The reason I want want to use prop and E is because I dont want to shoot EOD for 12 WEEKS! The other reason I have my cycle broken down the way I do is because I have 5000mg of Test-E and 5000mg of Test-P. Also, Reason for taking prop for last two weeks is that I can start my PCT within a few days in order I might keep as much gains as possible. My research tells me I am correct, but I have been wrong plenty in my life. I would love some good wisdom on this subject. I Have two questions for you guys
1. Would it be necessary to do 500iu of hCg Twice a week during this cycle to keep my gains when i go into my PCT? Not sure if it would be necessary.
2. Is it ok to cycle the amount I am doing for my first cycle in the begining? Should I ramp up slowly from say week 1-4 than go 800mg total or does it not matter?
Male, 25yrs, 6'1" 240lbs, 18% BF Training on and off since HS. Diet is good. consuming more than 5000cal aday and 390g protein. Im wanting to gain atleast 20lbs of mass in this 12week cycle. I plan on eating real clean with as much good cals and protein my body can handle.

The Test-P I will pin EOD and The Test-E twice a week.

Week 1-6 Test-P 300mg aweek / Test-E 300mg / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 7-10 Test-E 800mg aweek / .5mg Arimidex EOD
Week 11-12 Test-P 800mg aweek / .5mg Arimidex EOD

PCT 7days after last pin:
first 10 days--hCg 500iu ED
PCT SERM after hCg therapy:
Week 1-6 Clomid 50mg/50mg/50mg/30mg/30mg/20mg
Nolvadex 40mg/40mg/40mg/20mg/20mg/20mg

I know I may have went PCT crazy, but I want to be safe. I will be doing another cycle 12weeks later.