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Thread: Another hair loss question...

  1. #1

    Another hair loss question...

    I am 22, I weigh 210 blonde hair, I've currently finished two cycles one being dbol and test, and then I did a cycle of tren, got awesome gains felt great. I've been off now for about a month and a half but I noticed what I think may be slight thinning of my hair, I am blonde so I possibly might just be thinking I lost hair since its really light and I can see my scalp sometimes, it does seem thinner though, I want to do another cycle in a couple months using test, and deca. I am afraid of losing hair though, so much that I have already ordered propecia to help reverse some of what I lost, if I take propecia with this cycle will that permanently block the dht so that when I go off the cycle it will be as if I never used anything at all? How effective is finasteride in this scenario I do have shitty genes so I know eventually Ill lose my hair but I'd like to keep it all at least into my thirties, or should I just forget aas altogether because I won't risk losing these sexy locks haha jk

  2. #2
    You cannot use finisteride with deca lol. Whilst deca itself is easy on the hair when combined with finisteride you will lose hair like crazy.

    And since you can't really run deca without test that kind of rules deca out completely.

    Just stick to test and finisteride but the thing with fina is that its kind of a life long commitment in that as soon as you go off it your dht returns and youll quickly lose all that you would have lost if you hadnt taken it in the first place

    also because when you start fina you start in a shedding phase you cannot simply just go on it on cycle to inhibit the dht then go off it again... its best to stay on it permanently imo although going on temporarily may inhibit some of the dht on cycle.

    but whatever you do no deca with fina lol

  3. #3
    Well FCK me, looks like I wasted 83.00 on finasteride. It still doesn't make sense though you're saying there's no way to just take propecia for a while to see if things thicken back up? Or is my best option to just stop taking anything to prolong my hair.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I've ran npp and deca both while on finasteride my wiener and hair were both good

  5. #5
    Mp859; you got lucky lol. You should not take fina and deca together. Look it up if you do not believe me... very bad for your hair.

    blocky; well the way fina works is that it reduces DHT levels and DHT is what accelerates hair loss if you have a genetic predisposition to it. Lets say you go on fina for 10 yrs you will retain your hair and then you suddenly get off it then you will start rapidly shedding hair until you get to the point where you would have been if you had never taken fina to begin with.

    I guess there may be some sense in taking fina just for the cycle... fina blocks about 70% of DHT and on cycle DHT levels are much higher (but apparently it still blocks about 70% of it according to the hairlossonsteroids expert guy).

    If I were you I would do one of the following;

    1. Ditch the deca and just run test and fina together. If this is too weak then add superdrol - superdrol is very easy on the hairline and very good too (just ****s the liver)
    2. take test and deca and take something that topically blocks DHT and hope for the best
    3. Take just test and make a life long commitment to the fina - apparnetly you wont get sexual sides if you dont within the first few weeks and even if you do there is nothing TRT cant fix so its not like they will be for life

  6. #6
    I don't know if this will help but it is worth trying. Look for Cordyceps Sinensis, a 'herbal' supplement. It is actually a parasitic fungus that grows and feeds on the body of a worm. Wild picked ones from Tibet can worth more its weight in gold but I doubt you can find it. Look for lab cultivated types which are usually grounded into powder and filled into capsules.

    According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys govern the strength and health of hair. Cordyceps Sinensis nourish and strengthen the kidneys, not by the way western science understands it such as nutrients or specific molecules, but by replenishing subtle energies of the kidneys.

    I cycle and have problems with thinning hair at the top and everytime I shampoo I see hair on my hands. It is greatly reduced now after I started taking it. On my bottle it says take 1 - 2 caps daily. Once I forgot to take it and I popped in 3 caps EOD to compensate and that was when I realised there were less hair on my hands when I shampoo my head.

    I don't know if this benefit comes only from that particular brand of product I am taking now, or whether it is just a coincidence for my case.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    The misconception that deca with finasteride is a bad combination stems from the the days when deca only cycles were more common If one were running a deca only cycle (or any deca cycle without test), then finasteride would be a poor choice, because DHN is less androgenic than nandrolone. However, since we're assuming test to be included in a deca cycle, and both test and DHT are far more androgenic than nandrolone, if your goal is preventing the formation of the most androgenic compounds, then both deca and finasteride work together to reduce DHT formation.

    To sum things up, if you're running a test + deca cycle and are worried about MPB (and you're susceptible), then including finasteride is a far better option than NOT including it, although the nandrolone will help to reduce DHT formation on its own to some extent.

    I read this and it seems accurate

    Idk for sure though but I've had no bad luck so far running both

  8. #8
    Thanks for all the help guys, if it weren't for your guy's care to reply guys like me would be f*cked.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The Empire
    Shave it off.

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