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  1. #1
    ayoparky is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013

    How many calories should I consume while on cycle.

    I realize that diet is probably the single, biggest determining factor in the amount and quality of the gains you make while on a cycle. That being said, I just started a cycle and am curious how many calories and what macros for carbs, protein and fat I should be looking for. Right now I consume approximately 3200 calories per day with 270-300 grams of protein, 270-300 grams of carbs and 70-90 grams of fat. I am running 6 weeks of d-bol 25 mg/day for 6 weeks along with 12 weeks of Test E at 500 mg/week. Please see my info below and keep in mind that I am trying to gain solid, lean mass without too much extra fat.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'11
    BF% 17
    First cycle
    3 years training experience.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Not sure what "Cycling" has to do with your intake, but generally for a bulk, 500 + calories over TDEE is good. Same amount in a deficit for a cut.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    ayoparky is offline New Member
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    Jul 2013
    Not sure what TDEE is. I am assuming that it is the amount of calories you are burning daily. What is the best way to determine how many calories you are burning everyday.

  4. #4
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Aug 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ayoparky View Post
    I realize that diet is probably the single, biggest determining factor in the amount and quality of the gains you make while on a cycle. That being said, I just started a cycle and am curious how many calories and what macros for carbs, protein and fat I should be looking for. Right now I consume approximately 3200 calories per day with 270-300 grams of protein, 270-300 grams of carbs and 70-90 grams of fat. I am running 6 weeks of d-bol 25 mg/day for 6 weeks along with 12 weeks of Test E at 500 mg/week. Please see my info below and keep in mind that I am trying to gain solid, lean mass without too much extra fat.

    Age: 31
    Height: 5'11
    BF% 17
    First cycle
    3 years training experience.
    My guesstimate would be that you need more then 2700 and less then 4000.

  5. #5
    ChiveOn's Avatar
    ChiveOn is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ayoparky View Post
    Not sure what TDEE is. I am assuming that it is the amount of calories you are burning daily. What is the best way to determine how many calories you are burning everyday.
    Take a look in the nutrition section. You can find the formula for TDEE there.

  6. #6
    rmbX66t1 is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2012
    Ultimately, only you should know how many calories you need. If you feel you are ready, capable, and understanding of your body enough to start administering synthetic hormones, then you really should have (at the very least) a moderate grasp on what caloric intake your body responds to for different goals.

    Austinite said it all, in terms of a bulking baseline. Experiment from there, I've gone as high as 10,000 Cals at 270 lbs., and as low as 2,000 Cals at 230 lbs. - I wouldn't recommend either. Those numbers are simply an example of the broad range of experimentation.

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