38 yo
10% BF
4th cycle - have used trenbolone a once and trenbolone e once.
proposed cycle:
Week 1-8: Test testosterone propionate 420 (60mg ED)
Week 1-8: trenbolone Hex 560 (80mg ED)
Week 1-4: Anadrol (injectable) 350 (50mg ED)
Week 1-8: Aromison 12mg (EOD)
Week 1-8: Caber .5mg (E3D)
Week 1-8: HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - 250iu (2 X week)
goals: cutting with added aggression
diet will be in check with what I have researched to be a solid cutting diet from this site.
Other than the two possible issues being injecting hex ED and mixing two different esters (testosterone propionate and hex), does anybody else have any comments, suggestions, concerns, feedback for this cycle? To note, I don't mind pinning every day and I got great results when I mixed test testosterone propionate and trenbolone e.