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Thread: New and need advice.

  1. #1

    New and need advice.

    New member. There is an offer for a free bottle of up to $175 value with purchase of at least $70. ( Tren75, Test600x, Winn50, etc...). What should I get for that offer. I realize these aren't steroids, but would still like advice.
    Age 37
    Ht. 6'o
    Wt. 210lbs.
    BF around 20%
    Just getting back in gym. Been going pretty much daily for the past four months. Went from 225lbs to 210lbs. Lost over 3" in the waist and counting. Had the ole beer gut but have quit drinking totally for the past 4 months and intend to quit permanently. Currently taking the normal vitamins/supplements (C4, BCAAs, Whey, Deer Antler, CLA, Multivitamin, B12, B1, Fish Oil, etc...)
    Have some cycle experience with Equipoise followed by Testrol oral PCT. That was years ago in my early 20s. Wanting to give it another go, initially with the stuff from the free offer, then progress to the good. Any advice on what to get? Thinking about Test 600x/Tren75 with Finaflex PCT and a liver shield. Any advice? Trying to gain strength and lean mass while cutting and becoming more vascular.

  2. #2
    Nothing, I guess. Since I'm not slammin IM right now, no help.

  3. #3
    You're already taking a lot of supplements. Do you really need more?
    I've been told not to bash that company, as people "get results", but it seems that those that do, choose not to talk about their great results here...

    Sounds like you're doing the right thing already... Congrats on the weight loss!

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