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Thread: Coming off long cycle and got a question to ask.

  1. #1

    Coming off long cycle and got a question to ask.

    Ok i seen the thread with the bad ache and well is there anything else a person can take to make it disappear?

    I havent started the Nova yet and i took a E-blocker about half way into my cycle and i been off tren for about 3 months and test an deca for about 2 months and i aint cleared up any.

    I never had body ache at all and it is pretty bad. I use cleaning pads and good face wash along with body wash and nothing helps. I had very little ache when i was young but nothing to this matter.

    More advice would be nice an i seen Vitamin B5 was something to take as well so where would u be able to get that if i may ask?

    Need all the help i can get cause this shit is just gross and i dont like it a bit.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    It could just be from your cycle a hormone imbalance have you had bloods done ?

  3. #3
    well i had blood tests done but not for that. Just regular blood tests for my every 3 month visit

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Where are you from

  5. #5
    oklahoma city

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    can you not just go to the doc that's what I did after a tren test cycle I had really bad back acne I got anti b and all cleared up there is lots of sh*t you could try but it's easier going to the doc

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Central Florida
    Panoxyl for life homie!!

  8. #8
    i guess i can ask. Now when i hit the nest cycle i suppose i could repeat the same process if it works?

  9. #9
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Aug 2009
    Here are my suggestions.

    There is a cream i use its Vitamin A i can link you to the address i bought it from be sure to use a moisturising cream also cause it does dry your skin out, if your interested msg me, i suffer from minor acne on my face, but it is due to hormonal imbalance since i was coming off the gear.

    If it is OUT OF CONTROL bad, and this is last case scenario Accutane but i must warn you of the side effects. Good luck.

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