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Thread: > Tribulus Works <

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
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    > Tribulus Works <

    Just had my blood work done last Friday and got the results in yesterday. I am coming off a 7 months cycle, which included a lot of tren, mast & test(+ was kick started with a little dbol). My number prior to this cycle already sucked the big one. Total test was 460 ng/dL and free was 68 pg/mL

    Right now I am in week 10 after cycle(week 4 of post PCT). PCT was very heavy and I ran it for 6 weeks.

    My current numbers are: Total of 627 ng/dL & free is 91 pg/mL

    The only difference now is I have been taking a ton of trib & vitamin C(3000mg of each per day) as soon as I got off the juice.

    This is damn nice improvement, specially since my numbers about 5 years ago were even worse than 460.

    Thought I'd share, since everyone on here bad mouthed trib & called it a waste. It's cheap & apparently does make a difference.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Something to note is when taking trib I find myself being able to go more rounds and lasting longer in bed as well. Now who knows if that's a placebo effect or not but I do notice it regardless.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Tribulus definately makes me feel like I have more test. I sometimes even get a "head/hair heat" sensation and my skin turns kind of red and it looks like I have a rash but that lasts for maybe 2 hours at most.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    I always like tribulus

  5. #5
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    Just kinda wonder how I should run it.

    I'm thinking just to stay on between cycles. I don't see any sides from and I been taking it 10 weeks.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    I think it does boost testosterone to some extent. Can improve erections and sexual desire. Not significant enough to add any lean mass IMO.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    I think it does boost testosterone to some extent. Can improve erections and sexual desire. Not significant enough to add any lean mass IMO.
    Agreed for sure

    But, still surprised to find a supp that does something positive.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    and its cheap as f uck, that's always a plus

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike View Post
    I think it does boost testosterone to some extent. Can improve erections and sexual desire. Not significant enough to add any lean mass IMO.
    Yeah, I don't take it expecting muscle mass. I take it because I feel even as a young man myself that my T levels are low and I take it and I feel more confident, hornier, happier etc. I take about 2000mg of NOW sports Tribulus 45% extract a day.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Nice numbers, especially after that long heavy cycle. I was concerned you might be looking at trt in the near future. I wasn't aware that you had low t 5 years ago.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    Nice numbers, especially after that long heavy cycle. I was concerned you might be looking at trt in the near future. I wasn't aware that you had low t 5 years ago.
    Yeah, neither did I.

    I didn't know half of the crap that I know now.

    Really impressed with these #'s for sure though.

    I'm pretty sure ill hit up my next planned cycle in about a month. Just damn - the come down blows.

    Been talking to a few local semi pros & they swear that tapering is key after a heavy cycle.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Yeah, neither did I.

    I didn't know half of the crap that I know now.

    Really impressed with these #'s for sure though.

    I'm pretty sure ill hit up my next planned cycle in about a month. Just damn - the come down blows.

    Been talking to a few local semi pros & they swear that tapering is key after a heavy cycle.
    I've always tapered off. I start pct when I get back down to about 250mg wk. Wait 2 weeks, start pct. No doctor would abruptly stop any other medication. Why should aas be any different. Bro science there somewhat the rest being personal experience having both tapered off and stopped abruptly. Tapering is smoother.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man

    I've always tapered off. I start pct when I get back down to about 250mg wk. Wait 2 weeks, start pct. No doctor would abruptly stop any other medication. Why should aas be any different. Bro science there somewhat the rest being personal experience having both tapered off and stopped abruptly. Tapering is smoother.
    Makes sense, specially when you are running heavy gear.

    Looking damn decent in your Avi old bro. Lol

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    Makes sense, specially when you are running heavy gear.

    Looking damn decent in your Avi old bro. Lol
    Thanks but I still look like crap. I'm too fat and not big enough yet. My arms and legs have the least fat, hence always wearing a shirt haha. Getting there though. Trying to gain lbm while losing fat. So far so good. Toilet made me delete my 'log' or whatever but you saw me last year so I guess I'm happy so far. Its never fast enough.

    I said once that we were close in age but youre 10yrs younger than me lol. Wtf did I think that for? Wishful thinking maybe, don't want to admit I'm 43. Ha.

  15. #15
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    Shit man, 43 ain't shit any more. I know I got a decade to go, but time flies.

    Keep at it. Diet is damn near everything, if we wanna look the part the diet must be dry as fvck.

    I live off 6 ingredients; eggs, egg whites, oats, powder & chicken. Seriously nothing else

    The only time I eat other shit is when I get the munchies and grab a sandwich.

    By 35 I want to be very close to 220 & sub 12-13%Bf.

    Are you running any weight loss supps? EC or Phentermine? That shit does wonders for me, specially on gear.

  16. #16
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    No. I ran 2 weeks clen at 120 but my bf is still around 16-18% so I stopped. I'm bulking again with tren and test. When I get to 240 sub 15% I'm going to cycle clen again. I'll probably run eq, tren and var whilst. I've never had this much lbm and tried to cut so any tips for getting below 15% without losing mass I'm all ears. New territory for me. The biggest I'd ever been in the past was about 205 at around 12% when I was your age. I've never been sub 10% but it would be awesome to carry 240lbs sub 10% once before I die.

  17. #17
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    Diet wise mine is the same but I can't eat the same things every day no later how creative I get with the ingredients. I drink about a half gallon of 1% milk daily, chicken, eggs, whey, oats, rice, lean beef like ribeye when I can afford it or ground sirloin, beans, flour tortillas, corn tortillas, whole grain breads, fresh fruit and veggies.

    HCG, B12 complex (inj) 1g daily, 5-8g Arginine, 5-8g Citrulline, Lysine, NAC, blah blah blah. Austinites mix basically. And tadalafil. Nothing really fattening or exotic. Volume of food seems to be the key for me. I'm not trying to cut ATM.

  18. #18
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    Well, I can't afford beef in the quantity that I require.

    But, the dairy and breads are a killer. I used to do the same, put down like 5+ cups of milk pet day along with a few slices if whole wheat bread. But, it they have simple carbs and gives me a watery bloated look/feel. Milk makes the protein shakes so much better, but I can notice a damn near instant difference when I tried switching back to milk from egg whites.

    Shit sub 10%Bf seems like a fvcking unicorn. I hear of such a thing, but never see it.

    It takes time, I'm trying my best to get out of the mind set that I want it NOW. It's just not gonna happen. . . Even on sauce my LBM growth is very slow. It's nothing like I once thought it would be on juice.

    My current realistic goals are; possibly half dozen keep able pounds of LBM per cycle. If that. . . My next run, I will try my best to gain more. But, pound gains on cycle are very deceiving. You, gain water within the muscle, organs and anywhere else possible. Then when you come off the water just sheds off. True LBM growth is extremely slow for me.

    Sure wish it was like my first cycle and I just grew almost 15 pounds of mass in under 4 months.

    I'll just carry on with taking a ton of trib & my other daily vitamins then get back on gear. This time, I am tapering off or just staying on. Staying on does not seem like a very wise option since my natty numbers are very good now.
    Last edited by < <Samson> >; 08-30-2013 at 09:23 AM.

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