Hi everyone,¸
I'm 26 years old and i have been training for 6 years now. I'm 187 at 10% bodyfat. I bought my gear from a good friend and told me to do deca and galenika as my first cycle.
week 1 to 3, he told me to do 500mg of galenika and then from week 4 to 10, do 250mg. He also told me to take 350mg deca a week till 10 week. i already have my PCT planned.
I have been reading alot lately. Most people don't take deca on their first cycle. Is it that bad to take it? Are my dose of test from week 4 to 10 too low. Should i keep injecting 500ml till week 10. Should i stop deca 2 weeks earlier than test?
I'm competing in march in a non tested competition. I want to put the most muscle i can with this cycle but stay healthy without abusing gear..
If you have any suggetion, i would love to hear it...