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Thread: Next cycle

  1. #1

    Next cycle

    Hi guys, first post here! I been training for 15 years and juicing the last 10 (no idea how many cycles but more than 20 for sure). I'm 34 years old, weighting 232 with 12.8 of bf and 69 height.
    Week 1-6 Test E 2000mg/w Nandrolone 1000mg/w
    Week 7-12 Test C 2000mg/w Equipoise 1000mg/w
    Week 13-18 Test E 1000mg/w Trembolone 1000mg/w
    Insuline 10 ui preworkout all cycle
    Pct with hcg, clomid and nolva
    Ok, I heard your opinions, Thx!

  2. #2
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20130826_065248.jpg 
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ID:	143330   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20130826_065304.jpg 
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ID:	143331   Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	143332  

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Looking beefy!

    Cycle looks good, do you running AI and HCG during?

    Are you cruising/blasting??

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Skippy's pouch
    just beefy...the whole cows there whats your goals for this cycle? also welcome.

  5. #5
    Thx guys, well never run hcg during cycle only in pct and ai neither. My goal is to bulk the first part of the cycle and to cut the weeks with tren. On those tren weeks I will add t3 and clem and hit the cardio after training for 45 minutes

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Hi and welcome. Yea quite beefy. Ha, you have size. Do you have any picture of yourself dieted down and lean. Also just a comment, Your chest is huge , but with that it seems a little out of proportioned unless you have a huge back spread.
    This isn't an answer to your Q's. But I am interested in your whole look, for curiosity, OK ...thanks, ...crazy mike

    Oh and what about AI

  7. #7
    Thx for the welcome! Well I never compite so far so my bf levels never went very low and also I always use a lot of test on my cycles I used to retain water. I always try to be under 12% and I hope that with tren t3 and cardio after the bulking months I can go under 10% for this summer (I'm from southamerica so summer starts on December here lol)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	ForumRunner_20130826_130037.jpg 
Views:	211 
Size:	19.6 KB 
ID:	143342  

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814 View Post
    Thx for the welcome! Well I never compite so far so my bf levels never went very low and also I always use a lot of test on my cycles I used to retain water. I always try to be under 12% and I hope that with tren t3 and cardio after the bulking months I can go under 10% for this summer (I'm from southamerica so summer starts on December here lol)
    Cool man thanks for the picture. Not as out of proportioned as I thought. Look good man. I really don't like guys like you ha!! lol really because I'm this skinny ecto. I got to 200lbs. just a while ago but couldn't hold it. It was a lot of water. Tren took that out right quick and kicked my ass. Good luck n thanks. ...crazy mike

    Dammmm you are thick !!

  9. #9
    Thx Crazy Mike I really appreciate it but im far away from the look I want to get, more massive and shredded. That's why I need your help cuz from what I read you guys knows a lot about juice. So any advice you can give me I will appreciate it a lot. Back to my cycle, I never use an ai like aromasin or arimidex for 2 reasons, first in my country is expensive like hell more than I spent in juice in one month (here we can get vet products at a very low price and they are real 100%, test cyp or enanth , also Nandrolone boldenone and winstrol are very cheap). Second reason I never have a bad estrogenic side effect, besides my face bloaded but I can live with it. And for I have read if you inhibit the aromatase the test will reduce to dht and its very aggressive to the hair so I don't want to lose my hair yet. That makes any sense? Thx!
    Last edited by andi8814; 08-26-2013 at 10:45 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Buddy edit the PRICE TALK, its agains the rules.

  11. #11
    Ok didn't know sorry

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    oh your a big chap you should go over to the lounge and join in on Marcus diary the big man will help get you ripped and threaded lol the guy's in the nutrition section are great aswell mate

  13. #13
    Thx mate!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Micanopy/Gainesville, Fl
    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    oh your a big chap you should go over to the lounge and join in on Marcus diary the big man will help get you ripped and threaded lol the guy's in the nutrition section are great aswell mate
    Yea OP go over there. Read up. Get Marcus's attention and ask specific Q's. Good luck man. ...crazy mike

  15. #15
    Ok will do that Thx friend!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaspaco
    Buddy edit the PRICE TALK, its agains the rules.
    No problem.

    You don't even fit to that 4th picture!

    You height is around 5"8 ?

  17. #17
    I'm 1, 75 meters that is something like 5''9 yeap

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    And 232 with 12% thats nice!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    You are a big mofo. Good work. Are you using npp or deca? Hopefully npp since that is too short for deca, take too long to kick in. Same for eq, not using long enough. Eq is weak anyway. I'd say you would be better off dropping the eq all together. Consider hcg during cycle, keeps the boys running so recovery is easier after cycle. No need for ai in pct since so longer going to have the high test levels aromatizing to estrogen. Use the ai during cycle to keep estro in check. At that test dose is run at least 1mg adex per day. I personally would need more, but that may be enough for you.
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 08-26-2013 at 12:49 PM.

  20. #20
    Ok I see, so how many weeks you guys recommend me to run with Nandrolone and Equipoise? I thought 6 weeks at 1 gram x week will be fine for each and then switch due to the saturation. I read that u guys are not quite fans of Equipoise but the thing is here in my country I get it very cheap

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by andi8814
    Ok I see, so how many weeks you guys recommend me to run with Nandrolone and Equipoise? I thought 6 weeks at 1 gram x week will be fine for each and then switch due to the saturation. I read that u guys are not quite fans of Equipoise but the thing is here in my country I get it very cheap
    They just have slow esters attached and take about 6 weeks to even kick in. Nandrolone phenyl propionate is a shorter ester nandrolone than decaonate and will kick in much faster. You could use it for 8 weeks and have good result. I'd dump the eq all together unless you run it 16 weeks.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Welcome here mate, you have built quite a frame there! I would also say to drop the equipoise. Its just a waste. I use Tren Enanthate and believe it's unbeatable.

    What is your blood pressure? Keep an eye on it! Tren can catch you. As it is so much stronger than all other gear I never use more than 600mg/ week.

    I tend to use the same amount or slightly more of the test, keeps things simple. I also prefer smaller volumes to inject!

    Good luck and show us the results. Regards John

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Adelaide Australia
    What a tank impressive stats bro!

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    3000mg of oil farkkk thats intense

  25. #25
    Thx guys for your compliments I really appreciate it and keep me motivated a lot! OK the thing with Equipoise is that I can get it very cheap but I will consider skip it cuz all you say the same thing then cant be wrong. Yeap that's a lot of oil that's why inject my arms also and it really works like a seo (synthol). Make my arms a lot bigger when I'm in cycle. So, I will start with test e and Nandrolone and I will take your advice to use it for at least 8 weeks or more, then I will use tren and skip that way the Equipoise. Also will include hcg during cycle. Ok guys sounds like a good plan, any more suggestions I will appreciate it Thx guys!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Eat like a mother f*cker. Lolz

    As far as the slin, what kind are you using? I suggest 3 weeks on, 2-3 weeks off.

  27. #27
    Lol! Im using a fast action one (cristaline) and I always use it with no rest all the cycle, should I discontinue it? Didn't know that

  28. #28
    Yeap 4000 calories per day

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