyone says otherwise.

    as for my pct my only question is since i want to run a slightly longer cycle, should i consider using hcg perhaps during the last two weeks of cycle and into pct a little?

    anyways please give me your honest input and advice or any concerns about my cycle, as this is just a theoretical cycle i want to run to utilize tren to its maximum effeciency. PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU SAY SOMETHING, DONT JUST SAY DONT DO THIS OR DO THAT, i would like to understand the reasoning behind it as well

    and last thing, if anyone could suggest dosages for the peptides thatd be helpful, its hard to find any clear cut info on the proper dosages as most you come across is just "bro science"

    Thank you All!

  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Why not just do what you did if the results and recovery was that good ? and a can't help you out on this one mate don't know anything about peptides

  3. #3
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    I essentially am, tren is a compound that i would have liked to take my first cycle, but wasnt wiling to risk running without first running a simpler cycle and ensuring i ran it properly. Tren is about 5 times more anabolic than test which is the reason id like to include it in my cycle. I also upped the testosterone dosage as well since again 500 mg of test is a fairly low dose but for my first cycle i wanted to take it easy. As for everything else, like i said insulin and igf and mgf( which is a form of igf) run hand in hand. running them together will increase my gains significantly.

  4. #4
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    running them together with tren go hand in hand i meant* since tren increases muscle satellite cells sensitivity to igf, its definately at least worth looking into running them together. especially since igf is the only compound proven to be able to induce hyperplasia

  5. #5
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    you could still gain easily with 500mg test and as you know tren is the strongest compound there is so for a second cycle no

  6. #6
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    im not gonna argue about it, but yes tren is a very strong compound, however it is probably the most effective as well. I ran one cycle without it to ensure i could run a cycle properly with easier to handle compounds. So besides being a less experienced user, there is no real reason why running tren in a second cycle or even a first would be bad. As long as you know what you are doing and can combat, and deal with the sides, there is no reason not to take it. but as for the test, yes you are right, i would gain but since on this next cycle ill probably get up towards 240 to 250 lbs, the closer i got to that, the less effective that dosage of test would be. but i could definately pyramid the amount up in the cycle, thats a good idea i think

  7. #7
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    I wouldn't pyramid it just use the same dose from the start you could just run like trt dose test and let the tren be the main compound even it would be anyway lol but less test less sides and there is a lot of ppl doing this just now with very good results with just very little sides from the tren i'm going to try this my next cycle

  8. #8
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    yea ive heard that in the past. definately a good idea, ill look into that for sure. if you dropped the test levels and made tren your main compound, would you need to increase the dosage of it? if so to what? and what would you reccommend for the test dosage like 100 mg or so?

  9. #9
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    I agree with above, you could still gain alot from 500mg/weeks. Tren for a second cycle even at that dose(who BTW won't do much) is not a good idea.
    First cycle was successful, keep going that way.

    test/d-bol again, or switch d-bol for anadrol .
    You had a good recovery don't had tren to **** that...

    Tren will make your recovery harder, it do not worth it for 100mg/week. HELL NO it do not worth it...

    Stick to your first cycle

    These peptide would be a waste of money IMO... (except melanotan 2)
    And Personnally I would never touch to insulin !!! If you want to I hope you know what you are doing...

    Melatonan 2 seems a really cool product, I would like to try it soon.

    good luck.
    Last edited by qscgugcsq; 07-27-2013 at 02:47 PM.

  10. #10
    Smallbody is offline New Member
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    hmm true i need to think about this and research it more. another idea i had was running the igf and mgf as well as insulin throughout my pct to help maintain muscle mass? and as for the dosage of tren , what would be an effective dose for first time user?
    and i agree, i want to look into what clarky was saying about running test at trt doses.

    but yea if i do decide to run the insulin ill keep a log of it, so i can take others imput into it. that stuff can be nasty, a bodybuilder i know who competes at a national npc level told me he almost died when taking insulin as the insulin level is brain dropped to close to zero. Def not something to **** around with, you needa make sure you get dextrose in you right after taking it and have proper nutrition the next few hours.

  11. #11
    qscgugcsq's Avatar
    qscgugcsq is offline Anabolic Member
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    Peptide to bridge between cycle or to help maintain muscle while PCT is ok, I just think that not worth it ON cycle.

    Tren for a first would be around 75mg EOD so about 250mg/week

    But wait until you can hardly gain 5 pounds on test cycle.

    Tren is for advanced user...

    Insuline is not necessary dont play with that... Except if you want to be 300+ lbs under 10% you dont need to touch that...
    Just my .02

  12. #12
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    fvck the insulin mate you can have a great body without that very dangerous if your going to run the test at trt run at 200mg wk prop 50mg eod use tren at 75-100mg eod

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