Stats 45yrs old 5'8" 195 15%bf estimate. It's been 8 weeks since my last pin and I ran the basic clomid, nolva PCT. I started off my first cycle at 182lbs at 18% bf and 195 now and way leaner. Here was my first cycle
TestE 500wk 1-12
Dbol 50 wk 1-6
Winny50 wk 8-12
Arimidex .25 EOD wk 1-14
Nolva clomid pct
I want to run Tren in cycle but should I wait until I have a few more cycles under my belt. Would it be good to run a test E cycle only at 500mg for 12 weeks? I was just wanting to feel the effects of test only and gauge my sides. My first one I had bloat, night sweats, snoring, heartburn, constant boners :-)