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  1. #1
    cj111's Avatar
    cj111 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Dec 2012

    Endurance athletes

    What kind of cycles do endurance athletes run ? Someone who is not looking to get huge, but more muscular endurance.
    For example, what kinda stuff would lance Armstrong of taken, or anyone that gets busted in the Olympics, what are they on ?


  2. #2
    Flacco's Avatar
    Flacco is offline Member
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    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    It depends on what sport you're talking about. Endurance is endurance, but a cyclist would take something different than say, an MMA fighter. I think among cyclists, Things like HGH, and EPO/blood doping are more popular. They get tested pretty hard, so they most likely aren't taking anything that isn't out of your system quick. As for someone playing soccer or MMA, Low dose test, EQ, Nandralone, primabolin. I'd have to imagine low dose test is your best bet (If testing isn't an issue). If it is, low dose test prop.
    Last edited by Flacco; 08-12-2013 at 09:56 AM.

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