Hi guys, I'm preparing a cycle later in this year but going to go ahead and buy everything now my source has 300mg/10ml deca and since I'm new to the juice I'm going to do just 300mg instead of 400 or 450 and also buy me some sus at 500mg a week. Now My question comes in here this dude at the gym that tries to think he knows everything said I should take deca every day like winny now I'm sure you prob could but most at what I've heard is 1 shot a week, also I'm thinking of doing dbol as well. So my cycle will look like this if I get the dbol.
1-10=sus 500mg
1-4= Dbol 25mg
4-10=deca 300mg
let me know if this sounds ok and if I should inject the deca once a week or do it everyday like this dude is busting my chops about. I'd rather ask questions and read info rather than taking 1 person advice thanks.