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Thread: 41 year old virgin

  1. #1

    Question 41 year old virgin

    I am relying on the expertise of those that have gone before me. I have read and researched and prepared. I have decided to start a 10 week cycle next week.

    I'm 41. In very good shape. Been weight training for a couple of years. Have seen nice gains but want to take it to the next level.

    175 lbs
    12% BF

    I purchased 10ml vial of 250mg Test Enanthate/200mg Nandrolone Decanoate. As stated I will be doing a 10 week cycle and taking injection 1X per week. I will also begin taking 1mg of Anastrozole 1X per week.

    Here are my questions.

    Are 25g 1" syringes the way to go for injections in my butt?

    Is the 250mg/200mg ratio sufficient for solid gains? Especially considering this is my first cycle.

    Should I "inject" on any particular day of the week or just start when I'm ready?

    Is the 1mg of Anastrozole 1X per week sufficient enough AI? Should I add any other compounds for PCT?

    Any help, insight or advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks everyone!!!

  2. #2
    1" is a little small for a glute injection. Go for 1.5".
    I personally like to inject in my delt. I use either a 5/8" 25g or a 1/2" 27g. No pain what so ever!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Reading title, I was gonna suggest hookers.
    You need to run test only for your 1st cycle.
    This is how it should look.

    Test e 250mg injections twice a week. 500/wk total 3.5 days apart. Week 1-12
    Adex .25mg every other day from week 1 till pct.
    Hcg 250 iu x2 week 3.5 days apart. Week 1-12.

    PCT, 2 weeks after last pinn.
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50.

    Do some more research, you need to educate yourself in order to run cycles as safe as possible without causing serious health problems. Consider HCG as a must for a cycle. 25 or 23g is fine. Use 18 or 23 to draw and 23 or 25 to inject. I prefer 23g, less pain afterwards.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Plano41
    I am relying on the expertise of those that have gone before me. I have read and researched and prepared. I have decided to start a 10 week cycle next week.

    I'm 41. In very good shape. Been weight training for a couple of years. Have seen nice gains but want to take it to the next level.

    175 lbs
    12% BF

    I purchased 10ml vial of 250mg Test Enanthate/200mg Nandrolone Decanoate. As stated I will be doing a 10 week cycle and taking injection 1X per week. I will also begin taking 1mg of Anastrozole 1X per week.

    Here are my questions.

    Are 25g 1" syringes the way to go for injections in my butt?

    Is the 250mg/200mg ratio sufficient for solid gains? Especially considering this is my first cycle.

    Should I "inject" on any particular day of the week or just start when I'm ready?

    Is the 1mg of Anastrozole 1X per week sufficient enough AI? Should I add any other compounds for PCT?

    Any help, insight or advice would be appreciated.

    Thanks everyone!!!
    The one vial may not be enough. Always some waste along the way. From what I've read from vets on here and elsewhere, test only for first cycle. That way you can tell if you get bad sides from just the one compound.

    I think more research may be in order, but I'm sure some vets will chime in on this, and be more helpful. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Bubba Army
    I would do atleast 400mgs a week to see any type of results. I did 350mg a week five years ago and it was shitty, I stepped it up to 500 and it was so much better.

    I shoot 25gx1" in my glutes and rear delts. Zero pain and Ive never had any issues. It just takes a little longer to plunge the test in but thats fine with me. I draw with 18 gauge..

  6. #6

    Which one?

    Quote Originally Posted by kloter1 View Post
    I would do atleast 400mgs a week to see any type of results. I did 350mg a week five years ago and it was shitty, I stepped it up to 500 and it was so much better.

    I shoot 25gx1" in my glutes and rear delts. Zero pain and Ive never had any issues. It just takes a little longer to plunge the test in but thats fine with me. I draw with 18 gauge..

    I appreciate the feedback so far. I have to admit, I am more confused now than I was before I even posted my questions :-)

    Kloter are you suggesting 400mg of test & deca? Two times per week?

    One point I forgot to mention was that I was using the services of the Low-T Center for about one month. Received 150mg injections once each week for 4 weeks. I did encounter one side effect and that was my balls began to shrink. That is why I stopped going to the Low-T Center plus 150mg injections weren't doing too much. They gave me a script for Clomid which I still have.

    Please advise guys!!!!!

    I want to be safe YET effective AND see some respectable gains.

    Thanks again!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Toronto Canada
    lol I though you never had sex in your life when I saw the title

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    The south
    Only do the test. Save the deca for the next cycle. I would follow DexterMorgans advice.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Test only. 500mgs at 250 2x weekly. Adex EoD at .25mg and adjust accordingly. 12wks total
    Deca is a 19nor and presents a whole different side of things and a slew of different side effects possible. Until you figure out how you react to test only don't complicate things.

    What are you doing for pct?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by ChiveOn View Post
    Test only. 500mgs at 250 2x weekly. Adex EoD at .25mg and adjust accordingly. 12wks total
    Deca is a 19nor and presents a whole different side of things and a slew of different side effects possible. Until you figure out how you react to test only don't complicate things.

    What are you doing for pct?

    My PCT plan is what is lacking. I need direction. I was going to follow "Dexter" rec'd above. Curious to know if I'm going to see gains running only test e?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    SoCal USA
    Yes you will. It's almost triple the test produced by your body when you were half your age and in your prime. If ou can't grow off test only it's because your training and diet are severely lacking.
    A lot of guys here use test only for their first 3-5 cycles

    Pct should look like
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    Cuz I'm feelin generous

  12. #12
    What is also confusing is the duration of a test e cycle. The "testosterone" section on the main page says a cycle should last 12-16 weeks. However, most everyone posting says 10 weeks. Yet another thing to confuse me :-(

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself

  14. #14
    Thank you for the direction ChiveOn

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