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Thread: PIP, Slight Redness, Hit Nerve

  1. #1

    PIP, Slight Redness, Hit Nerve

    Injected 1.5 cc of Test E at 350mg/ml in right glute. Pinned it, struck a nerve, glute twitched, removed needle and replaced the needle.

    1.5 inch 25ga needle, btw. Inserted needle a second time, no pain, nice slow injection. 3 days later I have slight swelling 6 inches below injection sites and slight redness in a 6-7 inch diameter.

    I understand sometimes oil moves, or 1.5cc of a slightly higher concentrated gear or BA can be an irritant...

    Question, should I be concerned of infection?
    Will striking a nerve cause redness and swelling, even if its not directly at the injection site?


  2. #2
    Maybe oil seeped out of glute and is trapped subQ?

    Anything to do but wait, if that's the case?

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