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Thread: Test E only for second cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Test E only for second cycle?

    Stats 45yrs old 5'8" 195 15%bf estimate. It's been 8 weeks since my last pin and I ran the basic clomid, nolva PCT. I started off my first cycle at 182lbs at 18% bf and 195 now and way leaner. Here was my first cycle
    TestE 500wk 1-12
    Dbol 50 wk 1-6
    Winny50 wk 8-12
    Arimidex .25 EOD wk 1-14
    Nolva clomid pct
    I want to run Tren in cycle but should I wait until I have a few more cycles under my belt. Would it be good to run a test E cycle only at 500mg for 12 weeks? I was just wanting to feel the effects of test only and gauge my sides. My first one I had bloat, night sweats, snoring, heartburn, constant boners :-)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    None of the sides were unbearable at all. Also two years ago my doc said my test was 680 and she said it was good for my age. Just had bloodwork done again last week and she said everything looked great. On my first cycle I didn't commit to a strict cut or bulk I just tried to not gain fat. I would like to get and stay in the 10% bf range

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Forget about Tren.
    Also don't run orals for 12 weeks, IMO its too long.
    Sounds like you've failed to control your e2 last cycle.
    Test only should have been your 1st cycle.
    I would do Test only, see how your body reacts to it.
    The for your next cycle you can do test&var, or test&deca.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I know I should have run a test only first cycle that's one reason I want to do it for my second. I'm curious about running a test only cycle since its the base of all cycles. Do you think running .25mg of arimidex EOD is a good starting point for this cycle? I'm sure sides are to be expected cycling I just don't know what point to up the arimidex dose. My sides were the strongest on the dbol

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    North east England
    Quote Originally Posted by XstabberX
    I know I should have run a test only first cycle that's one reason I want to do it for my second. I'm curious about running a test only cycle since its the base of all cycles. Do you think running .25mg of arimidex EOD is a good starting point for this cycle? I'm sure sides are to be expected cycling I just don't know what point to up the arimidex dose. My sides were the strongest on the dbol
    .25mgs of adex is fine and monitor e2 sides like bloat and nipple sensitivity. Test is a great cycle to do on its own even for a 4tg or 5th cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    .25mgs of adex is fine and monitor e2 sides like bloat and nipple sensitivity. Test is a great cycle to do on its own even for a 4tg or 5th cycle.
    I'm excited to try it. I have test and arimidex on hand from my last cycle also. I'm still unclear when or if I need to up the arimidex for sides. My nips got a little sensitive and looked a little different but no lumps. My sex drive was awesome the whole cycle. Heartburn was bad with the dbol and I think it's a sign of high estrogen and that's why pregnant women get it

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by XstabberX View Post
    I'm excited to try it. I have test and arimidex on hand from my last cycle also. I'm still unclear when or if I need to up the arimidex for sides. My nips got a little sensitive and looked a little different but no lumps. My sex drive was awesome the whole cycle. Heartburn was bad with the dbol and I think it's a sign of high estrogen and that's why pregnant women get it
    Do 0.25, get a mid cycle blood work and adjust if needed.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I'll do that. I need to do some research on where to do bloodwork and what I need them to test for. I've only had it done through my regular doctor. Thanks for the info

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