I'm at a 49.5, with a reference of 7.6-42.6.
Test C 500mg/Deca 400mg/week, Albuterol roughly 12mg/day, Keto 1mg/day, Prami .5mg/day, Ldex .5mg/EOD
I can visually tell I'm holding a bit of water in my face, belly, chest, even tho I sweat all day in the TX oifield, and drink 2 gallons+ per day.
No other mentionable side effects, but would love to get my E in check, and maybe lose some water?
30yo, 210lbs, Roughly 14% bf I think? TRYING to keep calories around TDEE (2500 roughly), though with my schedule and job conditions its very tough, but I do alright.
I researched a little, but not hours. I don't have time. I know some of you experts have some good advice! I have Letro on hand, but have read about some rough side effects. No gyno