Just had my blood work done last Friday and got the results in yesterday. I am coming off a 7 months cycle, which included a lot of tren, mast & test(+ was kick started with a little dbol). My number prior to this cycle already sucked the big one. Total test was 460 ng/dL and free was 68 pg/mL
Right now I am in week 10 after cycle(week 4 of post PCT). PCT was very heavy and I ran it for 6 weeks.
My current numbers are: Total of 627 ng/dL & free is 91 pg/mL
The only difference now is I have been taking a ton of trib & vitamin C(3000mg of each per day) as soon as I got off the juice.
This is damn nice improvement, specially since my numbers about 5 years ago were even worse than 460.
Thought I'd share, since everyone on here bad mouthed trib & called it a waste. It's cheap & apparently does make a difference.