I am 22, I weigh 210 blonde hair, I've currently finished two cycles one being dbol and test, and then I did a cycle of tren, got awesome gains felt great. I've been off now for about a month and a half but I noticed what I think may be slight thinning of my hair, I am blonde so I possibly might just be thinking I lost hair since its really light and I can see my scalp sometimes, it does seem thinner though, I want to do another cycle in a couple months using test, and deca. I am afraid of losing hair though, so much that I have already ordered propecia to help reverse some of what I lost, if I take propecia with this cycle will that permanently block the dht so that when I go off the cycle it will be as if I never used anything at all? How effective is finasteride in this scenario I do have shitty genes so I know eventually Ill lose my hair but I'd like to keep it all at least into my thirties, or should I just forget aas altogether because I won't risk losing these sexy locks haha jk