Ok guys i’m starting this thread to buil a solid knowledge base so when time comes i’ll know the basics for aas cycles. (PLEASE READ TILL THE END, IT’S A KNOWLEDGE ONLY THREAD)
And for those who will probably tell me that I’m not ready : I’m not running aas now, I’ll wait the right moment , building a solid muscle base first (when i'll reach 70 kg).
Just don’t like wasting my time and I’d rather ask know taking things slowly to understand, than wait the last minute and ask everything in a hurry some days before my cycle.
Probably my first cycle will be test only, even if I’m still thinking of adding an oral (dbol) to kickstart but for now I just want to have as much knowledge as possible on test first.
I read a lot of threads and I decided that I will go with a Test enan cycle. It’s way cheaper than prop for me and even if I’m fine with ed-eod injections and pain (for test prop.) I’d rather start soft both on skin and wallet…
So I thought that a good first cycle could be a test enan only 12 week cycle
But I also thought that I could kickstart it and end it with test prop (I read it’s a good choice)…
That’s what came out
1-3 test prop 50mg ed
1-12 test enan 350 ew
13-14 test prop 50mg ed
1-14 aromasin 12.5mg eod (adjusted according to needs)
1-16 hcg 2x250 ew
Pct 3-4 days after last prop injection
Clomid 75-50-50-25
Nolva 40-20-20-20 but not sure if need it
Now the questions
1- Assuming that I want to run a 350mg/week test enan cycle… how should I manage test prop dosages ?
I mean, if first week I shoot 350mg test E (first day) + 50mg test prop eod it’s going to be way more than 350mg for the first weeks….
How does that work exactly ? I know that test E will not kick in immediately but it’s still in my body. Isn’t that dosage “too much” ?
2- Is it a good idea to end the cycle again with test prop ? I read that instead of waiting for my body to clear from test e for almost 2 weeks without injecting test it’s best to inject test prop and solidify the gains.
3- As for kickstart, I read that test enan takes time to kick in on it’s own… ok for that. But some say it takes a couple of weeks, some say 4 weeks, and some say even up to 6 weeks…. So who’s right ? I know every one will respond differently to test, I’m just looking for an average answer
4- What are pro and con’s for a test prop kickstart instead of an oral kickstart (I think I’d go with dbol) ?
5- Is this cycle going to give more side effects than a shorter cycle ? by shorter I mean 12 week instead of 14, so not a real big difference.
6- I read an article comparing 300mg and 600mg test on a 12 week cycle (google this “300 mg of test e vs 600 mg per week human study”) so I want to ask those who have experience what is the best thing to do, start with a low dose like 300-350mg or go ahead with a 500mg ew of test ? logically you’ll say the lowest the better, but what’s the minimum ? 200mg, 250mg …. Etc ?
7- Related to the previous question, I want to know what would be the problem in starting with a “high” dose.
I mean for a first cycle 350mg ew may be enough, but what if I start with 500 ? I will get great result, but does this dose make my body sort of “addicted” to test ?
What I mean is that, if 350mg could give me good results for first cycle but I start with 500mg and obtain great result, will I need to run 500mg for further cycles to get good results ? in other words, does it work like addiction for analgesic (I take oxycodone for chronic pain so I know what I’m talking about) ?
I think that covers a lot of questions for now…