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Thread: HGH Stacking

  1. #1

    HGH Stacking

    I am looking into some information regarding HGH stacks. I am looking in to possibly stacking HGH, test, and masteron.

    My first question with this is what would be the best dosage and duration with each?

    What should I pct the test and masteron with while still on the hgh?

    I am pretty set on the hgh but if there would be a better stack with it, what are your suggestions?

    Also any other information you can give I would greatly appreciate it.

    About myself
    I am 26 years old. 5'11" 209lbs with 14% body fat. I am a former college athlete and have been seriously lifting for about 12 years. I would like to gain a little size but nothing too drastic while trimming up. Basically I am shooting for a physique similar to that of a men's physique competitor.

    ****** Please understand I am gathering information through here and many other sources and have found sometimes the best information comes from the horses mouth, which is why I am asking. I am not looking for sarcastic or downgrading comments, they are a waste of time and effort. I am strictly researching at this point and would greatly appreciate your help.

    Thank you

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by msk0307
    I am looking into some information regarding HGH stacks. I am looking in to possibly stacking HGH, test, and masteron.

    My first question with this is what would be the best dosage and duration with each?

    What should I pct the test and masteron with while still on the hgh?

    I am pretty set on the hgh but if there would be a better stack with it, what are your suggestions?

    Also any other information you can give I would greatly appreciate it.

    About myself
    I am 26 years old. 5'11" 209lbs with 14% body fat. I am a former college athlete and have been seriously lifting for about 12 years. I would like to gain a little size but nothing too drastic while trimming up. Basically I am shooting for a physique similar to that of a men's physique competitor.

    ****** Please understand I am gathering information through here and many other sources and have found sometimes the best information comes from the horses mouth, which is why I am asking. I am not looking for sarcastic or downgrading comments, they are a waste of time and effort. I am strictly researching at this point and would greatly appreciate your help.

    Thank you
    Not sure if you are planning on injecting GH from the same syringe as your gear but I would recommend separate injections for GH and anabolics for several reasons:

    1. GH is water soluble
    2. GH is generally administered subQ, not IM although it is possible. Anabolics are typically IM unless low doses are used and then SQ is an option
    3. Dosing schedules for anabolics are different from GH. GH schedules are typically 3/2, 5/2, or 6/1.
    4. Doses of GH are considerably smaller and measured in IUs making slin pins an ideal choice of delivery instrument.

    It sounds like a lot more reading is required on your part. Plenty of guys will help you once you propose a cycle plan. Coming here asking how much to use implies you haven't done much learning and reading on your own. If you are serious about this, invest some time into developing your knowledge first. Then return with a proposal for critique.

    I'd would be a good idea to list your prior cycle experience as well so the members can determine if your proposal is appropriate based on former cycle experiences.

    Don't forget your nutrition plan. You simply will NOT achieve your goals if your nutrition is less than ideal. Everyone says their nutrition is "spot on". Few people actually know how to develop a nutrition plan to drive their goals. My suggestion, if you are confident in your nutrition plan, post it for a critique and see if other members agree or disagree.

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