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Thread: just starting

  1. #1
    winman23 is offline New Member
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    just starting

    hi im wondering if it would be smart to just to low level doses of test for about three weeks to see how my body reacts to it before doing my first full cycle?
    and if that is good, should there be something else to take to prevent side effects?

  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by winman23
    hi im wondering if it would be smart to just to low level doses of test for about three weeks to see how my body reacts to it before doing my first full cycle?
    and if that is good, should there be something else to take to prevent side effects?
    At 21 no you shouldn't be considering the use of aas. What are your other stats?

  3. #3
    winman23 is offline New Member
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    22 almost 23 and 6'5, 220, 10.5%bf

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by winman23 View Post
    22 almost 23 and 6'5, 220, 10.5%bf
    Training experience, Nutrition?

  5. #5
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    At 22 your natural test levels will be very high so dosing low amounts of exogenous test to replace what you already have would make no sense.
    You won't gain anything and risk a lot of damage. Pointless buddy.

  6. #6
    winman23 is offline New Member
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    i am an athlete so i train hard in off season about four months a year and then maintain lifting along with playing my sport about the last 7 years. i eat a fairly clean healthy diet eating about six times a day. if i were to try this i would clean it up entirely.

  7. #7
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigsiv View Post
    At 22 your natural test levels will be very high so dosing low amounts of exogenous test to replace what you already have would make no sense.
    You won't gain anything and risk a lot of damage. Pointless buddy.
    ^^^ This above. Low levels will not do anything at your age and probably put you at health risks. Wait a year or tow and do it right. Also if you don't know what to take with Test like your AI and the pct. you should not go forward at any age. ...crazy mike

  8. #8
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    at 22 i ran cycle and i hurt my self for 2 years i couldnt get erection and had low free testosterone
    and after over a year of running all kind of PCT's high doses HCG , HMG. i got it up Not to where it was before!
    and i have to live with LOWER test for ever
    i would definitely stay away from it. its not worth it. worst thing in the world if u cant get ur dick hard man
    u wont sleep at night. living on Cialis isnt nice at early 20's

  9. #9
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by winman23
    i am an athlete so i train hard in off season about four months a year and then maintain lifting along with playing my sport about the last 7 years. i eat a fairly clean healthy diet eating about six times a day. if i were to try this i would clean it up entirely.
    Why not clean it up first?

  10. #10
    winman23 is offline New Member
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    alright thanks guys

  11. #11
    winman23 is offline New Member
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    i mean its pretty good already other than the odd weekend during the week its fine

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