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Thread: Ai help

  1. #1
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Ai help

    I got some lumps under my nips so I started taking aromisin 25mg a day for 2 weeks the lumps reduced but I lost my sex drive my hair started to thin and my joints ache so I stopped taking it how long does it take for your hormones to rebalance I looked it up n these seem like symptoms of estrogen being to low

  2. #2
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    You crashed your estrogen. Get a blood test to see were your e2 is at. Everyone recovers at diffrent times.

  3. #3
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Were you taking anything? AAS? Are you still taking anything?

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765
    I got some lumps under my nips so I started taking aromisin 25mg a day for 2 weeks the lumps reduced but I lost my sex drive my hair started to thin and my joints ache so I stopped taking it how long does it take for your hormones to rebalance I looked it up n these seem like symptoms of estrogen being to low
    What are the dose(s) of the compounds you are running for your cycle?

  5. #5
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    That's the weird thin I haven't cycled in about 2 years I already had surgery for gyno n it somehow came back maybe from being on such a low sugar diet I heard that can do it and we're should I go to get bloodwork done

  6. #6
    Fcastle357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765
    That's the weird thin I haven't cycled in about 2 years I already had surgery for gyno n it somehow came back maybe from being on such a low sugar diet I heard that can do it and we're should I go to get bloodwork done
    The hospital

  7. #7
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    YOU HAVE CRASHED YOUR E2 ...most probably. That is a high dose for not having aas in your system. See a doctor and get your BW done, complete BW and the male sensitive Estradiol. Stop AI usage NOW. ..crazy mike

    Address the lumps with a doctor

  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    You should have just went to the doc your not taking or on anything so when you e2 comes back to normal this will probs just happen again you would think strange

  9. #9
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    ai should be used to mahnage estrogen alongside bloodwork/. A serm, preferably raloxifene of seconfd choice tamoxifen to get rid of gyno. Get your bloodwork, post results and proceed from there.
    aviator850 likes this.

  10. #10
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    What do I ask for when I go to the hospital for bw?

  11. #11
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    What do I ask for when I go to the hospital for bw?
    Just ask for a full hormone check. Oestradiol,prolactin,full test,total test, LH, FSH, cortisol, theres plenty more you can get tested for anything. Theres a thread on bloodwork

  12. #12
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    I got some lumps under my nips so I started taking aromisin 25mg a day for 2 weeks the lumps reduced but I lost my sex drive my hair started to thin and my joints ache so I stopped taking it how long does it take for your hormones to rebalance I looked it up n these seem like symptoms of estrogen being to low
    I got a full hormone panel done and my dr said it all came back normal yet my gyno is getting worse n I have all the symptoms of high estrogen

  13. #13
    FRDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765

    I got a full hormone panel done and my dr said it all came back normal yet my gyno is getting worse n I have all the symptoms of high estrogen
    What were your E2 results?

    Couple good articles to read for gyno reversal on this page here: Austinite's Educational Article Database

  14. #14
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    E2 34
    Test 262

  15. #15
    FRDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765
    E2 34
    Test 262
    Your E2 is good, assuming this test is normal range ~7-40 or ~4-70 (don't know exact numbers off top of my head). Test is low. Check out the TRT section and read stickies on what blood work to get and request full hormone panel from your Dr.

    Also, Check out the link above and look into Raloxifene to reverse gyno.

  16. #16
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    I did get a full hormone panel that's just what my test and e2 was do u think my test being low could be the cause of all of this?

  17. #17
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    We're is the trt section

  18. #18
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Also my dr wil deff not go for trt sense he said my levels were normal who should I go to is there nething I can do to help in the meantime

  19. #19
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Find an actual TRT doctor, no regular ass medical doctor is going to do it, they just don't. At least not where I live, may be different where you are. 262 is a bit low. How old are you?

  20. #20
    tox2501 is offline Junior Member
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    Your levels are not normal even if they fall within the references rangers. From what I've read low test itself will not cause gyno. Did you ask your doctor about the gyno?

  21. #21
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Yea I actually Specifically asked him if I had low test a few months ago n did another lab test n said agian it was normal I'm 23 how do I find a trt doctor?

  22. #22
    FRDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765
    Yea I actually Specifically asked him if I had low test a few months ago n did another lab test n said agian it was normal I'm 23 how do I find a trt doctor?
    Most Dr's will label you as normal if you fall within their range. Unfortunately this range is based on young, old, healthy and unhealthy individuals. Find a TRT clinic such as our board sponsor on look for an A4M clinic in your area. They will want to get you in optimal range, which makes a world of difference.

  23. #23
    tox2501 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    Yea I actually Specifically asked him if I had low test a few months ago n did another lab test n said agian it was normal I'm 23 how do I find a trt doctor?
    Its odd that your cycle was 2 years ago and your experiencing sides now. You could look for HRT like FRDave said but I would also consider seeing an endocrinologist and trying to figure out why your system went out of wack after all this time.

  24. #24
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Most Dr's will label you as normal if you fall within their range. Unfortunately this range is based on young, old, healthy and unhealthy individuals. Find a TRT clinic such as our board sponsor on look for an A4M clinic in your area. They will want to get you in optimal range, which makes a world of difference.
    Will they treat me at 23 low said over 30

  25. #25
    FRDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765

    Will they treat me at 23 low said over 30
    Unless you have proof with diagnosis as to why you have low T or admit to AAS use, no.

    At your age, I would try and look into the cause vs TRT for life. Sounds fun at first but pinning weekly for the rest of your life gets old quick :-(

    In your case, it's most likely due to your cycle a couple years ago. Most will treat of you admit to this, but it could be due to other causes. You would need a full hormone panel as well as MRI on the pituitary.
    Last edited by FRDave; 09-14-2013 at 06:19 PM.

  26. #26
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Unless you have proof with diagnosis as to why you have low T or admit to AAS use, no.

    At your age, I would try and look into the cause vs TRT for life. Sounds fun at first but pinning weekly for the rest of your life gets old quick :-(

    In your case, it's most likely due to your cycle a couple years ago. Most will treat of you admit to this, but it could be due to other causes. You would need a full hormone panel as well as MRI on the pituitary.
    Who would do that

  27. #27
    FRDave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765

    Who would do that
    Admit to AAS usage? Someone who feels like crap and is under age and truly needs TRT.

  28. #28
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FRDave View Post
    Admit to AAS usage? Someone who feels like crap and is under age and truly needs TRT.
    I meant a full hormone panel and MRI would a get dr do that ?

  29. #29
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    I meant a full hormone panel and MRI would a get dr do that ?
    Ok here are my results from 5/23/13
    Tsh .81
    Estradiol <20
    Prolactin 4.80
    Test 584

    Now labs from last week

    Test 262
    Luteinizing hormone 2.00
    Prolactin 5.70
    Estradiol 34
    Tag .86
    Glucose 74
    Bun 24
    Bun creat ratio18.5
    Gfr 72.7
    Sodium 138
    Potassium 3.9
    Chloride 103

    It says on the test normal range for testosterone is 241-827

  30. #30
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Also we're could I get raloxefine?

  31. #31
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765
    Also we're could I get raloxefine?
    Ar-r .com

  32. #32
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleInk View Post
    How do I cycle the roxofline

  33. #33
    jimmyinkedup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    How do I cycle the roxofline
    60mg/day till lump is gone. May take some time but if anything will work its ralox.

  34. #34
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimmyinkedup View Post
    60mg/day till lump is gone. May take some time but if anything will work its ralox.
    I started taking the ralox today I looked a lot on the web but cant find much on side effects in men how much will this affect my test levels since there already low and I don't wana crash my e2 also should I expect estrogen rebound?

  35. #35
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Anyone ? I've been taking it for about a week lumps have started to go away but I am getting some crashed e 2 symptoms n my hair has started to thin agian for some reason since I've taken it ?

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    ralox will actually increase your t levels around 20%
    ralox doesnt lower e2 at blocks the e2 receptor in breast tissue man so you e2 is likely not crashed man.

  37. #37
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    Anyone ? I've been taking it for about a week lumps have started to go away but I am getting some crashed e 2 symptoms n my hair has started to thin agian for some reason since I've taken it ?
    Ok couple things lumps are almost gone also I noticed since taking the raloxifene a lot of my body fat has cut back with no change in diet I talke to a urologist n he ordered another blood test should I stop taking the raloxifene before I test also my hair has started to really thin out since takin it is that normal an will it all come back once I stop?

  38. #38
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    Ok couple things lumps are almost gone also I noticed since taking the raloxifene a lot of my body fat has cut back with no change in diet I talke to a urologist n he ordered another blood test should I stop taking the raloxifene before I test also my hair has started to really thin out since takin it is that normal an will it all come back once I stop?
    Anybody?? Really appricate neones advice

  39. #39
    jonnyboii765 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnyboii765 View Post
    Anybody?? Really appricate neones advice
    My last results were 477 for testosterone the urogist said that's normal levels but I still feel the same as before is this normal levels for a 23 year old ?

  40. #40
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Low for a 23 yr old

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