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  1. #1
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    Post Injectable DBOL?

    I got a couple 10ml bottles of DBOL from denkall due to my connection not having any pills for another month and was wondering how injectable is compared to pills and does it tend to be faked a lot? 1ml=25mg. should I run it every day? I know you guys recieve a lot of questions and I appreciate the help and I did some research and didnt find shit on injec. DBOL.

  2. #2
    jersey juice is offline Member
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    I've seen that stuff out there, it's got all kinds of vitamins in it too... reforvit-b or something... haven't used it, but interested... I would think you'd have to inject ed due to dbol 's short half life, but I'm just guessing from what I know about traditional dbol...

  3. #3
    xxxl83 is offline Productive Member
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    Don't inject that shit. Drink it.


  4. #4
    bobbo23's Avatar
    bobbo23 is offline Associate Member
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    reforvit-b is made by a mexican company called Loeffler(sp?) but its very dirty ,dont inject, drink it .

  5. #5
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    Drink it ehh? How should I run it. Something like half a CC 2 times a day? and just drink it staight or mix it with some water??

  6. #6
    Sicilian30's Avatar
    Sicilian30 is offline Respected Member
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    Yes, Liquid dbol is dirty. Reforit B is used for oral consumtion. Normal dosases of Dbol are about 50mg per day for 4 weeks. It is best to mix it with OJ or something that is acidic, it supposed to help with digestion. also some folks complain about stomach pains when taking dbol on an empty stomach, may be wise to have some food in your stomach before.

  7. #7
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    So I should not inject it? Why is it soo dirty? Thanks for the replies..

  8. #8
    Matt Foley's Avatar
    Matt Foley is offline Member
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    Originally posted by Mike21
    So I should not inject it? Why is it soo dirty? Thanks for the replies..
    correct,do not inject because of an increased risk of infection.think of it like drinking the water in mexico,no gouuud.

  9. #9
    secretagentswole's Avatar
    secretagentswole is offline Junior Member
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    it taste like shit too, recomend putting it in gel caps, that way you can bottle em up, easy to take, and no taste. get the gel caps at a drug store.

  10. #10
    deca2000's Avatar
    deca2000 is offline New Member
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    Hey Guys,

    I just wanted to " inject " something here. I have the same d-bol here. Blue label right????? Any-way. You guys can correct me if I am wrong, but reforvit is a suspension (deposit). Right? If so, that is what makes it ok to take orally. The D-Bol that I have, and what I believe that our friend has, is not. Denkall's Injectable D-bol, is not a suspension. If taken orally, it is my belief that it will not be effictive at all if he "drinks it." The old reforvit was very dirty, and if that was what he had, then I would completely agree. Am I right or wrong fellas??

    Let Me know

  11. #11
    secretagentswole's Avatar
    secretagentswole is offline Junior Member
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    good point, I have only came across the mexican gear and i was told it was a farm stock injectible and it was better for human consumtion orally.

  12. #12
    Rickson's Avatar
    Rickson is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    It can be used orally because it is a 17AA and not because it is suspended in water. All dbol can be used orally because if it didn't have the 17AA it wouldn't be dbol.

  13. #13
    r2ii's Avatar
    r2ii is offline Junior Member
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    eh.. last time i checked the only good from mexico was the spring break parties in cancun.. next time wait for the pills bro

  14. #14
    littlearnold1069 is offline New Member
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    hmmm...good job...the thread started spoke about his denkall d-bol he picked up, not loeffler d-bol, i am sure he would appreciate some replies on the product he actually has, and not the product the first reply said...i myself haven't used the denkall d-bol, only loeffler...definately drink the loeffler...don't know about the denkall

  15. #15
    Mike21 is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for all the replies but like little arnold said I was wanting to know about the DENKALL DBOL not loeffler. So if anyone has any knowledge on it that would be great. Its funny to see everyone say that, "the loeffler shit is dirty so drink it" oh yea get more strain and and dirt in the liver, shit the liver isnt shit for an organ.

  16. #16
    ichabodcrane's Avatar
    ichabodcrane is offline Associate Member
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    You can drink it regardless of whether it is in a solution of oil or propylene glycol. It goes to the same place-liver. It is believed that by going through first pass when taken orally, it activates certain growth factors and hence is more effective. But you can opt to inject it as well . Since I believe denkall uses oil for the solution (correct me if I am wrong), it would just create a small depot injection and create a small time release, altough not much. Theoretically because you are injecting it, you would not need as much compared to a po dose because bioavailibility is greater due to no first pass. Sorry I don't know the doses if you choose to inject, but I have seen them (don't remember where,but could find them if you need). Also, ref-b is not a suspension, it is a solution, but either way it would have no difference in effect if taken orally. Suspension only means the particles are not in solution, not dissolved or not in a homogenous phase, and they are detectable by visible means.

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