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Thread: got a ?

  1. #1

    got a ?

    Hi i have a ? For y'all i have been back in da gym a lil while now i have been taking battle fuel xt & ripped fuel xtreme have noticed a slight diff in my workouts & sex drive dat pisses my wife off lol anyways my son decieded he was gonna do a cycle of test & now he wants to quit it he has a lil more than half a cyc left so heres my ?

    I'm thinkin about finishin his cyc with da test booster & ripped fuel jus to get a lil more edge or should i stopda booster & ripped fuel till i'm doneda half cyc has anyone done dis or jus opinoins to help my thought process

    Thanx in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    No need for booster while on test.

    That would be like throwing a match in a fire.

    "Test booster's" try to increase natty test production. The aas is going to pretty well shut natty testosterone production down anyway..

    On top of that I'd really recommend learning a bit more about steroids before you decide to cycle.. No offense at all bro I'm pretty inexperienced too. Just lookin out!
    Last edited by starscream; 08-15-2013 at 03:29 PM.

  3. #3
    What bout da ripped fuel u think its ok to keep takin

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    You know I don't really feel like I have enough knowledge to answer that, so I'd try to see if someone with more knowledge can comment.. But I would say it shouldn't be NEEDED! whether or not you CAN.. I'm honestly not sure.. I'd say it would really be pointless to be using a fat burner.. I believe the main active ingredient in it is chromium.. Which I have never used but have heard some positive things. I think it just regulates blood sugar so I don't see why you COULDN'T take it.. But again I don't think you will need it.

    What kind of dosage are you planning to use the test at? Have you ever cycled before? And do you have PCT?

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