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Thread: Clean and mean

  1. #1
    Napiergen is offline New Member
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    Sep 2013

    Clean and mean

    Hey all

    Long time lurker, veteran lifter. Background is 4 cycle's 2 mass 2 cutters.

    5'8, 180pds, 8%BF and feeling super strong. I've never wanted to be big just super hard and strong. I believe I have achieved that but am planning to get more lean mass.

    This post has two reasons. To get involved in the community and also get a hell YEAH or NO there are other options for my next cycle.

    My thoughts are:

    Test Cyp 500mg per wk 1- 12
    Tbol 50 mg's 1-8
    Anavar 50 mg's 6- 12

    Standard PCT to follow....

    Target is a clean 15 pounds of muscle mass with little gain in BF.

    Thoughts and thanks.

    PS EQ is a something I might throw in so a talking point would be welcome.

  2. #2
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Welcome, I don't see 15lbs lbm from that cycle but anythings possible. Var at 50mg was a waste for me, I upped to 100mg.

    Leaving out the AI, HCG , and standard PCT assume you are already knowledgeable on that.

    I really don't know about that Tbol some guys do like it though. Is 2 orals for 12 weeks not a little overkill?

    Never used EQ but heard its a waste by most members here, very few actually like it. I believe for gains its not to great, but increased appetite may help you. Your diet must be spot on to be 8 %. What does it look like right now curious to know because I cant get close to 10% let alone 8%.

  3. #3
    Napiergen is offline New Member
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    Sep 2013
    EQ has been my major Q? One thing I know is when a steroid is working for me I am happy with the results. 50mg of Var will always put me up 20pds in strength and give me great vascularity.

    Want to load the first part of my cycle with TBOL to gain strength before the Test kicks in and as for the Var. Gains made are always easy to keep for me.

    In relation to my diet I will post an in depth breakdown but in reality. Its CLEAN and what cuts fat like a hot knife through butter for me is morning fasted cardio. 20 mins every morning running will ultimately get me wherever I want to be..... diet in check.

  4. #4
    Napiergen is offline New Member
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    Sep 2013
    These are my thoughts and have listened and learned for sometime/years.

    Would like to get to know and hear the opinion of more junior and senior members.


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