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Thread: When coming back from shoulder surgery, would a cycle premote healing faster

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question When coming back from shoulder surgery, would a cycle premote healing faster


    Ok, after shoulder surgery i do know there is a certan amount of rehab. after i get to a point of mobility and much healing done would a cycle help in muscle growth and rebuilding or would i just cause a problem in doing so?

    ( acromiam point grinded down, bone spurs, mumford proceedure and possible dissattach of the bi cep and reconnect to relieve some stress on it. That part not sure yet. waiting on a second opinion.

    surgery was delayed till the 22nd

  2. #2
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    I wouldn't do it if your surgery involves connective tissues, look into tb-500.

  3. #3
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    ^if he done therapy then why not. My vote would be yes. Just don't try to lift no heavy ass weights just to light rehab work. That's what its intended to do, repair and regrow tissue. Tb 500 also wouldn't be a bad idea if you can afford it like he said.

  4. #4
    I just had shoulder surgery in April. I started a trt dose of 200mg of test e about 7 weeks ago. It's been helping with getting strength back in my arm since I wasn't able to use it for a year before surgery.

  5. #5
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    Forget the cycle. I've had shoulder R/C repair done twice on one shoulder & a distal bicep tear re-attached. The only thing that will help is proper rest after surgery & then diligent physical therapy. I would suggest you take the therapy very serious and thoroughly complete it. Remember, the purpose of the PT is not to re-build muscle, but to irritate the surgery site causing healing to take place and to regain lost ROM (range-of-motion). Many people just blow off the PT and this is the worst thing you can do. A full recovery can take a year (or more) and you shouldn’t be pushing any maximum weights during this recovery time either. Unless you want two surgeries which is what happened when I started lifting heavy again too soon. Good luck...

  6. #6
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    That man nailed it right on the head. Gains aren't worth injuring yourself even more. Be patient and look into TB-500. I used it post knee reconstruction and I believe it made a significant difference. But as far as test goes, just save it until you're back 100%.

  7. #7
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    Probably wouldn't help the actual recovery, but I just had knee surgery and was bedridden for 6 weeks. I ran a g a week of test prop for the last 2 weeks to combat muscle wasting and it made a big difference. The surgeon thought I would have to have rehab to relearn to walk (the quads waste that much), but I was up with a cane on day 1. So if you are going to he immobilized for an extended period, a little test would keep you from losing too much. But do your homework on what you run so it doesn't impede connective tissue healing. I don't know that anything does for sure, but there's anecdotal reports of some things being rough on joints.

  8. #8
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    Adding Test after surgery will increase Hematocrit levels which could increase chances of developing DVTs/Blood Clots after surgery. Since its the shoulder this is probably reduced somewhat compared to surgery on a leg & being immobile. It's still something to think about though...

  9. #9
    Brazensol's Avatar
    Brazensol is offline Productive Member~ Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I'd lean toward the TB-500. Cost has gone way higher than the last time I used it though. Word must be getting out. It certainly helps.

  10. #10
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    Click the link in my signature to learn all about TB500

    It's not called the healing peptide for nothing....!

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brazensol View Post
    I'd lean toward the TB-500. Cost has gone way higher than the last time I used it though. Word must be getting out. It certainly helps.

    The good news is that I still haven't heard of anyone buying bogus from any website yet.

  12. #12
    Brazensol's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post

    The good news is that I still haven't heard of anyone buying bogus from any website yet.
    That is good news. I am getting ready to but 80 mgs and found a more or less reasonable price (still more than a few months ago though) but was unsure of the quality of the site. I'll send you a pm and see what you think of them.

  13. #13
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    I'd vote tb500 too

  14. #14
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    Too bad oral sex didn't have better curative properties....?

  15. #15
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TASSY5

    Ok, after shoulder surgery i do know there is a certan amount of rehab. after i get to a point of mobility and much healing done would a cycle help in muscle growth and rebuilding or would i just cause a problem in doing so?

    ( acromiam point grinded down, bone spurs, mumford proceedure and possible dissattach of the bi cep and reconnect to relieve some stress on it. That part not sure yet. waiting on a second opinion.

    surgery was delayed till the 22nd
    Time and physical therapy. TB 500 helped me tremendously. Highly suggest you take a peek at times Romans tb500 log. Good luck!

  16. #16
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    I can say from experience, do not do it. I had a shoulder injury in the Army, and had no choice, and had to perform physical training .
    ( No Rehab Available/offered ). I bled internally, and it caused secondary problems later. Your lucky you have a choice, go through a good rehab, and give it time to heal properly.

    Do not take a risk, of scarring a major artery, or damaging nerves. Either, especially nerve damage could cripple, and deform your whole arm.
    people do not think about nerve damage much. It is serious business. I consider myself lucky, and yrs after the initial injury found a good surgeon to repair/move my ulnar nerve.....the guy even used a plastic surgery technique on the scar......he saved my whole arm, otherwise it would have been deformed. I was having some problems, but after I started TRT it reactivated the nerve, and now seeing more muscle growth.

    Just to give you a better understanding. Nerve damage will cause your muscles to have neurogenic atrophy. It is very painful. In my case my whole hand would cramp up so bad I could feel my bones popping, crackling, and a few times even though I had broken my fingers. I learned very quickly to use my other hand to grasp between my fingers to avoid this. But that is not all you start to notice decrease in muscle mass in your whole arm, and pain in the shoulder/neck. During this Phase exercise does not help, it just increases the cramps/muscle spasms. Just little task like getting the keys outa your pocket, and unlocking the door is tough causing cramps.

    I am very thankful I started TRT, The cramps stopped immediately, and muscle is going back to normal. Just friggin unbelievable. Just a few days after my 1st TRT injection, I could feel a spark along my Ulnar nerve, and itching, along the nerve....I knew what this was ( I had felt it before), and yrs ago my neuro surgeon explained it is a sign of nerve growth/activation. Although this is something I did not expect from TRT therapy. This is why I joined this site, and read daily.

    The body is amazing, although after any injury give it time to heal, as others have said, it could take a year to heal.
    Considering nerves, they heal slow, something like 1 inch per year.

    So remember without the nerves working properly, your muscle will die.
    Last edited by laser; 08-11-2013 at 12:31 PM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    i AM ON trt, 200 MG tEST c WEEKLY .25 arimadex EOD.

    I will look into this TB 500, never heard of it. thanks

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by laser View Post
    I can say from experience, do not do it. I had a shoulder injury in the Army, and had no choice, and had to perform physical training .
    ( No Rehab Available/offered ). I bled internally, and it caused secondary problems later. Your lucky you have a choice, go through a good rehab, and give it time to heal properly.

    Do not take a risk, of scarring a major artery, or damaging nerves. Either, especially nerve damage could cripple, and deform your whole arm.
    people do not think about nerve damage much. It is serious business. I consider myself lucky, and yrs after the initial injury found a good surgeon to repair/move my ulnar nerve.....the guy even used a plastic surgery technique on the scar......he saved my whole arm, otherwise it would have been deformed. I was having some problems, but after I started TRT it reactivated the nerve, and now seeing more muscle growth.

    Just to give you a better understanding. Nerve damage will cause your muscles to have neurogenic atrophy. It is very painful. In my case my whole hand would cramp up so bad I could feel my bones popping, crackling, and a few times even though I had broken my fingers. I learned very quickly to use my other hand to grasp between my fingers to avoid this. But that is not all you start to notice decrease in muscle mass in your whole arm, and pain in the shoulder/neck. During this Phase exercise does not help, it just increases the cramps/muscle spasms. Just little task like getting the keys outa your pocket, and unlocking the door is tough causing cramps.

    I am very thankful I started TRT, The cramps stopped immediately, and muscle is going back to normal. Just friggin unbelievable. Just a few days after my 1st TRT injection, I could feel a spark along my Ulnar nerve, and itching, along the nerve....I knew what this was ( I had felt it before), and yrs ago my neuro surgeon explained it is a sign of nerve growth/activation. Although this is something I did not expect from TRT therapy. This is why I joined this site, and read daily.

    The body is amazing, although after any injury give it time to heal, as others have said, it could take a year to heal.
    Considering nerves, they heal slow, something like 1 inch per year.

    So remember without the nerves working properly, your muscle will die.
    After i had a neck injury it didnt get better even after 2 months and i experienced atrophy and weakness of my left arm. I shot 300mgs/ of test twice a week in order to increase gh, as exogenous testosterone can increase Gh/igf-1, and i could not obtain GH. Within a week it was 80% better and two weeks later just a memory. However, after testing my gh, it was actually quite average, even on the low side....which means testosterone worked through another avenue. After looking through litiature..i found that DHT and estrogen both play major roles in rescuing neurons and forming axons etc. DHT seems to be the major player tho. Which makes perfect sense,,think of all the DHT-like roids, winny, var, mast...maybe they arent terribley anabolic but theyre strenght properties are unmatched, because they light up the neuromuscular system, that's why power lifters love them. Androgens may not help connective tissue but they are IMO crucial in nerve repair. I also knew an older gentlman who had a bad disc in his neck, and had also started TRT. I asked him if he noticed any difference in his neck sympttoms since after starting the TRT, and he said " that i think about did get a little better after i started". I think the medical community needs to take another at androgens in healing.
    Recently i found a book that outlines AAS use in a host of diseases called "Anabolic Therapy In Modern Medicine" it out
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 08-15-2013 at 06:35 PM.

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