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Thread: Cycle critique prop and Winnie

  1. #1

    Cycle critique prop and Winnie

    Decided to switch up my upcoming cycle a bit. Plan on running prop and Winnie. This will be my 3rd cycle
    6'2 200lbs 10.1% bf
    Test prop 50mg Ed week 1-8
    Oral Winnie 50mg Ed week 3-8
    Arimidex .25 eod
    Hcg 250iu x2 weekly e3d

    Clomid 100/50/50/50
    Nolva 40/20/20/20/20/20

    Looking to gain a solid 10-15lbs while maintaining athletic ability. And drop 2% bf. strict cardio and carb management.

  2. #2
    Was also womdering about winny dosages. 50mg Eod for 6 weeks or 25mg ed for 8?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    hey bro. i have not been on here for a wile just came back so my advice may or may not be the same as the pros on here but heres my opinion.

    your test dose looks a bit low to me for the goals you have... and in my opinion you should run the winny a bit higher but no more then 4 weeks also just currious why you chose this combo of compounds for your goals?? and also why shot for such a high wieght gain well dropping that much bf% in such a short time?

  4. #4
    What do u recommend to achieve those goals, of course diet is check and training is intense as well.

  5. #5
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
    Join Date
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    Cialis, Texas
    Cycle look great. Goals are way out there... but nothing wrong with setting the bar high.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    in my opinion it sounds as if your bf% and physique are the most important thing to you so what i would do is focus more on the lean part of a lean bulk if u get what im saying... obviously your diet and training are great so you are already lean and mean so now you worry about slow solid gains well maintaining that hard lean look and take your time with it.

    what compounds have you ran in your couple previous cycles?

    you could do a strieght bulk but if i were you with your goals and dont mind pinning ide try some npp and prop very simple cycle just make sure you have caber... var or mast prop would go great as well but if its your 3erd cycle then dont add more then one compound thats new and keep it simple.

    also in my opinion if you are going to stick with the test prop and oral route go with var not winny... winny can be very harsh.

    lastly if you want my advice on the cycle you have propposed this is what i would change.

    test prop at 75mg ed (this is your third cycle) drink plenty of water about 1.5 gal - 2 gal a day this will help keep what little water you may see off. weeks 1-9
    winny at 60mg ed weeks 6-9 have something for liver support.

    as i said before i think you would be better off with var though.

    goodluck bro.

  7. #7
    [QUOTE=spoon69;6679574]in my opinion it sounds as if your bf% and physique are the most important thing to you so what i would do is focus more on the lean part of a lean bulk if u get what im saying... obviously your diet and training are great so you are already lean and mean so now you worry about slow solid gains well maintaining that hard lean look and take your time with it.
    what compounds have you ran in your couple previous cycles?

    Thanks for the input spoon. Yes I'm trying to stay lean and ripped and 10lbs of solid muscle is my goal while dropping some bf, not looking for huge mass gains. Wanted too run dht compound this run around so I had mast and winny in mind, still trying to decide but leaning towards the winny as its lesh harsh on the wallet coming from my source. Yes I def. looked into npp but my source does not carry it unfortunately.
    1st cycle was test e for 10 weeks at 400mg ew
    2nd test prop var cycle 100mg eod and 60mg Ed.
    Saw great results from var but it didn't give me that tight shredded look I was hoping for. Put on lean quality muscle that I've kept to this day I can tell u that.

  8. #8
    Also what effects can be seen with winstrol at 10bf?

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