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Thread: Getting Test prescribed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Getting Test prescribed

    This is a bit of a two-part question actually. I want to get test prescribed by my doctor so I'm wondering how to lower my test temporarily so that the results will be in my favor? sleep deprivation, fasting, pot?
    Last edited by mattvdh; 07-29-2013 at 12:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Also is there any natural way of increasing test? I've read a bunch on the subject but then I've also heard/read people saying that its all BS and the only truly proven method is direct test intake.

    Natural methods I've heard: acquiring deep sleep, zinc, b6, healthy fats, magnesium, HIIT, lifting heavy, cruciferous veggies, sex etc
    Can anyone confirm or deny these? I've found that eating moose meat can be beneficial. And have heard that eating an animal high in test can be beneficial as well. Also heard that gladiators use to eat ram's balls to increase test.

  3. #3
    google search both will yield incredible results. I wouldn't recommend lowering your levels though just to get prescribed test. See if they are actually low naturally then go from there. good luck.

  4. #4
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Keep_It_Moving View Post
    google search both will yield incredible results. I wouldn't recommend lowering your levels though just to get prescribed test. See if they are actually low naturally then go from there. good luck.
    i've googled quite a bit on the subject, but it's so vast with misinformation and BS that it's very difficult to root out what to believe. I'd really like to find a source that I can trust, a doctors prescription is the only sure fire method I'm aware of.

  5. #5
    I'd go with the Rams balls... Gladiators are bad ass!

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    What do your blood test results say about your hormone levels?

    Please edit your first post too, this isn't a source board.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 07-29-2013 at 01:34 AM.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2012
    Think about it... if they prescribe test to you it's because they are following you into TRT.

    If they do that they will have to monitor your level.

    and they test LH/FSH, so if you arent on testosterone your lh/fsh won't be shutdowned... So they will conclude you are a liar.

    (it's not even 30% more expensive to buy on the balck market than with prescription(and insurance))

    So If you don't have enough money to afford it, you can't afford to buy enough food to grow.

    So forget that idea...

  9. #9
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    Doctor visits plus lab work and follow up lab work and doctor visits. If you don't have insurance this is the most expensive way to get test. You don't think your gonna waltz in and get one test and walk out with a prescription.
    Oh no they will also want to do a scan of your pituitary to rule out disease and also a trip to the urologist or Endo to rule out other complications.
    Oh forgot to mention they are a lot smarter than your little plan to get over on them.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by qscgugcsq View Post
    Think about it... if they prescribe test to you it's because they are following you into TRT.

    If they do that they will have to monitor your level.

    and they test LH/FSH, so if you arent on testosterone your lh/fsh won't be shutdowned... So they will conclude you are a liar.

    (it's not even 30% more expensive to buy on the balck market than with prescription(and insurance))

    So If you don't have enough money to afford it, you can't afford to buy enough food to grow.

    So forget that idea...
    Food isn't an issue, I go hunting and bring back tons of meat per season. It's not so much about the money, it's about affording to test it on myself. I don't want to be injecting fake shit. I guess I'll do some more reading on how to spot it.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Doctor visits plus lab work and follow up lab work and doctor visits. If you don't have insurance this is the most expensive way to get test. You don't think your gonna waltz in and get one test and walk out with a prescription.
    Oh no they will also want to do a scan of your pituitary to rule out disease and also a trip to the urologist or Endo to rule out other complications.
    Oh forgot to mention they are a lot smarter than your little plan to get over on them.
    Well I live in Canada so these types of tests are free. I was just reading another post about how this guy got his test prescribed so I wanted to see if he's bullshitting. I think it's quite possible to get a prescription but you'll have to do some hoop jumping and convincing.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    What do your blood test results say about your hormone levels?

    Please edit your first post too, this isn't a source board.

  13. #13
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    Only about a million threads here about people getting shut down... But like qscgugcsq said, then what? It is a rather short sighted plan.

  14. #14
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    how's that vegan diet working out for you?

  15. #15
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    Have you had any bloodwork?

    Are you thinking you will get a cycle of test prescribed? Or are you intending to fake results to get on TRT for the rest of your life?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattvdh View Post

    Well I live in Canada so these types of tests are free. I was just reading another post about how this guy got his test prescribed so I wanted to see if he's bullshitting. I think it's quite possible to get a prescription but you'll have to do some hoop jumping and convincing.
    Im in canada too and I had no difficulty to order evrything I needed...

    Their was no problem whatsoever.

    And prescriptiom wont be given away tbat easely, testosterone is a controled drugs, no dr. will prescribe it without being sure you need it. They can lose they career by prescribed it to someone without valide reason.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattvdh View Post
    how's that vegan diet working out for you?
    A little off topic but your thread... I am so weak, pale and tired I can barely bench a banana. But with your help I am hoping to learn how to scam some Test.

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