Hey guys so as a current medical student I have come across several studies focusing on the drastic neurotoxic effects of AAS. As a former user myself, this is very alarming. I wish I was aware of these side effects sooner, as Dementia and AD are much more alarming than a suppressed HTPA.
As you know the internet is flooded with info about steroids, however just like getting good gear, having a reliable source for your info about side effects is very important.
I quote one article "It is important to note that the number of studies with rigorous scientific methodology that have derived significant conclusions is small, whereas the intensity of the underground marketing and promotion of most AAS is intense, far exceeding the data supporting their use."
Here is the full Pubmed article from May 2013 detailing the toxicity of D-bol and methyltest after 2 DAYS EXPOSURE!!
Google PMC3648690 as I cannot submit links (not enough posts)
There is another study from 2011, pointing out the dangers of high levels of nortestosterone (think deca/tren)
pubmed 21290409
I know I am going to get flamed for this, I just NEED to get this info out there. You guys have the right to know about the additional harm that can be caused by using AAS.