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Thread: When can I throw mast into my cycle?

  1. #1

    When can I throw mast into my cycle?

    I'm running
    test sust 250.. 700mg/week
    Tren ace ... 350mg/week

    I'd like to add masteron prop to my cycle. It's been 7weeks since I've started. Should I wait till I finish tren or should I stack the 3 togeh?

  2. #2
    Oh.. This is my first cycle. Started at 195lbs and I'm at 226lbs. Slightly lower body fat then I started. 13% down to 11%.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You've ignored all other advice up to this point, does it matter what anybody suggests to you?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    May god have mercy on your soul

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    No point in advice in previous posts you was advised and ignored the vets!!

    Good look to you though you may very well need it !!

  6. #6
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    First cycle? OMG your going to have problems. IMHO go into pct

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    My advise to you being 7 weeks into your first cycle is to stop now.
    15 days from your last pin start pct.
    do you have pct?

  8. #8
    I have 3 hcg kits, nolva, provi and adex for pct.

    Why should I stop now? I had my blood pressure is still within optimal levels, blood work from my doc is good, and I'm feeling great. It's been an amazing 7 weeks so far
    I'm also taking provi. 1 pill twice daily to keep some test from converting to estrogen and 1/2 adex every other day. Provi really gives you a hardened look or maybe it's just the tren. Lol

    Anyways just because I didn't take your advice the first time doesn't mean I'm not going to take it the next time. I'm not on this forum for people to tell me what to do. That's dangerous and quite stupid. I'm here to Ask, Learn and do as I see fit with the information given.

    I've seen way to many forums with people always ignoring the question and insulting or putting that person down. Please... I'm just here to learn and the choice I made last time has led me to amazing gains.

    So once again for someone out there that may like to give me some advice regarding masteron prop that would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you too all who have helped
    Last edited by drew1111; 08-16-2013 at 06:11 AM.

  9. #9
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    My advice doesn't change because you don't like what I've said. I strongly advice you to stop the cycle and go into pct. Bad first cycle and you need to fix it imho.

    I'll leave you to it because I don't want to waste my time.

  10. #10
    You certainly went hard for a first cycle, but this sensationalist BS in here is just ridiculous (unless you are under 21 years old... too soon). You planned this is nicely, had ancilliaries in check, and got your blood work done... sounds perfect to me.

    You do not need to stop, and yes you can add mast, it is very synergistic with Tren... also your results are completely absurd so far. However it does seem redundant if you're running Proviron, either go with one or the other, you don't want to completely bottom out Estrogen. I'm currently running 30mgTestP/70mgTrenA/75mgMastP ED and loving it. Also if your serious cycling is a terrible idea for keeping gains, and PCT is pure bro-science (waiting for my ban for speaking the truth). If your committed to AAS, blast and cruise.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by dinomachino View Post
    You certainly went hard for a first cycle, but this sensationalist BS in here is just ridiculous (unless you are under 21 years old... too soon). You planned this is nicely, had ancilliaries in check, and got your blood work done... sounds perfect to me.

    You do not need to stop, and yes you can add mast, it is very synergistic with Tren... also your results are completely absurd so far. However it does seem redundant if you're running Proviron, either go with one or the other, you don't want to completely bottom out Estrogen. I'm currently running 30mgTestP/70mgTrenA/75mgMastP ED and loving it. Also if your serious cycling is a terrible idea for keeping gains, and PCT is pure bro-science (waiting for my ban for speaking the truth). If your committed to AAS, blast and cruise.
    So you believe that someone who use aas should use it forever or he his not dedicated enough?? Is that right??

    Because I do believe that someone dedicated should be able to keep training and dieting with or withiut any aas...

    Going on blast and cruise for the rest of his life will only proove that steroid shod not be use by irresponsible people.
    Health issue with the use of aas is a real concern. If you deny it you are a lost cause.

    Blast and cruising are the last resort of them who had the badluck to never recover or for them who NEEDED TRT. Not them who are addicted to it...

    PCT is far from bro-science is pure science.
    Recover from a cycle is the most important part of any cycle!

    And yes you should be banned for such horrible advice.

    If you wanna kill yourself, go ahead but dont advice anyone else to do so...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    One of my favorite power lifters said always run the least amount of AAS as possible. I didn't listen to vets on here and ran orals and test on my first cycle. I just started my second cycle Test E only just to see how I react and what results I get. More isn't always best especially in the long run.

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