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Thread: Mental Effects on nandrolone and sustanon.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    cleaning sewers with my t

    Mental Effects on nandrolone and sustanon.

    Im living in new york and i have a very trusted source so i know mh gear is deffs legit and not some coke powder etc

    im currently on 1000mg sus. highest ive run test before and
    600mg deca. i go thru phases where things bother me. but its eitger the high test dose and increased sexual function thats causing me to have my mind. mind **** me.

    for eg.

    i absolutely repolse something sexual and would never ever ever go thru with it. but my mibd is playing tricks on me and telling me otherwise. and whenever i let my.mind in control to think of it. i feel like utter shit.

    i will not mention what it is. please respect that and dont ask.

    i know this is a phase in going thru. seems on cycle i go thru some diff phase every few weeks. this sexual one seems to be thr current one atm. had a few diff phases over the last few times ive been cycling

    this was fine ehwn i was sitting on 250 test. but now im on 1000 my mind is ****ing with me about this sexual innuendo. that id never go thru with. is it due to the way u are on cycle/hormonrs? i know that when ui lower test back down in a few weeks. all will be good. just wonderibg why this is.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    First of all there are a good many things above that aren't even words. I think you just put letters together. Second I can't follow what you are trying to ask. You want to be a sexual deviant? And why will you be lowering test back down in a few weeks? Why are you running a gram a week now? That's a lot. What are your stats and experience with aas?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    cleaning sewers with my t
    Sorry mate, my wording is wrong. What I mean is, hmmm how do I put this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    cleaning sewers with my t
    Im having weird thoughts ever since my test was upped to 1000mg. I started on 300mg. Then decided to up it for the last few weeks of cycle to really max out gains as this is my last bulker cycle for a while.. Im on TRT. Ever since I upped it. my sex drive has increased and so have my sexual thoughts. One sexual thought is quite disturbing to me, but my mind seems to like the thought of it, but I know its only the steroids doing that and the chemical changes and signals sent to the brain because I know I would never follow thru with this certain thought and I DONT enjoy it. But its mind ****ing me. When I drop the test dose I know it wont be so bad.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    cleaning sewers with my t
    Get it now?

    Whenever I think of this thought, and I try not to I start getting anxiety and feel like shit/lose appetite because what if I followed thru with it because im on cycle and my mind is telling me to.
    Sorta like a person with scizo, they have a voice in there head telling them to do something when they KNOW they don't want to. Sorta like that but I have no voice its just a thought in my mind im trying to get rid of, But being on high dose test doesn't help, esp with the increased sex drive...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    So is the high dose worth what it is doing to you? Seems like you know the answer. It's all in your mind. If you know that, you can keep yourself from giving in to the temptation. Just white knuckle it for the few weeks or back off on the amount of test. Seems like the only 2 solutions you are giving yourself.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    cleaning sewers with my t
    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    So is the high dose worth what it is doing to you? Seems like you know the answer. It's all in your mind. If you know that, you can keep yourself from giving in to the temptation. Just white knuckle it for the few weeks or back off on the amount of test. Seems like the only 2 solutions you are giving yourself.
    That im unsure of mate, ive only got a few weeks left of cycle being returning to TRT so if it gets ANY worse then ill cut the dose immediately. Yep I would never give in to the temptation, just annoying how my mind constantly reminds me of this horrible thought, I mean I don't know any guys that would go thru with this and still be respected. Anyways not going into more detail about it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    You are crazy and should probably just take like 10mg of anavar a day and call it a cycle.

  9. #9
    Obviously you're finding someone more sexually attractive then you usually would due too high test levels perfectly normal girlfriends sister girlfriends mum unless you're finding someone something sexually attractive in a way that you find socially unaccepted children animals men who knows what your thinking? If it's going to effect your life adversely that bad, muscle gains are not worth it simple.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by hankdiesel View Post
    You are crazy and should probably just take like 10mg of anavar a day and call it a cycle.
    This,,,,,lol,,,,,,my friend ,since u dont tell us what it is,i cant be specific,butttt if your thinkin rape or anything similar,,,one word my friend,,backpage. Lol

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by mannyg View Post
    Get it now?

    Whenever I think of this thought, and I try not to I start getting anxiety and feel like shit/lose appetite because what if I followed thru with it because im on cycle and my mind is telling me to.
    Sorta like a person with scizo, they have a voice in there head telling them to do something when they KNOW they don't want to. Sorta like that but I have no voice its just a thought in my mind im trying to get rid of, But being on high dose test doesn't help, esp with the increased sex drive...
    If you think its the AAS I would begin PCT immediately. You most likely have some underlying issues and
    as you mentioned the increased hormones,,,stimulated CNS,,etc...have seem to aggravated the problem.
    You should probably see a doctor or talk with some later if your issues persist.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post

    If you think its the AAS I would begin PCT immediately. You most likely have some underlying issues and
    as you mentioned the increased hormones,,,stimulated CNS,,etc...have seem to aggravated the problem.
    You should probably see a doctor or talk with some later if your issues persist.

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