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Thread: Just Pinned my Delt for the first time... Ouch?!

  1. #1

    Just Pinned my Delt for the first time... Ouch?!

    So I just did my first injection (3rd injection total) in my medial delt... only 1cc of test-e in a 23g syringe with a 1" needle. It was quite a pain in the ass (not-literally) I must say!

    First off, reaching across my body like that was really awkward...

    Second, aspirating was difficult to say the least, pretty hard to stabilize the syringe and pull on the plunger with just one hand, actually it was all difficult to do with one hand.

    Third, the oil went in SO slow... I know patience is key as it's very viscous but jeez it took forever.

    Fourth, once I took the needle out a stream of blood dripped out, I assume this is because I wasn't at the perfect angle the whole time and tore some shit up, but how am I supposed to keep it steady!?

    PIP isn't really bad so that's good, we will see how I feel tomorrow haha.

    Anyways, whining aside, does anyone have any tips for me to make this easier? Aside from the obvious "just pin your quads", I'm trying to find different sites cause my past two quad injections have been OK, but I train legs twice a week and I'm not a pro by any means yet so my quads are usually a bit sore for a couple days after injecting.

  2. #2
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Put your hand over the other shoulder. Easy to inject that way and keeps arm stable.

    To aspirate, just pinch the plunger with index and thumb where it meets the barrel slightly. No need for any real pressure.

    23g is usually very fast at dispensing oil. Try running the barrel under hot water for a minute before injecting.

    Blood was due to passing through a vein. No big deal. Just seal the spot till it clots.

    If you moved the syringe around too much while injecting, you'll probably have some discomfort tomorrow, maybe redness and/or swelling.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    Doesn't sound all that terrible. You'll get used to it. Putting the vial in luke warm water will make injections a lot quicker too.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Put your hand over the other shoulder. Easy to inject that way and keeps arm stable.

    To aspirate, just pinch the plunger with index and thumb where it meets the barrel slightly. No need for any real pressure.

    23g is usually very fast at dispensing oil. Try running the barrel under hot water for a minute before injecting.

    Blood was due to passing through a vein. No big deal. Just seal the spot till it clots.

    If you moved the syringe around too much while injecting, you'll probably have some discomfort tomorrow, maybe redness and/or swelling.
    I've become accustomed to just looking for the almighty pic of DLB when looking for advice.

    1) That makes total sense, will try next time, I dunno why I didn't think about that.

    2) Ok well that's good to know, I think I may have been over-aspirating (probably not a real word)

    3) I keep my gear and syringes in the basement, rather cold... do you think I should be heating up the needle and the vial? (by barrel you mean the top of the syringe that holds the oil, not the actual needle right?)

    4) Yeah it just kind of freaked me out haha had to run to the bathroom with blood drippin' down me arm

    5) Woohoo, good thing I did my upper body workout today, looking forward to that... haha

    Thanks a lot man

  5. #5
    Ok thanks for the tip man, It wasn't that bad, just a lot different from my other experiences in my quad.

    appreciate it!

  6. #6
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Don't heat the needle or let anything come near it. Barrel is the barrell. Where the oil sits before you inject it.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    Don't heat the needle or let anything come near it. Barrel is the barrell. Where the oil sits before you inject it.
    Yes yes I know the needle must not be touched by anything other than your skin and muscle hence the confusion haha thanks, I will try this next time.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    For delts I usually kneel down and rest my arm on the counter top, if doing my left delt I'll kneel with my left knee on the floor and lean the left side of my body against the cabinets so my armpit is up against the counter top (i prefer to be in the bathroom), this helps the muscle to stay relaxed . Pin straight down into the muscle (I usually stay within the medial to rear delt), this keeps the pin nice and steady since gravity is helping the pin to basically stand straight up. Aspirate as Austintine said, it doesn't take a whole lot of "pull" (if you're in a bad area you'll know right away as just a slight amount of pressure will pull a bit of blood in the syringe). If no blood then go ahead and inject....when finished, pull straight up and out, re-cover with your alcohol swab and you should be good. This way has been the easiest way for me to stay steady and controlled for delt injections

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