I know this varies by person and by weight and mass and stuff but... do you guys think 2,5ml oil is too much to inject at one go in glutes?
I know this varies by person and by weight and mass and stuff but... do you guys think 2,5ml oil is too much to inject at one go in glutes?
no i think its fine....i have inj 3 ml in glutes and quads with no problems...
What ya pinning?
No I do 3ml all the timeOriginally Posted by TheNex
You are fine I put 3ml in delts
i'm pinning Parabolin + Test prop .. 1,5ml of parabolin and 1ml of test prop , i do it with one syringe.
No problemOriginally Posted by TheNex
awesome ! thanks ... btw i'm not sure but i have got Prosten 150.. i'm not sure if it really contains 150mg / ml , i don't feel that much of a difference, and i'm at the end of my first week... do you guys think i should inject more?
Whats that?Originally Posted by TheNex
agreed, i got 2.5-3ml in glutes and quad. but make sure you switch spots up and let it rest a couple weeks before hitting it again. sterile abscess is possible. trust me i know...
WOW i would not do more then 1.5-2ml in delts. normally i stick to 1-1.5ml. but if you have no issue go for it. i red imo; 1-1.5 delts ( mid delt), 2.5-3ml glutes and quads, 0.5-1ml front delt
I do 2.5-3 ml in the quads regularly. As long as you don't have chicken legs should be good.
Prosten 150 is test propionate from Thai ger pharma.. but i'm a bit suspicious about this gear..
What was your reason for wanting to know if it was to much oil at a time? Pain? Or just wondering?Originally Posted by TheNex
no, actually.. i did my first shots separately... the test prop didn't really hurt.. and i heard it supposed to hurt. on the contrary, parabolin (alphapharma) hurt for a much longer time. monday was my last time shooting para , and i still can't feel it a bit.. but it doesn't hurt anymore .. so i was wondering if maybe because i shoot 1,5ml para, and that's why it hurt more , or maybe because it's a longer ester
You would be amazed at how much oil you can fit in your muscle lol.Originally Posted by TheNex
The key for me is just the right needle length.
i shoot with 23 g needles, it's around 1 inch, or a bit more ... like 1,2
I use 22g 1inch for everything except glutes in which case I use 1.5 22g.Originally Posted by TheNex
I have gone 3.5ml in glutes,quads, delts and hip......but it depends on the mgs? I brewed some test e at 350mg/ml and well if yyou stick 3 ml of that in the same spot....ouch!! that's a lot of physical product, molecular wise.
I've pinned 3ml in glutes and quads no prob
I did 4ml in the glute last cycle with no issues
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