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Thread: OMG..I miscalculated & screwed up big time!!!

  1. #1

    OMG..I miscalculated & screwed up big time!!!

    You guys this is very embarrassing and I hope that you can be mature and respectful about this.

    I am 24, and I was going to do my first cycle with Winny and end with PCT (Clomid & Nolva) to my bring back my natural testosterone production.

    I got Winstrol in straight powder so I had to measure the dosages with a scale manually.
    I JUST STARTED few days ago but I miscalculated like a freaking idiot and
    have been mistakenly taking a WHOPPING 500mg instead of 50mg. (TEN TIMES what I was supposed to each day for at least 3 days.)

    I meant to take
    50mg Winstrol (Stanozolol)

    but I have been taking:
    500mg Winstrol (Stanozolol)

    I know..... I know..

    After 3 or so days I stopped and I've been noticing side effects immediately.

    Testis have been uncomfortable, definitely smaller. Very low libido and can't maintain an erection (ED).
    Tried to have sex with a girl and I thought I couldn't get it up because I have been drinking.
    Thought I'd be good the next day but just cannot keep it up for long.

    I quickly ended the cycle, but I'm afraid I shut down my normal testosterone production.
    SCREW my gains, It hasn't even been a week in. But that's obviously the LEAST of my concerns at this point.
    I want my junk back! Girls are starting to wonder why I am blowing them off.

    Would it be a your best advice to begin immediately taking:
    HCG and
    Clomid, Nolva ?
    Think this will quickly bring me back to normal?
    I was eventually going to introduce Test E to cut with my cycle, should I start that now or fix myself first?
    Would Test E fix my issue or is it too late? I am still young so it should be easier to return to normal naturally but what about at the massive dosages I have been taking? Thank God I haven't kept this up for weeks. I don't have immediate access to these things but if I need to find them I will.. What are the chances my normal testosterone production will return to normal naturally without taking anything else?

    THE reason I am asking here, is because I don't know anyone in person that I can get advice from, I am on my own as it is just me and my my research... and hopefully any helpful advice that I can get from someone here. I screwed up, I don't need to feel any more worse about my situation, all I ask is for serious productive suggestions.
    Last edited by CloudOne; 08-17-2013 at 10:30 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    You must be a troll......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    All cycles should include test. Were you taking any liver supps during your time on Winny? I would get some asap.

  4. #4
    Promise to God I'm not trolling. I have a huge amount of oral Winny that is NOT pressed into pill form. It's all powder. Instead of measuring each dose to .05g like intended, I measured them to .50g, mistakenly assuming that this was 50mg. This is a big difference.

    bigdippin, I was GOING to begin taking Test E, as well as liver support, but I just got 3 days in of large doses of Winny before I stopped cold turkey. The thing is I took a SHIT load of Winstrol by accident, like 10 times more than I am supposed to. In just a few days I already screwed with my libido and balls. Just a few days man.

    I need to recover from the damage I've done to my testosterone and testis.
    I know it's been just 3 days but I still hope damage hasn't been permanently done.
    Taking Test E now wouldn't be a good idea would it? Isn't it too late for that?
    Or should I recover first with HCG and PCT..
    THEN IF I DECIDE to start over again with a proper cycle and do it right this time.
    Last edited by CloudOne; 08-17-2013 at 10:21 PM.

  5. #5
    This isn't a joke, I don't even know if it really is that serious or if I am just tripping. But at dosages that high I'm afraid it's serious.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I would take a liver support anyway. Weather I'm taking AAS or not. If your going to run the cycle with test and winny, then why recover first? The test will increase T levels. Include HCG during the cycle from the start. Keep your balls, man.

    If your not going to do the cycle, then run PCT to get your shit working again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdippin
    I would take a liver support anyway. Weather I'm taking AAS or not. If your going to run the cycle with test and winny, then why recover first? The test will increase T levels. Include HCG during the cycle from the start. Keep your balls, man.

    If your not going to do the cycle, then run PCT to get your shit working again.
    Another thing that might make you feel better. Most of the time raw powders can be pretty under dosed. I've seen a good amount off mass spec data on raws. Many UGLs will compensate with more powder after the exact strength is determined.

    If I was you, personally I would start a pct protocol until you we're feeling 100% then try again. Best of luck to you bro, I am sure you will be ok.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Theres so many things wrong with this post....

    "Tried to have sex with a girl and I thought I couldn't get it up because I have been drinking. "

    Why would you be drinking on winny anyway? Drinking on cycle is a no no. Maybe one drink here and there, but you should never be like "Oh i thought my impotence was just cuz i drank but it was the roid i was on". ESPECIALLY and c-17 like winny. Drinking impairs liver function...the liver is what deactivates estrogen in your body. Want estrogenic side effects, then drink on cycle. Second, c-17 or alpha alcylated roids are hard on your liver to begin with, why add to it. Third, your liver regulates cholesterol. Most steroids raise the ldl and lower the HDL, somewhat, or sometimes steer the ratio in a negative direction. Impairing liver fucnction wont help. Not flaming, but you need to read more.
    Alcohal is also catabolic, it breaks tissue down, buidls up toxins etc. Being on steroids is about optimizing every bodily function towards the end of building and preserving tissue, so drinking on cycle is a waste of money and time. If you cant put down the bottle don't pick up the syringe.

  9. #9
    I would take a liver support anyway. Weather I'm taking AAS or not. If your going to run the cycle with test and winny, then why recover first? The test will increase T levels. Include HCG during the cycle from the start. Keep your balls, man.

    If your not going to do the cycle, then run PCT to get your shit working again.
    I've planned to use liver support during cycle, so definately will do that.

    My concern is whether introducing Test E right now will bring me back or will it make things worse?

    If I go ahead and introduce Test E only (no winny, or anything), will I have an increased libido and be able to perform again sexually?

    Will I be able to return to normal again while on it or will it just make my situation worse? Of course I'll do PCT after.
    Last edited by CloudOne; 08-17-2013 at 11:03 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by CloudOne View Post
    I've planned to use liver support during cycle, so definately will do that.

    My concern is whether introducing Test E right now will bring me back or will it make things worse?

    If I go ahead and introduce Test E only (no winny, or anything), will I have an increased libido and be able to perform again sexually?

    Will I be able to return to normal again while on it or will it just make my situation worse? Of course I'll do PCT after.
    It will help but not overnight. It will take time for the test E to kick in. Best bet would be to use PCT and get right. I would get pre cycle blood work done also to know where you stand. Then start over the right way.

  11. #11
    Theres so many things wrong with this post....

    "Tried to have sex with a girl and I thought I couldn't get it up because I have been drinking. "

    Why would you be drinking on winny anyway? Drinking on cycle is a no no. Maybe one drink here and there, but you should never be like "Oh i thought my impotence was just cuz i drank but it was the roid i was on". ESPECIALLY and c-17 like winny. Drinking impairs liver function...the liver is what deactivates estrogen in your body. Want estrogenic side effects, then drink on cycle. Second, c-17 or alpha alcylated roids are hard on your liver to begin with, why add to it. Third, your liver regulates cholesterol. Most steroids raise the ldl and lower the HDL, somewhat, or sometimes steer the ratio in a negative direction. Impairing liver fucnction wont help. Not flaming, but you need to read more.
    Alcohal is also catabolic, it breaks tissue down, buidls up toxins etc. Being on steroids is about optimizing every bodily function towards the end of building and preserving tissue, so drinking on cycle is a waste of money and time. If you cant put down the bottle don't pick up the syringe.
    AnabolicBoy1981, I of course try to keep drinking to the minimum, as I am aware that it can be counter-productive while on roids.
    I just have a feeling that my impotence came so quickly because of the insanley huge amount of Winny dosages. I think most people can be on a steroid for quite awhile before noticing the type effects I got, and It's only been 3 days for me. Not 8 weeks or something.

    I'd like to continue my cycle, but cut Winny out of the picture and continue with Test-E..
    But I need to know from someone who is knowledgeable on it whether that would make my Mr. Limpy situation worse or if it will in fact get testosterone pumping again while I'm on it. And if you think it would just make things worse, should I Instead just go right into PCT? Or maybe right into HCG?
    Last edited by CloudOne; 08-17-2013 at 11:09 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Wow besides the fact that you can't do simple math, you also thought it was ok to drink with oral steroids. I don't know what to tell you lmao. Wealth of knowledge at your fingertips and you did this...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    oh my Lord................................

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Come on guys no1 has really answered this guy at all. If a vet can help you thats your best bet try and pm austinite or crazy mike, they are the best member ive came across on here. Very knowlagable! Good luck mate wish u the best

    P.s alchol=no gear

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by justo
    Come on guys no1 has really answered this guy at all. If a vet can help you thats your best bet try and pm austinite or crazy mike, they are the best member ive came across on here. Very knowlagable! Good luck mate wish u the best

    P.s alchol=no gear
    Bigdippin and me both recommended he goes into PCT to normalize his body. Then he can run another cycle once he knows everything is ok.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    God morning or afternoon guys. As far as the bashers shut the Fuk up. You are not helping anything but getting your rocks off by telling him sh!t he already knows. A word to the wise about the drinking and the liver support and that's it. I'm an old drug addict , yell at me and I might rip your face off. OP asked for help.

    OP if you are not a troll then cool lets get down it. If you are well this will not go far, but we'll give it a go.

    Now I'm not the best but Austin~ and MucscleInk and Kel and a few are so I suggest you PM one of them.

    Simple Simon Now that the way first... STOP the cycle and get BW. This could wait a few week to see for a pre cycle and to know what's up. I would get on the liver support now. I would plug in the PCT now. I would not put anything into the mix yet unless the other knowledgeable guys tell you.

    I'm saying just keep it simple and do the best we know now WHILE you GET IN TOUCH with someone like MuscleInk or Austinite. I would PM both.

    Thanks for someone saying ask me, but I'm refereeing you to the best and sh!t I'm not the best. Just being honest with you and sensible. Good luck and get on to it. ...crazy mike

    OP I see you will not be able to PM yet. I tell ya, I'll PM Austinite and MI and ask them to come here...OK

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Oh well Op is off right

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    gates of hell
    You were taking 500mg a day and worried about your testosterone production? Be hoping you didnt do serious damage to your liver and other organs instead. Winstrol is one of the most toxic AAS out there, it is underrated in this regard.

    To address a more general "Am I shut down question": Yes, of course, you think you could get one over on the body? However, winstrol is mild suppression and 3 days hardly doesnt do anything. Did you not run your PCT? The way I read it you are stopping the winstrol and doing nothing now, asking if test e will correct your problem and if you should use hcg? If this happened to me I would do this:

    1) Get bloodwork and see a doctor. That dose could give jaundice.
    2) If everything was ok take 50mg/dy to finish your cycle
    3) Do your originally planned clomid and nolvadex therapy

    I would NOT: panic about test being shutdown, worry about banging girls or what they think, drinking, trying to add in testosterone of other AAS, add in hcg.
    Last edited by powerliftmike; 08-18-2013 at 05:35 PM.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Just dis continue the winni use and continue with the test and within a couple weeks you will be fine.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    PLM and CM have you headed in the right direction. Discontinue and start PCT right away. Normally HCG is introduced mid cycle but given your situation, I'd recommend adding that to a PCT to get the LH receptors firing after the natural androgen suppression you caused.

    I'd prefer you don't use any synthetic testosterone right now as recommended by Ironbeck. its not a bad idea but you appear lack some of the basic fundamentals of safe cycling. Young guys get frustrated and put off when we recommend they wait a few years, educate themselves thoroughly on the effects AND risks of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately too many believe they HAVE TO do it RIGHT NOW and that impetuousness leads to these kinds of problems.

    Get on a PCT for 4 weeks. Add 1200mg of NAC DAILY NOW.

    Get the following blood work
    - CBC
    - CMP
    - Complete male hormone panel wit E2 sensitive assay.

    If the CMP does not include LFTs (liver tests) and glomererular filtration rate and creatinine clearance and blood urea nitrogen (kidney function tests) to evaluate the health of these viscera.
    Last edited by MuscleInk; 08-18-2013 at 06:22 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    gates of hell
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    Young guys get frustrated and put off when we recommend they wait a few years, educate themselves thoroughly on the effects AND risks of anabolic steroids. Unfortunately too many believe they HAVE TO do it RIGHT NOW and that impetuousness leads to these kinds of problems.
    I see it all the time. For some reason guys believe they can do a cycle and workout hard for a few months, bulk up to where they want to be, stop, get their natural testosterone back up and somehow maintain everything and never do anything again. It's a fantasy. The body doesnt work that way.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    A rock & a hard place
    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike

    I see it all the time. For some reason guys believe they can do a cycle and workout hard for a few months, bulk up to where they want to be, stop, get their natural testosterone back up and somehow maintain everything and never do anything again. It's a fantasy. The body doesnt work that way.
    Couldn't have said it any better. It's a process with many components that must work in harmony to succeed AND it takes time and always commitment.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    My advice is just STOP! I wouldn't bother with a PCT at this point after 3 days of use! I would however utilize a liver support. There isn't any sense in further messing with your hormone levels by starting a PCT after 3 days of use IMO, even at the high levels.

  25. #25
    Thanks for everyone's input.

    It's been a few days, balls still have slight pain like someone kicked me in the nuts recently, but tolerable.

    Thanks powerliftmike, no I didn't run PCT at all, I didn't expect to end my cycle so early so I never got a chance to acquire them during my cycle like I had planned, I just stopped cold turkey after realizing I went 3 days of insanely large doses.

    While my main concern has been about the my erectile dysfunction, low libido, and slight pain,
    I should definitely be paying close attention to my liver so I'll just continue with liver support alone for now.
    MuscleInk, I'll do the 1200mg of NAC daily.

    Thanks for the good luck and suggestions big-mike. Like Lunk1 says, maybe I shouldn't be taking anything just yet that would mess with my hormone levels, so I'll wait it out couple weeks and see if it subsides before trying Clomid & Nolva and just work on my liver for now. If time doesn't noticeably reverse what I've done within the next couple of weeks I'll go ahead and see if the PCT will do the trick.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Keep us updated bro. There's a lot of subscribers on this one. . Good luck

  27. #27
    I have been taking Milk Thistle and some ZMA. So far time seems to be my best friend and things are improving a bit. I haven't completely lost my sex drive and ED isn't as bad as it was. It may be in my head or I may just be getting used to it, but the testicle pain seems to be subsiding as well. Although discomfort is still present. I had slight joint issues and sore muscles for a day, but no longer. I will continue to update.

  28. #28
    Thanks for everyone's support. My life isn't over.. I've been taking nothing other than ZMA and Milk Thistle and after these 2 weeks it seems that everything has returned to normal for me. I will consider starting cycle soon with the CORRECT measurement this time, or run Test E only.

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Good deal. Thanks for the update. ...crazy mike

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Glad to hear you decided to give your body some time. Also glad to hear your doing good now, good stuff buddy.

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