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Thread: *Deca and Test for Vacation

  1. #1
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    *Deca and Test for Vacation

    Hello people,

    Long time lurker, first time poster.

    So this is my first cycle;
    I am 36 years, 6’ 230 pounds 22% BF. Working out for over 13 years,slow down in training in the past year due to slight injury..
    I went on Deca (British Dragon) and Sustanon -250 (Malay Tiger) 10 Amp/1ml then when done with Sustanon I got Test Prop 100mg to finish with cycle. I do have Nolva and clomid on hand, did not take anything yet. The only thing I take are usual multi vitamins and fish oil etc.. My diet is VERY clean now no junk food. I eat fish, chicken veggies oatmeal, egg whites etc. 4-5 meals a day, Plus 1 protein shake in the morning one after work out and one at night (casein) at Plus a dose in the morning and evening of Complete Liver Cleanser (Enzomatic)
    I pin 1cc each every Monday and Thursday. So far 4 pins. At first I felt great, lots of energy but not a very good night sleep. I forgot I could not drink so had 3 shots of Tequila one day (none since) not sure if it did naything dramitcly bad for me in a long run.For sleep problem I encountered that with Melatonin 10mg ( I have Lunesta but I felt depressed next day, took it one time) not sure if due to that or high dosage of Deca but I stopped either way and just take Melatonin.I have read a ton about British Dragon so not sure if the gear if ****ed or whatever.
    My friend is on the same first cycle but different “brand” . He feels fine and horny like a monkey and me not so much (today only he felt depressed) My libido is gone, but I still get wood. I feel tired ( few nights of 6 hour sleep though) and fogy mind. After reading side effect I realized that I might be on too much of Deca or not enough Test, 1 to 1 ratio. So last night I decided to lower Deca to 400mg (2 pins @200mg) and keep my test the same 500mg a week. Today I feel better but no libido. From I read I might have too much Estrogen in my body and maybe taking Arimidex at half tablet .5 is the way to control it..I already have a kid but want to have more kids.Thus, the way Deca has worked for me I don’t think it will be good for me in a long run, so I want to stop taking it.

    So here is my question and I am seeking your advice.
    What I want to achieve now; The last thing I want to do is to be depressed and low on energy with no wood when I go on vacation. Not sure how severe it will be after cycle since this is my first time doing it. My first pin was Sep 4th I got 8 week cycle end Nov4th .Deca,Sustanon (10 Amp) then will take Test Prop I got 100mg/ml. I understand that I should start my PCT about 2 weeks after last pin,.I have vacation coming up Nov 24th 3 weeks after my last pin, Anyways I want to drop Deca all together, now last shot I dropped Deca to 400 from the 500 , then, gradually maybe go to 200mg next then cut it again in half then go Test only.

    So my questions are:
    • Can I ,or how bad and what is the “proper” way to drop Deca in mid cycle?
    • I understand most people suggest Test E or C on Test only cycle, but I got Test Prop after I am done with Sutanon-250 am I still OK? I can get Test E or C not a problem if needed.
    • Should I use Arimidex or Cabergoline or Bromocriptine during cycle?
    • What the dosage of Test Prop, I was thinking 2cc a week, 1cc per shoot if I drop Deca all together?
    • Will I be “OK” dropping Deca only 3 weeks after my last pin, if I go on Test only?
    • Should I take Arimidex (or what to to Control E levels) while on Test only and what dose of both?
    • Can I drink while doing PCT I will take Clomid, HCG ,Nolva ?HCG realy needed?
    • is Arimidex necessary to ad for PCT?
    • I was also thinking adding supplements to PCT like Maca Gold Powder ,something with TCF-1 in (not sure what yet), maybe NO2,Vitamin B-6,Vitamin C 500mg, Folic acid,Chlorine Bitartrate,tyrosine,Phenyline.Basilcy fix/restore my body (mood libido) ASAP.Or anything else you guy recommend .
    • How long for PCT regiment ?
    As you can see I might be going over board with with PCT but I want to recover ASAP.
    I do 1.5 HR a weight lifting 5 days a week and 20 minutes cardio sprints,pushing/;pull a sled 3 times a week.
    So to summarize: My goal now is to get ripped/shred fat loose weight but still try maintaining muscle mass (15 pound lose in 2 month) I understand that Deca and Test cycle was not the best choice for it, but I am dumping Deca. Should I stop all together now and do PCT,or just keep on going on Test 8 weeks 10?
    Or simply run lower Test 200mg a week (amount) and run it through vacation till Dec = 3month on Test then ?
    (But then I will have to bring Test over the border/airport security If I go 3mont stright on Test..)
    If I quit all of it now (do PCT)And shorter cycle does what?
    How much of Test a week (how many weeks should I take for minimal recovery? Again my goal is I don’t want to have a limp dick and libido on vacation and be all depressed. Quiting drinking alcohol was not a problem while on a cycle but I want to on vacation and be “social” with friends.Spending too much $$ on it and only go once year with the family. I was not thinking about the after effect cof ycle can have on me, thanks to this board I got educated, well here I am now. If it was not for vacation I would not care and deal with it.

    Sorry for a winded post, but I figure this is what this forum is for and hopefully others in the future can dif this up and find their answers. So I turn to your expert advice.
    Thank you for all replies in advance.
    Last edited by kiruf; 09-17-2013 at 02:28 PM.

  2. #2
    Psaletta's Avatar
    Psaletta is offline Member
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    Welcome. At 22% bf you are running a very high risk of sides. Also, decca on a first cycle is not a smart move. My 2 cents would be to stop now, proper pct.. Then back to the nutrition section and let the gents over there sort you out. Getting the body you desire takes proper nutrition not aas. You will see better results from a clean diet and serious training. Good luck!

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    wow what a size of a post lol

  4. #4
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    You should not be cycling anything at 22% BF.

    To answer your questions, in order of your questions...

    . Wasting your time with deca . Don't consider.
    . Test is test. Doesn't matter what ester you use. Stability is vital.
    . This is not even a valid question. What are you asking? If you need arimidex and caber? If so, yes.
    . CC's don't mean anything to us. We only speak in milligrams. Agan, stability is what's vital. IE a steady dose throughout.
    . Will you be OK? In what terms? You'll need to perform PCT then check blood work to verify recovery.
    . Yes, you need Arimidex. Dose depends on testosterone dose and how your blood work looks.
    . Yes, you can drink. Excessive drinking is unhealthy. Enjoy but in moderation. hCG on cycle, not during PCT.
    . No. Do not use Arimidex during PCT.
    . Supplements won't hurt. But all you need is Nolva and Clomid for recover.
    . Depends on length of cycle. 4 week PCT should be enough for average cycles.

    No offense, but you should stay clear of any steroid use . You're not ready. My recommendation is to abort your current cycle and spend your time in the nutrition section so that you learn how to lose weight naturally.

    Good luck.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  5. #5
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by austinite View Post
    You should not be cycling anything at 22% BF.

    To answer your questions, in order of your questions...

    . Wasting your time with deca . Don't consider.
    . Test is test. Doesn't matter what ester you use. Stability is vital.
    . This is not even a valid question. What are you asking? If you need arimidex and caber? If so, yes.
    . CC's don't mean anything to us. We only speak in milligrams. Agan, stability is what's vital. IE a steady dose throughout.
    . Will you be OK? In what terms? You'll need to perform PCT then check blood work to verify recovery.
    . Yes, you need Arimidex. Dose depends on testosterone dose and how your blood work looks.
    . Yes, you can drink. Excessive drinking is unhealthy. Enjoy but in moderation. ANDhCG on cycle, not during PCT.
    . No. Do not use Arimidex during PCT.
    . Supplements won't hurt. But all you need is Nolva and Clomid for recover.
    . Depends on length of cycle. 4 week PCT should be enough for average cycles.

    No offense, but you should stay clear of any steroid use . You're not ready. My recommendation is to abort your current cycle and spend your time in the nutrition section so that you learn how to lose weight naturally.

    Good luck.

    Right now I am on 500mg a week of Deca and 500mg Test.

    Got it. I was thinking Droping Deca and go with 200mg of prop test for 8 -10 weeks.

    So you suggest my best option to quit ALL now and start PCT

    As right now I got Nolvadex and Clomid. So if I quit now when should I start PCT? And how much of Clomid and Nolvadex only?

    I read someone used Arimidex during cycle to control E levels….Anyway
    Considering my current situation should I take with Clomid and Nolvadex for my PCT?

    So Arimidex is only on cycle?

    I am completely puzzled they guy that I got it from told me to use Nolvadex durind Cycle then Clomid and HCG for PCT

  6. #6
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    So how bad is it and what side effect if I drop my cycle now?

  7. #7
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    So we now see, contrary to the dominating opinion of the times, that anti-estrogens alone will do little to raise testosterone levels in the early weeks of the post-cycle window. This leaves us to focus on a very different level of the HPTA in order to hasten recovery: the testes. For this we will need the injectable drug HCG. If you are not familiar with it, HCG, or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin , is a prescription fertility agent that mimics the bodies own natural LH. Although the testes are equally desensitized to this drug as LH (they both work through the same mechanism), we are administering it as a measured drug and are therefore not constrained by the limits of our own LH production. We similarly can use HCG to provide a bolus dose of LH (of our choosing), which works only to augment the recovering LH levels we already have in the body. In essence we are looking to shock them with an overwhelmingly high level of LH activity, coming from both endogenous and exogenous sources. We want it to reach a level far above what our body, even when supported by anti-estrogens, could possibly do on its own. The result can be a rapid restoration of original testicular mass and functioning, which would allow normal levels of testosterone to be output much sooner than without such an ancillary program. What we are looking at now is HCG actually being the pivotal post-cycle drug, while anti-estrogens are relegated to a supportive role at best.
    Last edited by kiruf; 09-17-2013 at 05:09 PM.

  8. #8
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  9. #9
    Ginger84's Avatar
    Ginger84 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiruf View Post
    Right now I am on 500mg a week of Deca and 500mg Test.

    Got it. I was thinking Droping Deca and go with 200mg of prop test for 8 -10 weeks.

    So you suggest my best option to quit ALL now and start PCT

    As right now I got Nolvadex and Clomid. So if I quit now when should I start PCT? And how much of Clomid and Nolvadex only?

    I read someone used Arimidex during cycle to control E levels….Anyway
    Considering my current situation should I take with Clomid and Nolvadex for my PCT?

    So Arimidex is only on cycle?

    I am completely puzzled they guy that I got it from told me to use Nolvadex durind Cycle then Clomid and HCG for PCT
    Nolvadex & Clomid during PCT only. HCG is to be used ON cycle no on PCT. Arimidex is on cycle....

  10. #10
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Thank you

  11. #11
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Another question if I wanted to ad TRS to my PCT should I and wich one?

    Many thanks

  12. #12
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Is it OK to take D-Aspartic Acid on PCT?

    Just looking for natural help if I get blues, low libido Zinc, ZMA, Toco-8

  13. #13
    OnTheSauce is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiruf
    Is it OK to take D-Aspartic Acid on PCT?

    Just looking for natural help if I get blues, low libido Zinc, ZMA, Toco-8
    It won't hurt

  14. #14
    atmjw's Avatar
    atmjw is offline New Member
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    how is it that people start a cycle then ask if their doing it right I'm no expert and only have a few cycles under my belt but I was sure i knew everything i could know before i ever put any one thing in my body

    1 u dont cycle at 22 %
    2 u dont use deca on your first cycle
    3 it sounds like are you are just trying to get shredded for your trip and think aas is the easy way

  15. #15
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by atmjw View Post
    how is it that people start a cycle then ask if their doing it right I'm no expert and only have a few cycles under my belt but I was sure i knew everything i could know before i ever put any one thing in my body

    1 u dont cycle at 22 %
    2 u dont use deca on your first cycle
    3 it sounds like are you are just trying to get shredded for your trip and think aas is the easy way
    As I mentioned before I have been working out for over 13 years, so not a novice at this. I can bench press 305x8 4 sets and thats ALL NATURAL more then some roid heads can do while on the gear. . My body fat have risen due to injury and not working out as much this year. It just happens that the timing for my cycle was miscalculated..I am not a everyday partier ,but like every one else I would like to have few drinks on vacation.As I mentioned before, I only had drank one night in the past 3 month, I was and am serious about doing this.My diet now is SUPER clean healthy.
    I wish everything in life was perfect... I race cars mid level and also a instructor at the racing school. Thus, I know first hand that how many drivers make mistakes even seasoned drivers make.But with help and education things usually get better,it s always a learning process. Even for the young punk that brings a brand new Viper to the track and thinks because he has all that HP under the hood he will be fast, next thing you know another guy on a Acura laps him.
    Well I am not that young punk,I am willing to listen and learn.
    How many professional bodybuilders still discover things years after, and I am sure with few mistakes.
    Last edited by kiruf; 09-18-2013 at 09:53 AM.
    Red Bastard likes this.

  16. #16
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Per recommendation on this board I will end my cycle now.

    In any case my last questions are:

    I only had so far,4 pins 500mg of Sustanon250 and 500MG of Deca a week. So 2 weeks total.
    I have Clomid 50mg and Nolva 10mg tablets.

    When should I start my PTC? 2 weeks out from my last pin?
    Also Should I take Nolva only for my PCT? If so what my regiment should be and for how long?

    What would recommend BF % should be if I decide to go back on the cycle.

    Thank you

  17. #17
    thefirerises is offline New Member
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    Would he have to continue the test for a little bit to let the deca clear before starting pct? Or since levels haven't had enough time to build up he would be ok to drop them both and begin pct in a week? I'm curious too

  18. #18
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    HEY AUSTINITE thank for the link I have been reading all day (my employees going nuts)
    Especially this thread on Marcus WOW, deferentially good educational AND inspirational info

  19. #19
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    I wanted to PM you but either I am not finding how or not enough "privileges" :-O

  20. #20
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    NO HELP?

    In my case After 3 weeks on this short "Cycle" what is you recommendations for PTC

    1 week after my Deca shot start PTC...
    for four weeks
    but what is the Dosage recommended for

  21. #21
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    Glad to see your aborting this cycle. You will be best served after a proper PCT to then take time to read all the stickies and understand all the products and how they work and when to use them. Your source is not the guy to get cycle info from. Stick around the board and ask questions if you are have problems understanding as we are here to help out so that if you chose to take AAS you can do it as responsibly as possible

  22. #22
    kiruf is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by fit2bOld View Post
    Glad to see your aborting this cycle. You will be best served after a proper PCT to then take time to read all the stickies and understand all the products and how they work and when to use them. Your source is not the guy to get cycle info from. Stick around the board and ask questions if you are have problems understanding as we are here to help out so that if you chose to take AAS you can do it as responsibly as possible
    Thanks for reply.
    This board is very educational, learned a lot even in the past few days. Espicaly inspiring threads about working out from Marcus300.

    But can you answer my question when when I abort my cycle should I proceed with regular PCT as if I was on the full cycle?
    I got Clomid and Nolva. From I read Clomid gives lots of mood swings.But if I have to take it then it is what it is.

    Should I take both for my PCT or just one?
    Nolva 40/40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/20/20

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