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  1. #1
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    2nd cycle help please

    Hello, I'm 6"2 200lbs 39yo. Just started going to gym 2 years ago when I was 231lbs. just finished a anavar only cycle for 8 weeks. I have a great diet in place and go to gym for 2-2.5 hrs/day 20 days a month. I had great results with var but still have that belly and love handle fat. I bought masteron e, test e and test c along with var, clomid and arimidex . Like to run a 14 week cycle. What would be the best planned cycle for this? I eat around 200g of proteine and fairly low carb diet at 2400 cal/day. Lots of veggies and fruit. No carbs 5hr before going to bed. Love to shed the fat and build upper body a little. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks
    Was thinking of a cycle as follows
    Mast 250mg ew for 10 week
    Test e 500 ew for 7 week
    Var 60mg ed week 7-14
    Test c 500mg ew 7-14
    Week 16 clomid for 2 weeks ( dosage?)
    Do I need arimidex with this dose of mast? Or see how this goes first?
    Last edited by Tdriller; 09-08-2013 at 05:22 PM.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    It's best that you propose a full & complete cycle for critique. Include your body fat percentage, please.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    I'm at ruffly 14%

  4. #4
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    I edited first post with cycle plan and bf is ruff 14%

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    1st I would hit the diet section and post your diet.This will be a big help.Then toss the Mast because your bf is too high.Someone like you should be running test only not stacking.Good luck bro!

  6. #6
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Love handles and 14%? Belly? I'm thinking you are way off on your estimate. What was your pct last go around? Masteron is a waste at higher bf%.

  7. #7
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Love handles and 14%? Belly? I'm thinking you are way off on your estimate. What was your pct last go around? Masteron is a waste at higher bf%.
    14% isn't exactly lean, redz. BF % is not an indication of where fat is most dense on a body.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  8. #8
    Cuz's Avatar
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    Read this bro, your cycle looks a little hard to establish for me. Why switch from test e to test c, almost identical esters? Why Mast? Your Var only cycle really wasn't a cycle, probably more of an experiment. We don't typically like oral only cycles here at least from my experience as you will be shut down even with mild anavar . Read up and welcome to the forum

  9. #9
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tdriller View Post
    Hello, I'm 6"2 200lbs 39yo. Just started going to gym 2 years ago when I was 231lbs. just finished a anavar only cycle for 8 weeks. I have a great diet in place and go to gym for 2-2.5 hrs/day 20 days a month. I had great results with var but still have that belly and love handle fat. I bought masteron e, test e and test c along with var, clomid and arimidex . Like to run a 14 week cycle. What would be the best planned cycle for this? I eat around 200g of proteine and fairly low carb diet at 2400 cal/day. Lots of veggies and fruit. No carbs 5hr before going to bed. Love to shed the fat and build upper body a little. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks
    Was thinking of a cycle as follows
    Mast 250mg ew for 10 week
    Test e 500 ew for 7 week
    Var 60mg ed week 7-14
    Test c 500mg ew 7-14
    Week 16 clomid for 2 weeks ( dosage?)
    Do I need arimidex with this dose of mast? Or see how this goes first?
    Masteron will never replace your AI. Masteron will not control anything. I think you have not researched these compounds enough. You are thinking wrong about Mast and as was asked why are you changing Test E and the C. That strange unless it had to do with $$ and availability.

    Please it sound like you haven't done enough homework and haven't been cycling long and properly. Read more re-read and listen as you ask. Cool? Your PCT needs more thought ...crazy mike
    Last edited by crazy mike; 09-08-2013 at 08:04 PM.

  10. #10
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    I have been reading lots but there's way too many different opinions out there and this is the cycle I was referred to by a knowlageable person in this field. I was told its more effective to change up the e with c. As far as bf % 14 is a ruff guess. I could be less, but sure not much over. 38inch waist. Not a lot of fat but still a little I'd like to get rid of. So what do you recommend I run for a good leaning out cycle? Just test and arimidex to start? Maybe add var 7 weeks into? As far as diet I eat a lot of lean red meat, chicken, pork and salmon very little carbs lots of green veggies, water and proteine shakes. I already bought the gear so would like to use it but if you guys think its not going to help then I wont. Or if you think I should change dosage?
    Thanks for reply everyone.

  11. #11
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    Thanks for reply. I have read that and its a great read. Austinite has a lot of great advice as does a lot of you guys. Yes anavar was my first cycle( experiment) and I was pleased with how well it worked. Great strength gains, in as far as muscle toning my wife noticed a big difference. I heard from friends it's more effective to switch from test e to c. I'm still learning and is why I'm looking for advice and different opinions. Thanks again

  12. #12
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Hey man it would be much more help to you if you could post some pictures. 200 is not too heavy for 6'-2" but a 38" waist. Don't have a clue as to what you look like.
    And I would like to see and here the science behind this Test e & C thing. ...crazy mike

    I think you might be listening to some opinion which we all have and speak, but most of the Vets here base what they know and advise on technical data to back it up. So I mean for you to read the Tech data. Ok. Anyway I for sure don't know that one. The Test E n C
    Last edited by crazy mike; 09-08-2013 at 08:30 PM.

  13. #13
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    Thanks for reply. No pct after var. as far as belly, its not a big belly or love handles but there's a little there. Went from 46 waste to 38. I'm firming up but there's that little bit that won't go away. I'm sure I could be off on bf % but by knowing other friends and what they are at its a guesstimate. I could be lower.

  14. #14
    Cuz's Avatar
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    dude if your waist is 38 inches you are way over 14, probably closer to 20 or 21 to be honest.

    I might be a 15% BF, and my waist sits anywhere from 34.5 to 35.5.

    That's a new one on me, switching from test c to test e. Seems like a last resort if your source ran out of test e or something, but you should have all materials outlined and ready before you start anyway... Good luck

  15. #15
    crazy mike is offline Banned for repping Dangerous Substances
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tdriller View Post
    Thanks for reply. No pct after var. as far as belly, its not a big belly or love handles but there's a little there. Went from 46 waste to 38. I'm firming up but there's that little bit that won't go away. I'm sure I could be off on bf % but by knowing other friends and what they are at its a guesstimate. I could be lower.
    Who are these friends, not BB'ers. But we might be wrong post a picture.
    Name:  BF%20Men.jpg
Views: 92
Size:  4.3 KB

    Can you see this and make an assessment yourself. I don't know if my photo will open or not but others can get if for you.

    {Please post a picture or someone get this chart up for him

  16. #16
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    somewhere on earth
    Yeh take a look bro. Oral only cycle I personally would never do . In fact. I don't touch orals as a rule. I'm 6'3" 245lbs <36" waist. N I'm not much under 20%bf I recon on myself. So bf must be off but great going on losing so much so far. Always harder as you get lower.

  17. #17
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    I've learned a lot in this short period of time. Thanks for all info. My bf judging is way off. As far as posting a pic lol I've had enough humiliation for one night don't need more. But I do appreciate the info everyone. So a new question. I'm stuck in same weight same everything for last 6-8 months. I don't eat garbage I workout 20 days a month for 2-2.5 hrs a day. What can a do to shed the bf? What would help me get much more out of what I'm doing already? I do 30 mins of hard cardio then focus on 1-2 muscle groups and work the hell out of them. Any help would be greatly appreciated? Thanks again for everything guys and gals

  18. #18
    Tdriller is offline New Member
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    I'd say the one in middle

  19. #19
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    figure your TDEE first and cut your cals.

    Calories IN has to be less than Calories Burned. SO , burn off more cals than you take in to support your current weight.

    And I think working out 2 -2.5 hours daily is extremely overkill

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