Originally Posted by
I can say from experience, do not do it. I had a shoulder injury in the Army, and had no choice, and had to perform physical training .
( No Rehab Available/offered ). I bled internally, and it caused secondary problems later. Your lucky you have a choice, go through a good rehab, and give it time to heal properly.
Do not take a risk, of scarring a major artery, or damaging nerves. Either, especially nerve damage could cripple, and deform your whole arm.
people do not think about nerve damage much. It is serious business. I consider myself lucky, and yrs after the initial injury found a good surgeon to repair/move my ulnar nerve.....the guy even used a plastic surgery technique on the scar......he saved my whole arm, otherwise it would have been deformed. I was having some problems, but after I started TRT it reactivated the nerve, and now seeing more muscle growth.
Just to give you a better understanding. Nerve damage will cause your muscles to have neurogenic atrophy. It is very painful. In my case my whole hand would cramp up so bad I could feel my bones popping, crackling, and a few times even though I had broken my fingers. I learned very quickly to use my other hand to grasp between my fingers to avoid this. But that is not all you start to notice decrease in muscle mass in your whole arm, and pain in the shoulder/neck. During this Phase exercise does not help, it just increases the cramps/muscle spasms. Just little task like getting the keys outa your pocket, and unlocking the door is tough causing cramps.
I am very thankful I started TRT, The cramps stopped immediately, and muscle is going back to normal. Just friggin unbelievable. Just a few days after my 1st TRT injection, I could feel a spark along my Ulnar nerve, and itching, along the nerve....I knew what this was ( I had felt it before), and yrs ago my neuro surgeon explained it is a sign of nerve growth/activation. Although this is something I did not expect from TRT therapy. This is why I joined this site, and read daily.
The body is amazing, although after any injury give it time to heal, as others have said, it could take a year to heal.
Considering nerves, they heal slow, something like 1 inch per year.
So remember without the nerves working properly, your muscle will die.