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Thread: Running hgh for the first time.

  1. #1

    Running hgh for the first time.


    i'm new here and this is my first thread. I have a question regarding hgh. I'm coming out of my bulk phase i ran 500 test e, 500 eq, and d-bol. I consumed 5000 calories a day. 4 months from now i plan on running growth blue tops at 4 ius, and test e 500. Now i've been doing a lot of research on growth and there's a lot of speculations out there on how growth should be ran some say do 4 on 2 off and some say they never come off so my first question in 4 on 2 off the recommended cycle or should i go longer

    second question.

    i've heard some people run gear longer than 16 week i hear that some say they run for years without coming off, so my question is this, it's not recommended to run growth by itself it's supposed to be stacked with other things like test e for example but from my understanding you can only run other gear for no more then 16 weeks so if i do plan on running growth longer then 16 weeks should i come off the test at 16 weeks or should i stay on the test along with the growth or after 16 weeks should i just run the growth by itself?

  2. #2
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