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Thread: Prop or cyp?

  1. #1
    Americanman10's Avatar
    Americanman10 is offline Junior Member
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    Prop or cyp?

    Hey I was wondering. I am going to do a test only cycle for 14 weeks. I just don't know if I should run prop at 600mgs or cyp at 750mgs every week? This will be my third cycle and due to all the running I have to do I am not doing any orals. And suggestions on this cycle would help or any better ways to run prop because I am new to it. Just let me know

  2. #2
    vatix is offline New Member
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    i think you should run prop... easier to controll, you can still quit if you have sides or you start to develop a gyno.. imo. also easier to run the pct , + less water retention if you have a good diet ^^

  3. #3
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    Stats and cycle history

  4. #4
    Americanman10's Avatar
    Americanman10 is offline Junior Member
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    I see. Does 600mgs seem fine with that? And I'll be running an AI so I shouldn't see gyno hopefully!

  5. #5
    Americanman10's Avatar
    Americanman10 is offline Junior Member
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    I'm 5'10'' weigh 207 with around 13% bf have been training hard for 5-6 years

    My first cycle was test cyp 500mg every week for 10 weeks and I did dbol at 40 mgs for the first four

    Second cycle I ran test cyp at 500mg every week for 14 weeks and also ran the dbol for the first four weeks.

    Both cycles included an AI and PCT.

  6. #6
    drake4243's Avatar
    drake4243 is offline Member
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    14 weeks of prop. I hope you don’t mind being a pin cushion. I would get sick of that. Just run cyp if you are going for 14 week why not make it easy on yourself? The gains should be the exact same.

  7. #7
    vatix is offline New Member
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    i would inject testo prop 100mg EOD , but you can go for 200 , sure

  8. #8
    ksingh93's Avatar
    ksingh93 is offline Associate Member
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    If u dont mind pinning eod 8 week cycle of prop will be good .if u use test cyp or test e they will take 4-5 weeks to kick in as you are not using any orals so prop will be the choice

  9. #9
    Fcarey32's Avatar
    Fcarey32 is offline Associate Member
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    Id like to see some HCG , but it isnt a "necessity" but i agree, I live by Prop, PIP can be a biatch, but nothing you shouldn't be able to get over. And are you still seeing gains at 500mg/W, if you are just run that again. If it aint broke dont fix it ya know? may I ask why you run so much? Just curious, no reason.

  10. #10
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Prop is generally not carried over 8 weeks.

  11. #11
    Americanman10's Avatar
    Americanman10 is offline Junior Member
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    I upped the dose because I want to see even better results than I have seen in the past

  12. #12
    jasc's Avatar
    jasc is offline Welcome to the Good Life
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    Agree with above..

    14 wks is a loong time for Prop. No need to go over 8 weeks IMO

    If you don't mind pinning ED, Prop is great. However, you only have to pin Cyp 2x/wk and there's typically less PIP.

    Prop is in and out of your system faster, but you have to ask yourself if you really want to be pinning that often. That's the deciding factor.
    OdinsOtherSon likes this.

  13. #13
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by vatix View Post
    i think you should run prop... easier to controll, you can still quit if you have sides or you start to develop a gyno.. imo. also easier to run the pct , + less water retention if you have a good diet ^^
    This don't listen to. Vatix your expertise is lacking by even your age. You didn't even care to know what this man's stats were to advise. There is no blanket answer to his questions and much is dependent on his stats, BF%, weight and the length of time for his cycle. It's also good to know from that where his goal is. You just gave him advise that is bogus for his situation. You have a long way to go yourself so please don get on this board and start advising without getting the facts from the OP. I am going to say this...YOU ARE OUT OF LINE, kid.

    OP I agree with the pin cushion syndrome as well as the advise that prop is generally used for shorter cycles. Prop is generally used in conjunction with other compound as well as Enanthate and Cypionate . If you are looking for a high dosage of test only I would approach this much differently using both Prop and E or C.

    I didn't see your age and ultimate goal for this cycle. Did I miss that? ...crazy mike
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  14. #14
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy mike

    This don't listen to. Vatix your expertise is lacking by even your age. You didn't even care to know what this man's stats were to advise. There is no blanket answer to his questions and much is dependent on his stats, BF%, weight and the length of time for his cycle. It's also good to know from that where his goal is. You just gave him advise that is bogus for his situation. You have a long way to go yourself so please don get on this board and start advising without getting the facts from the OP. I am going to say this...YOU ARE OUT OF LINE, kid.

    OP I agree with the pin cushion syndrome as well as the advise that prop is generally used for shorter cycles. Prop is generally used in conjunction with other compound as well as Enanthate and Cypionate . If you are looking for a high dosage of test only I would approach this much differently using both Prop and E or C.

    I didn't see your age and ultimate goal for this cycle. Did I miss that? ...crazy mike
    I concur with CM and the other experienced members. If your plan is to go further than 8 weeks, a longer ester such as test-E or test-C would seem more appropriate for reasons offered above.
    OdinsOtherSon likes this.

  15. #15
    Americanman10's Avatar
    Americanman10 is offline Junior Member
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    I am 27 and I am bulking wanting to get thicker than I already am maybe get up to 225 then cut down to 215

  16. #16
    OdinsOtherSon's Avatar
    OdinsOtherSon is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    I concur with CM and the other experienced members. If your plan is to go further than 8 weeks, a longer ester such as test-E or test-C would seem more appropriate for reasons offered above.
    This is what you want to go with, IMHO.

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