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Thread: New to AAS, questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    New to AAS, questions

    In high school I was about 12% body fat and wrestled the 215 lb weight class at 184 lbs and won more often than I lost. I was a strong, dense dude. Now, I'm 28, married, with a 4 year old daughter, another baby girl on the way, fat, and miserable.

    I do workout 3x per week consisting of the StrongLifts 5x5 program, with a half hour of cardio on an elliptical which keeps my heart rate in the fat burn zone for 30-33 minutes. I am currently 310-320 and about 39% body fat, but I lift 425 lb. on squat, 285 lb. on bench, and almost 200 lb. overhead. I am getting stronger, but my gut is going away REALLY slow. My face isn't even slimming down as fast as it has in the past.

    I have high blood pressure, but I'm about to go back on medication for it. I'm in sales and the sole supporter of the household so money is a roller coaster. So steady, clean diet sometimes ends up being impossible. I've been doing a Ketogenic Cyclical Diet, which has melted off 10% body fat, and about 30 lbs. I like the lifestyle, and I could sustain it.

    I am considering some cutting steroids , an ECA stack, and continuing the Keto diet as best as my pocket book can take. But there is no guarantee I won't eat junk ever.

    I was thinking Stanzolol with some Clen . I am scared of the needle, and my hairline is already thinning on it's own. If I'm going to lose it, I want to get chiseled.

    What are my safest options? The blood pressure gets over 200/130, by the way. Should I wait until it's controlled? Don't want to blow my heart up, I have babies to raise. But at the same time, the slow death of being fat isn't something I want to do either. I drink tons of water, have never been diabetic, and my cholesterol tested well.

    Thanks in advanced.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    You need to get the bf% below 15% and get your bp down to at the very least, 130/80 before considering AAS. The higher your bf is,, the greater the severity of side effects.

    The process of getting your bf down to that level will go a long way to getting your bp down, too. AAS will increase your bp. That is a fact. How much? Everyone is different but my main question right now would be what is the underlying cause of your extreme hypertension? I think that needs to be determined before you start lifting with any intensity, and certainly before considering AAS. If your lipids are 'good' then why is your heart working so hard?

    Can you post your actual test numbers (lipids)?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Part of it is heriditary. Lots of heart disease and blood pressure in my family. My job is very stressful, to boot. Will get on bp medicine immediately. Was hoping the AAS could help get me to 15% but not if the risks are too great.

    I never saw the results of the cholesterol test. My doctor simply told me it was fine. But this was also like 5 years ago.

    Am I better off with heavy cardio and high reps until I get down to bf 15%?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    USA-New Jersey
    you dont need steroids at all...
    with AAS you need perfect diet + workout more than 3 times weekly. you need to be mentally ready..
    you certinly cant do it at 30% BF
    its very dangerous especially that you mentioned you have high blood pressure problems
    steroids increase blood pressure.. you need to drop Fat down .. ALOT DOWN
    go to nutrition section and post your diet and experienced people there will help you right away
    stay clear of clenbuterol, stanzolol and any other drug
    trust me clen is horrible. fever symptoms 24/7 .. and barely does anything
    stanzolol is a steroid. it will shut your natural testosterone down and it doesnt burn fat
    you wont see shit from it
    @ 30% bf if you follow clean diet + workout + cardio for 12 weeks you should be under 15%
    best of luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by V1R4G3 View Post
    Part of it is heriditary. Lots of heart disease and blood pressure in my family. My job is very stressful, to boot. Will get on bp medicine immediately. Was hoping the AAS could help get me to 15% but not if the risks are too great.

    I never saw the results of the cholesterol test. My doctor simply told me it was fine. But this was also like 5 years ago.

    Am I better off with heavy cardio and high reps until I get down to bf 15%?
    Always get copies of labs. You pay for then. They're yours. no way I would trust anyone saying 'it's fine'. Wtf does that mean? Anybody's guess. You can't get other opinions if you don't have the actual results, either. I personally trust no one completely when it comes to my own health. Nobody has a greater vested interest in it than I do!

    The doctor may think 220 is 'fine'. Maybe his criterion is 199 or lower (top of range). I'm not ok with that. It's not 'fine' to me... I want it lower than 150. Ok, sorry for the rant lol.

    I would get your bf down to 15% or less, then see where youre at with cholesterol and bp. By then, you'll be carrying a lot less bodyweight too. That alone should improve your bp. See if you still want to consider AAS at that point. Honestly, you might look and feel so good at that point that you won't even be thinking about it anymore.

    Post your goals in the diet section if youre not sure cut weight quickly. They'll get you on track.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Well, I would suggest to start with blood work. Get all your numbers & you will have a much better understanding of what is going on.

    If everything is fairly straight, go from there. Or make adjustments according to your blood work results.

    It is possible you are in shitty health do to a real medical condition.

    That blood pressure is very excessive even if you were already in AAs.

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