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  1. #1
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    Please critique my cycle

    OK I'm getting things together for my 1st cycle in 10 years. I respond very well to AS and hope to maintain my body weight at 5'-5 195lbs. Then lean out to 175-180.I'm currently over 20% BF and hope to get to 12% which is a gain of 15 lbs LBM and a loss of 15 fat.

    My cycle history if you want to call it that because it wasn't very organized or planned includes Dbol in '84, I took one tab a day for a week, gained 12 lbs and my bench went up 40lbs.
    If that seems a bit hard to believe I started at around 130 lbs and went to 142 and my bench from around 155 to 200. I kept about 4 or 5 lbs, 134 BW and all the strength. I then lifted nartural for another for 9 years on and off and got my weight up to 170 with a 32 waist, bench 265x1, squat 345x3, and deadlift around 315x3. In '93 I did some Anadrol (probably fake as I saw nothing after upping to 3 a day for 2 weeks) and deca 200mg-400mg a week for 6 weeks and I had one amp of Sus 250 that I took at the end. My weight went up a few lbs but 2 or 3 weeks after the cycle, when the Sus kicked in, I was benching 205 x 17 reps from 10-12 precycle, 195 x 25 and sqaut 415 x 6, DL 365x3, stiff legged DL 255x8.

    My plan:

    week 1 -12, test prop 50mg ed 1-4,75mg 5-8,100 mg 9-12
    week 9-12 winny tabs 40mg ed
    clomid post 300,100,50 for 3 weeks

    What do you think?
    Last edited by markas214; 05-26-2003 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2
    Billy_Bathgate's Avatar
    Billy_Bathgate is offline AR Vet / Retired
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    Stay with 75mg the whole time, I wouldnt keep increasing my dose.

    IF your really looking for fat loss though, Id trash the winny and get tren or masteron . And some T3

  3. #3
    Got Gear?'s Avatar
    Got Gear? is offline Member
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    I like it... so long as you don't mind the ED injections.

    Nice and simple, low dose.

    You must have had some 25mg D-bol tabs or something. Cause 5mg/day wouldn't have made any difference. Natural test production is in the neighbourhood of 7-12mg/day.

  4. #4
    JohnnyB's Avatar
    JohnnyB is offline AR-Hall of Famer / Retired
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    Bro how old are you or is that the right date for your birthday, me profile has the same b/d but it's not my b/d. If you go ed that's 84 injection are you ready for that? Test enan can help with fat lose but it depends on your diet. You might want to go to your Dr, have your test checked you might get a script for some cypionate .


  5. #5
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    I'm 42. I may check with a Doc in the fall. Maybe post cycle then the numbers will be low. As far as daily injections, I give people shots every day and my doses of less than 1 cc don't have me worried. Billy, I don't want to mess with my thyroid hormones. I know I can lose weight with my diet but maybe I'll throw in some tren 75mg every MWF in the last 4 weeks and some clen post.
    Last edited by markas214; 05-26-2003 at 05:41 PM.

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