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Thread: Getting Back In the Game

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Getting Back In the Game

    Hi Guys been out a long time. Focusing on work and other things. Started my training back, going to post in the diet section and get a good solid diet sorted shortly

    Now the hard part.
    Im not upto date with current compounds so if you could help atall that would be great.

    I travel a lot with work and can be away for a couple of days or even driving for 12hours a time. So injecting will be an issue, wanting to keep my blood levels stable due to previous alopecia triggered by a cycle. Im looking for either steroid base or gh/igf that wont cause internal storms if i go a day or two without being able to inject.

    Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    Whats up man. What compounds have you used already? What are ya familiar with? Stats? Goals?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Dont want to confuse anyone with cycle experiance...

    Basically as a naive 17year old done 20weeks on dbol & winny and lost half my hair due to triggering alopeia...

    Then run test e with tbol kick start.. With a dht blocker & estrogen reducer... Cycle never really felt like i was "On" probably due to blocking too much worried about alopecia returning.

    24/5,10ft/ 170pounds (depressing)

    Before i get flamed im just lookin into possiblilities and will focus on diet again for a couple of months before even thinking of aas

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    How long did you run the test E for, and at what dosage? Maybe the Test E was underdosed? Maybe you weren't eating enough? If you were dissapointed with the results of the Test E, something was definitely off. I like reading more and more about all the "latest" popular compounds and what not, but reality is the best compounds to use are the ones everyone knows about and have been around the longest. I'd say, get back into shape. Build a base. Make sure you're diet is in check, then just stick with Test. Maybe use prop to kickstart and run Test E or Cyp. 20 weeks on dbol and winny probably fcked your liver up pretty bad. What mg of each were you taking? Did you take both for 20 weeks straight?

    I don't know if the dht blockers are 100% effective. I always thought that if you're prone to hairloss, and you want to juice, you might as well just start getting used to being bald.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    mobile, al
    I went through the same thing with test e. eventually I figured out my diet was off. I wasn't eating near enough total calories. I was so worried about putting on fat. When I upped my calories I gained like crazy. And didn't really gain any fat weight. Remember any steroid is going to make your body eat up nutrients.

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