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  1. #1
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Diet Impacting Aromatisation

    Hi all

    We all know that some steroids aromatise and produce estrogen. We also know that a crappy diet can make you bloat on cycle. But are these 2 things related? If I have a high salt meal on cycle, I find that I not only bloat quite badly, but that nips also get sensitive, which would suggest that salt intake is potentially linked to aromatisation in some way.

    Also, it doesn't matter what AI I'm running, eating something high in salt will cause this regardless.



  2. #2
    BBJT200's Avatar
    BBJT200 is offline Senior Member
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    Interesting. I'm curious to see what others have to say.

  3. #3
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    Ultimately the way to avoid this will remain the same - keep sodium low, but it might help shed some light on why some people feel their AI has failed mid-cycle when everything was in check

  4. #4
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by cutting_king
    Ultimately the way to avoid this will remain the same - keep sodium low, but it might help shed some light on why some people feel their AI has failed mid-cycle when everything was in check
    It's more than just diet. How lean you are coupled with a good nutrition plan will keep estro lower. Will it keep it low enough to avoid sides from estro? Maybe but more than likely you will still need an AI to keep circulating estrogen within a good range. Remember just cause you are not having high estrogen sides does not mean your estrogen is within normal range

  5. #5
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jim230027

    It's more than just diet. How lean you are coupled with a good nutrition plan will keep estro lower. Will it keep it low enough to avoid sides from estro? Maybe but more than likely you will still need an AI to keep circulating estrogen within a good range. Remember just cause you are not having high estrogen sides does not mean your estrogen is within normal range
    I'm never more than around 12% and don't have problems on cycle until I have a high salt meal.

    The general consensus is that your body retains the extra salt, which is why you get bloated, I'm suggesting that perhaps salt has an impact on aromatisation in some way as it also flares up other high estrogen symptoms as well as bloat


  6. #6
    Rida5d's Avatar
    Rida5d is offline Member
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    Yes u might bloat if u take much salt, but puffy nipples?? Never heard of that one yet

  7. #7
    bigsiv's Avatar
    bigsiv is offline Productive Member
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    It's definitely worth a closer look I would like some more info on this subject myself. Dealing with estro hen levels on cycle is a pain so any extra studies would be ideal. Subbed to this

  8. #8
    Othello's Avatar
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    I find potassium supps help a lot with NaCl related bloats...i take 2 tabs of euro-k whenever i happen to be invited at a meal rich in sodium

  9. #9
    cutting_king's Avatar
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    I actually first noticed this on a cycle a while back and couldn't understand what triggered it, so I started keeping a food diary.

    The second time it happened, I noticed it the very next day after I went for a Chinese meal (notorious for being extremely high in salt).

    I recently went for another similar meal and I got the same thing.

    I got bloated with sensitive nips from the day after the meal each time and I was on an AI. First two times I was on letro, third time on aromasin .

    The bloat lasted 14 to 17 days each time and I even developed a small amount of gyno from this which I'd never been prone to on cycle before.

  10. #10
    Othello's Avatar
    Othello is offline Member
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    Chinese restaurants use a lot of MSG(monosodium glutamate) so maybe this is the culprit

  11. #11
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    You never know. I never add salt to my nutrition plan but I have never had an issue with a cheat meal either. Are you currently using an AI? Have you ran labs to see we're your estrogen is at?

  12. #12
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    chinese has soy sauce, soy is estrogenic. You may want to try adding regular salt to a meal and see if the same thing happens. iT MAY NOT be the actual salt, but the type of salty food your eating. There may be something else in the food sources that are estrogenic. some cooking spices affect it, oregano is one...licorice, not sure what else off the top my head

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Interested to see if this is real

  14. #14
    dlex's Avatar
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    certain foods which contain certain chemicals and pesticides raise estro also plastics are very estrogenic read a very intresting article about the gradual decline in mens test throught the generations due to pesticedes in foods as well as chemicals and plastics being highly estrogenic
    ie a plastic bottle the chemicals get into youre system from use and cause estro to rise killing test

  15. #15
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    The question for me is, why wouldn't the AI I was on have prevented any estrogen aromatisation resulting from the salt, or whichever ingredient caused it?

    Maybe it causes estrogen levels to rise through some other mechanism, rendering the AI useless. Maybe is activates the estrogen receptors directly...

    Anyone else experienced estro- related symptoms from a high salt meal? (Apart from bloat)


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