Hello, first time poster - long time viewer.

I am finishing up a long blast cycle (I blast and cruise)
I ran 500 wk deca and 750 test for 8 weeks now 800mg test 60mg var for 8 more. This is the first time using 19-nors in years of experience and did so foolishly without an anti-prolactin on hand. I had puffy nipples during the cycle and still have them now, I gave them a strong squeeze after researching deca gyno and a very very small amount of lactation appeared. I have been taking 500mg of vit b6 for 5 days since this happened and have slightly less lactation already (started adex tomorrow). My question is, if I have dropped the deca and continue on b6 do prolactin levels usually drop after cycle without anti-prolactins. I live in canada and cannot order caber or prami here. If worst comes to worst I can visit a doctor but will prolactin sides subside within around 8 weeks. I can still get erections and bone 2-3 times daily, without getting into too much detail