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Thread: Truth and myth about Peptides

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    I agree straight HGH is better, but i dont agree that peptides are crap. they do help and will last long term. but a cycle of peps is not going to be noticed like say a 500mg 12 week cycle of test. not even close.
    The cjc /ghrp stack def does soethimg and the tb500 is def a legit peptide as well man. I agree with you juced.l

  2. #82
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    I really was not trying to piss anyone off ! I just thought that trying to assist Andrea AGAIN was a total waste of time and felt that everyone knew he is a walking joke ! I did not direct anything negative to anyone until they caled me out !

    Everyone I thought by now had stopped even taking Andera serious and a Pep Thread would be good but to try to relate facts to Andera IMO was a joke and therefore my rant and post Lunk called me out and so did some guy I don't even know ?


    I appericiate a knowledgable post on any subject but how can you assist Andera he is hopeless ! I have researched Peps a lot and IMO They take so long to see results that is why IMO a 4 week cycle is almost a waste of money except for certain peps like ADO or HGH Frag 176-191 which are 45 days on and 45 days off ? Then there is Semorlin raved about as the next best peptide to HGH which will give you almost the same results without the sides of HGH . So I have ran a 6 mth run of Semorlin , cjc - 1295 w/o DAC GHRP 2 days and GHRP 6 at night with 3 x's a day injection anD Seen un believable results to be only using 100 mgs of Test wkly and 250 iu's of HCG EOD with 50 mgs of Deca weekly for joint pain and very happy with the results ! Semorlin is a miricial pep ! IMO a close second is Impromel . ANY OF THESE YOU ARE NTERESTED IN TRYING I WILL BE HAPPY TO GIVE YOU DOSE AND PROTICALL OF USE , JUST pm ME

    I run TB - 500 Year round and have canceled rotator cuff surgery and also canceled knee Surgery the IGF was a bit pricey to me for the result that I saw and stopped using it . Many people swear by it and all people are different !

    I alway reconstiitute with BAC Water and basiclly 1 ml per 1 mg works pretty good to keep injections even and constant !

    I have even researched the not spoken of very much Delta Sleep Inducing Product (DSIP)

    All the articles on the Internet recommend IV injections and I Inject Sub- Q at 3 tic and see great results with my research subject great stuff !

    But I still see no reason to use Peps for 4 weeks and expect to see any real results they take 2 weeks to saturate your system IMHO ?

    So even if this s Anderas post I did want to share some Positive research that I have personal knowledge with and also MT - II is touch and go IMO you get good product some times and you get weak sometimes . Another thing to keep in mind is you will get stronger peps in the months from Nov. through May due to less shipping time in intense heat even though dry they are still effected by sitting is a metal PO van for say 48 hours that is just common sense . So like this statements or not I have seen personal research to back up my statements and I will be happy to share what I have learned with anyone just not in this thread. You can be like Lunk and just hate on me but I am not BS with what I have learned about Peps

    Oh yea for all you haters out there I know my spelling and grammar is bad I was crushed by a truck in 02 and I lost a lot of old memory and I have current memory and that is why I have dificulty spelling Truth and I am going back to school in Jan just to learn how to spell do math and use proper English and yea I am an AH when some one bust on me but what can I say I am probably more mad at me than the person who is messing with me it is a shameful thig to be 54 and be going back to school to learn to use proper English and spell properly ! Yes I am really 100% disabled and TRT has bennifited my life more than anything but I am still a man and ashamed that I have issues spelling but life is what it is !

    I do train hard and eat clen and yes I have pelny of time to do both and can't work that many straight hours with out having to sleep but I can go to the gym he rest then ride my bike and rest !

    I got my pride and Lunk has been on my ass for 6 mths every post I make and there is no love lost there but I am not crazy I am handicapped ! I will be starting my 3rd business in my life time and I remember how to run a business but this time it will be a lot different with my handicaps ! But TRT has been an answer to Prayers !

    Hate me , cuss me , what ever you want but you can't justifiably judge me until you walk a week in my shoes it is no cake walk and I strike back the only way I know how when a DA with no knowledge of my issues bust on me ! No pity wanted and no sympaty needed ! But be careful who you bust on because you may some day be in the same disadvantaged shape I am in and I have overcome ! I was told I would never walk and I would carry O2 with me everywhere I go but Through the grace of God and a stubborn man I has survived !

    Now to the wolves comment anyway you choose I will still be here and I will continue my course n

    Oh last of all a peptide research run should be for 6 mths if you want to see real results not 3 weeks !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-08-2013 at 01:07 AM.

  3. #83
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    ^^^ This was a very good post. Quite honestly Devil Dog, I would have no issue if your posts were helpful and well thought out as the one above and less abusive and loaded with insults that are almost impossible to understand.

    Nobody will argue that Andrea's history here has been a mess. Perhaps try and help with some level of patience just as those who helped you did when you started here. Hatchet buried as far as I'm concerned.

  4. #84
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    Truths and Myths about Peptides!

    Peptides can cause aguments?


  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by lunk1 View Post
    ^^^ this was a very good post. Quite honestly devil dog, i would have no issue if your posts were helpful and well thought out as the one above and less abusive and loaded with insults that are almost impossible to understand.

    Nobody will argue that andrea's history here has been a mess. Perhaps try and help with some level of patience just as those who helped you did when you started here. Hatchet buried as far as i'm concerned.

    oooooooooooooooooooh ! Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-07-2013 at 10:44 PM.

  6. #86
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    Oh yea for all you haters out there I know my spelling and grammar is bad I was crushed by a truck in 02 and I lost a lot of old memory and I have current memory and that is why I have dificulty spelling Truth and I am going back to school in Jan just to learn how to spell do math and use proper English and yea I am an AH when some one bust on me but what can I say I am probably more mad at me than the person who is messing with me it is a shameful thig to be 54 and be going back to school to learn to use proper English and spell properly ! Yes I am really 100% disabled and TRT has bennifited my life more than anything but I am still a man and ashamed that I have issues spelling but life is what it is !

    I do train hard and eat clen and yes I have pelny of time to do both and can't work that many straight hours with out having to sleep but I can go to the gym then rest then ride my bike and rest !

    I got my pride ; but I am not crazy I am handicapped ! I will be starting my 3rd business in my life time and I remember how to run a business but this time it will be a lot different with my handicaps ! But TRT has been an answer to Prayers !

    Come on guys Have some fun ! Build up your huge eos and self esteem and tell me everything else I screw up at IDGAF I guess that is what makes you young Bad Asses so bad you gain your pleasure from others misfortune ! Hey I got broad shoulders laugh it up I am sure you have a lot more funny one liners for me ? I like to lauch so let's hear you bright comments
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-08-2013 at 12:38 AM.

  7. #87
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    Are you really sure HGH is better ? Better than what ? No really HGH gives you a total shut down of you putitary gland and well that def means no more natural HGH so to me that is not good ?

    But if you Combine Semorlin cjc 1295 - w/o DAC and 2 day time injections of GHRP 2 and 1 Post w/o of GHRP 6 so you don't stay awake wanting to eat everything in the kitchen . You combine 3 Peps with each injection and inject 3 x's a day am , pre w/o and post w/o with cjc 1295 w/o DAC which is the trigger for your pancrus to start the release od HGH ; semorlin and GHRP 6 and you hit a double release of you natural HGH From the kick start to your pancrius from the cjc and the Semorlin causes more HGH to be released and the Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide 6 at post w/o you get as close to synthitic HGH as possible and no shut down so you are getting as much maxium HGH release naturally as possible and no bad side that contribute to a HGH shut down .

    Oh yea Somatropin is not that much $310.00 for 100 iu;s and then you are on the stuff for a long time and you keep what you gain but you loose your natural endo balance and IMHO that is not a good thing ?

    That is not harsay that is how the peps work and that is how the # 1 rated HGH works somatropin . So which would you do with your healthy on the fore front ?

    There were a bunch of guys doing Riptropin and the break down on it is you can un cap the vial and snort it and the actrive compound in Riptropin is MDMA ? Yep that is what the rush is you get from the cheaper Riptropin ! I did not make this up the info is out there for any and
    all of you to do is search and inlighten if you only desire ? Easy to find but probably not what the guy at the gym will tell you ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-08-2013 at 01:04 AM.

  8. #88
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    The truth is I look at manys AVIs and I realize that I’m not at a bad point.
    Anyways, I went up 1-2kg since I started tuesday.
    That’s quiet terrifying, since its obviously not musclemass, but pure fat.
    I can assure no water retention, because my ring, comes off quickly from my finger.
    And, optically, there’s no doubt its fat, because my abs are quickly disappearing.
    So, IGF-1 wasn’t known for its fat-burning proprieties???
    Anyways, If IGF-1 is similar to insulin, I can’t imagine how it can have some fat-burning proprieties…
    Insulin, as long as I know, brings shugar to the cells, so, adipose tissue won’t be touched.
    And look at the Bostin Loyd insulin video, he’s fat like a freakin Poooooooooork.
    Should I lower carbs??? I think I have more hunger than usual, I need food.

  9. #89
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    I feel very weird all day, like Low Battery, not directly tired, but somehow like my head is missing, similar to the brainfog I got from hight doses of tren.
    How can I know that what I got is IGF-1 LR3 and not Insulin??
    Please someone who tried both, tell me the difference.

  10. #90
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    [QUOTE=XxAndreaxX;6723876, I need food.[/QUOTE]

    Never have you had this much clarity.

  11. #91
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    I feel like a livin dead.

  12. #92
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    Wow I’m freakin out how harsh that shit is.
    And this at 25mcg, half the common dose.
    Don’t know if I should up my dose next week to 50mcg, I actually thinking of lowering.
    Please someone tell me If that what I got could be some sort of long lasting insulin, cause I’m really fcked up.

  13. #93
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    Or maybe I’m simply very sensitive to peptides.
    I tried MT2 this summer, and had a very bad time with that. Except the red flushes, that are apparently normal, I felt very sick the whole day, and that with only 0,2mg a day. I took maybe 6-8 shots of that thing, for the whole summer, and throw the vial away, cause of the bad sides, but got a very deep and dark tan, everyone was surprised, I was even darker than my Afro-Brasilian friend.
    Is that possible? Because I read, many people telling, MT2 did not gave them a great tan and the minimum to get a decent tan, are 2 vials (20mg I think).

  14. #94
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    MTll works great for me. If you got sick, cut the dose.

    As far as other peps, really like Ipam and mod grf 1-29. 1 dose before going to the gym and love the pumps.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    The truth is I look at manys AVIs and I realize that I’m not at a bad point.
    Anyways, I went up 1-2kg since I started tuesday.
    That’s quiet terrifying, since its obviously not musclemass, but pure fat.
    I can assure no water retention, because my ring, comes off quickly from my finger.
    And, optically, there’s no doubt its fat, because my abs are quickly disappearing.
    So, IGF-1 wasn’t known for its fat-burning proprieties???
    Anyways, If IGF-1 is similar to insulin, I can’t imagine how it can have some fat-burning proprieties…
    Insulin, as long as I know, brings shugar to the cells, so, adipose tissue won’t be touched.
    And look at the Bostin Loyd insulin video, he’s fat like a freakin Poooooooooork.
    Should I lower carbs??? I think I have more hunger than usual, I need food .
    Since when in a complete year making post have you even remotly considered food as an issue with all of your issues ?

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Wow I’m freakin out how harsh that shit is.
    And this at 25mcg, half the common dose.
    Don’t know if I should up my dose next week to 50mcg, I actually thinking of lowering.
    Please someone tell me If that what I got could be some sort of long lasting insulin, cause I’m really fcked up.
    Peptides are not harsh ! As usual you are clueless as to what you are doing ! You can take Peptides years round even when on cycle and you will see results ! The longer you stay on the proper protical the better and more results you will see ? DUH ? I doubt you will see any result with 4 weeks on Peptides and you have not seen any results with less than 2 weeeks researching Peptides they do not effect your Endo that way !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-09-2013 at 03:47 AM.

  17. #97
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    I never stop taking TB - 500 , Semorlin , or MT - II . I must admit that MT - II is the least consistant of all Peptides I get from 5 different research companies ! Any and all have shipped me different strengths of MT - II !

    As far as ADO or HGH Frag I find this to be somewhat inconsistant also but at any rate not like a 45 day dose is going to melt 10 lbs of fat cells and ADO is the stronger and you will see more results from ADO than HGH Frag 176 - 191 .

    I reconstituted several different Peptides when I recontituted DSIP so I will have to go back to my notes to see how I reconstituted it . I do know that I reconstituted in a 10 ml vial !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-09-2013 at 04:07 AM. Reason: v

  18. #98
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    hmmm, don't know man, I feel real sick on IGF-1. I noticed a real increase in endurance thou, and nothing in hypertrophy. I can train with noticeable less rest and same strenght. but at same rest, I don't have more strenght. but I feel sick all day. I feel most sick some hours after pin, and less sick some hours before next pin. I feel like having fever, but I don't have. I read that some labs, put insulin instead of igf-1, cause its so similar, but far cheaper. my syntoms are more like igf-1 or insulin, or neither of both? can I drink alcohol on igf-1??

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    hmmm, don't know man, I feel real sick on IGF-1. I noticed a real increase in endurance thou, and nothing in hypertrophy. I can train with noticeable less rest and same strenght. but at same rest, I don't have more strenght. but I feel sick all day. I feel most sick some hours after pin, and less sick some hours before next pin. I feel like having fever, but I don't have. I read that some labs, put insulin instead of igf-1, cause its so similar, but far cheaper. my syntoms are more like igf-1 or insulin, or neither of both? can I drink alcohol on igf-1??
    Sure you can and do more Tren while you drink ! Lucky for you you stopped that dangerous protein that you had been drinking ? I was really glad to read that you were off that super clen summer diet ! That must have been tough for a big muscular guy like you

  20. #100
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    Don’t know, I’m always aware to mix things. But I saw that alcohol and IGF-1 is no problem at all.
    Yesterday I felt fine, today I feel fine, not even tired, seems the last shot of Saturday morning, is now more or less gone. Today double dose ufff its 50mcg. I’m scared guys, If I felt sh!t with 25mcg,… lets imagine 50… but I’ll have you updated.
    Strange thing, Saturday night I was greatly pumped. And great vascularity too. Maybe due to alcohol. The good thing is I’m still ripped, and weight the same as this summer when I was on crazy loads of roids…

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Don’t know, I’m always aware to mix things. But I saw that alcohol and IGF-1 is no problem at all.
    Yesterday I felt fine, today I feel fine, not even tired, seems the last shot of Saturday morning, is now more or less gone. Today double dose ufff its 50mcg. I’m scared guys, If I felt sh!t with 25mcg,… lets imagine 50… but I’ll have you updated.
    Strange thing, Saturday night I was greatly pumped. And great vascularity too. Maybe due to alcohol. The good thing is I’m still ripped, and weight the same as this summer when I was on crazy loads of roids…
    Does your ass ever get jealous of the sh!t that comes out of your mouth?

  22. #102
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    Don't be fooled with peptides, they are all hype! if you want to run something what you will reap benefits from use hgh, trust me there is NO alternative its all hype to extract your cash from you. Ive not none one person to carry on using them after they have tried them. I did 3-4 yrs on LR3 at various dosages and protocols and it was a waste of time, soon as you stop it disappears. Be warned IMHO

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Don't be fooled with peptides, they are all hype! if you want to run something what you will reap benefits from use hgh, trust me there is NO alternative its all hype to extract your cash from you. Ive not none one person to carry on using them after they have tried them. I did 3-4 yrs on LR3 at various dosages and protocols and it was a waste of time, soon as you stop it disappears. Be warned IMHO
    That means you got something from it. What do you mean by, it disappears??? I mean, It should be all lean gains, due no E2 retention, or any hormonal changes. I’d accept if you say, no gains at all, but I’m really skeptical about you saying gains will disappear. Do you have any reason for de PCT lost??
    But I’ll do 1 or 2 IGF-1 cycles, if I get some gains, or remain lean and ripped, I’ll go on with that, if I see I loose some mass, I’ll quit and start real growth.

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    That means you got something from it. What do you mean by, it disappears??? I mean, It should be all lean gains, due no E2 retention, or any hormonal changes. I’d accept if you say, no gains at all, but I’m really skeptical about you saying gains will disappear. Do you have any reason for de PCT lost??
    But I’ll do 1 or 2 IGF-1 cycles, if I get some gains, or remain lean and ripped, I’ll go on with that, if I see I loose some mass, I’ll quit and start real growth.
    Its all hype, what ever you gain will go. I saw very little gains and I spent thousands on it. Don't even waste your time on it IMHO go source pharm grade gh and stop messing around with he poor mans gh alternatives because they don't work. Try gh and it will transform your body, peps are all gimmick to extract your money.

  25. #105
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    Hgh gut is a myth .. It's not do to hgh but because of the amount of food these massive body builders eat... Human body is not really meant to consume 6, 000+ cals a day ..

  26. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its all hype, what ever you gain will go. I saw very little gains and I spent thousands on it. Don't even waste your time on it IMHO go source pharm grade gh and stop messing around with he poor mans gh alternatives because they don't work. Try gh and it will transform your body, peps are all gimmick to extract your money.
    I was thinking the same, but I got it for a good price, so I’ll get it a shot.
    But where’s the reason behind loosing gains after IGF-1 cycle??
    I would trust you when you say, anadrol or dbol or even test, but If you get some size with igf-1, I see no reason to loose it…

  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Its all hype, what ever you gain will go. I saw very little gains and I spent thousands on it. Don't even waste your time on it IMHO go source pharm grade gh and stop messing around with he poor mans gh alternatives because they don't work. Try gh and it will transform your body, peps are all gimmick to extract your money.
    Marcus 300 You are highly respected and very smart ! Is it possible that you are so dialed in on how to get any amount of results from AAR that you don't see the results from 6 mths + use of Peps ? I am in no ways argueeing with YOU ! I just know what I have seen with the Combo of cjc 195 w/o DAC , Semorlin , GHRP 2 and GHRP 6 . We do know that TB - 500 works and MT -II works , HGH Frag works , DSIP , PT 141 works I know all this from personal research and IMO these other 4 work also IMHO ? so is it not possible that some of the others work just not to the exremes you are used to with AAR?

    I humbly ask this and out of respect fell bad about even questioning you but I have seen what I have seen and also could it be possible at your size a much larger das would be needed to acheive the same results as a 220 lb man ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-11-2013 at 08:46 AM.

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Marcus 300 You are ighly respected and very smart ! Is it possible that yu are so dialed in on how to get any amount of results from AAR that you don't see the results from 6 mths + use of Peps ? I am in no ways argueeing with YOU ! I just know what I have seen with the Combo of cjc 195 w/o DAC , Semorlin , GHRP 2 and GHRP 6 . We do know that TB - 500 works nd MT -II works , HGH Frag works , DSIP works I know all this from personal research and IMO these other n4 work also IMHO ? so is it not possible that some of the others work just not to the exremes you are used to with AAR?
    Sorry my friend but ive no idea what your trying to say.

  29. #109
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    I think he’s saying that he tried almost every peptide out there and had excellent results, that maybe for your size, you need greather doses… I only tried MT2 once, and got a very potent tan with a fraction of normal doses needed. But got the harshest sides I got in my life, and its not worth the sides, at least for me that I live at 5 min from the playa.
    IGF-1 is kickin my butt, and if sides don’t go away or get even worse, I’ll stop the cycle.

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I think he’s saying that he tried almost every peptide out there and had excellent results, that maybe for your size, you need greather doses… I only tried MT2 once, and got a very potent tan with a fraction of normal doses needed. But got the harshest sides I got in my life, and its not worth the sides, at least for me that I live at 5 min from the playa.
    IGF-1 is kickin my butt, and if sides don’t go away or get even worse, I’ll stop the cycle.
    If he's had excellent results carry on with them

  31. #111
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    I read in many fórums that CJC and ghrp are only able to produce 3-4IUs a day.
    That’s maybe not even enough for HRT.
    That’s the main reason why I went straight for IGF-1 and not for some ghrh

  32. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I read in many fórums that CJC and ghrp are only able to produce 3-4IUs a day.
    That’s maybe not even enough for HRT.
    That’s the main reason why I went straight for IGF-1 and not for some ghrh
    You cant get IGF-1 anymore, you mean LR3 which in time you will learn is worthless but by all means try and see for yourself.

    best of luck

  33. #113
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    I don't get the utility behind the LR3 either, but if everyone uses LR3, maybe its for some reasons... Anyways, DES is still widely available. In a couple of weeks we'll know if it was worth or not.
    Around these peptides, there's a lots of bro science, the reality is that nobody knows how it really Works.
    For example, they claim, due its very similar to insulin, glucose in blood will be blocked and fat will be used instead.
    But wait a minute, where will ll that glucose go if its not used? anyways, I taught insulin was a transport for glucose, so normally it should do exactly the opposite, block the fat storage, and use only the glucose floating around.... BTW, It wouldn't make any sense to take shugar, when on insuline, to prevent hipoglucemia, if glucose in blood is blocked!!
    I mean, I'm not any expert on this, Its only information I read in Wikipedia, and medical sites.
    And watch Bostion Loyd insulin video, he's fat like a pork.
    And all that thing about hiperplasia, I'm not shure it really exists in humans skeletal-muscle, I read in other fórums, its only a myth, its maybe posible in rats, and a friend of mine, who's studiyng that sh!t told me the same, hiperplasia is a myth.
    But, I'll wait to the end of this cycle, so I'll have a firs hand experience

  34. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    If he's had excellent results carry on with them
    What I was trying to say is if I am not mistaken and I know from personal rsearch the tb - 500 works , PT - 141 HGH Frag 176 - 191 work, Delta Sleep Inducing Product works ! These are fat cell shrinkes , tissiues rebuilders that prevented me rotator cuff surgery and knee surgery = TB -500 PT - 141 does hold true to the claims of extented errections and ADO and HGH Frag 176 -191

    Thes are not the ones that give size and HGH release promises . What I was saying is due to your huge size could it not be possible that you needed to increase your dose to see results ? cjc 1295 w/o DAC is the trigger to cause the pancrius to release HGH naturally and Semorlin is as near real HGH as you will get with not shut down HGH Frag 176 - 191 do cause fat cell shrinkage in the belly target ares . MT-II works because I got a strong batch this time and I am to dark GHRP2 works well in the am so you can eat and train and have plenty of energy if you try GHRP 2 at night you will stay awake with hungar issues so use GHRP 6 at night ! This Combo of 3 Peptides used 3 times a day cjc 3x; , Semorlin 3 x;s GHRP@ 2 x's and GHRP 6 post W/o and I have see results from a 6 mth research plan and several other have also. I would never call you out or say you are wrong only question that possibly due to your size do you think you need for results may have been more than you used ?
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-14-2013 at 09:49 PM.

  35. #115
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    What I was trying to say is if I am not mistaken and I know from personal rsearch the tb - 500 works , pt - 131 works , MT - II orks , ADO and HGH FRAG 176 - 191 work, Delta Sleep Inducing Product works ! These are fat cell shrinkes , tissiues rebuilders that prevented me rotator cuff surgery and knee surgery = TG+B -500 PT - 141 does hold true to the clain=ms of extented errections and ADO and HGH FR=rag 176 0

    Thes are not the oes that give size and HGH release promises . What I was saying is due to your huge size could oit not be possible that you needed to increase your dose to see results ? cjc 1295 w/o DAC is the trigger to cause the pancrius to release HGH naturally and Semorlin is as near real HGH as you will get with not shut down - 191 do cause fat cell shrinkage in the belly target ares . MY-II works because I got a strong batch this tie and I am to dark GHRP2 works well inthe am so you can eat nd train and have plenty of energy if you try GHRP at night you will stay awake with jungar issues so use GHRP 6 at night ! This Combo of 3 Peptides used 3 times a day cjc 3x; , Semorlin 3 x;s GHRP@ 2 x's and GHRP ^ post W/o and I ave see results from a 6 mth research plan and severa other have also. I would never cal you out or say you are wrong only question that possibly due to your size do you thin you need for results may have bee more than you used ?
    Sorry I was more or less talking about the poor mans gh alternatives peps, not the rest of them which ive seen get good feedback.

  36. #116
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    update: I don't feel sick anymore, but I'm deadly tired. I can't wake up in the morning. Yesterday I pinned 50mcg.
    I notice, same power but much less rest between sets.
    So about the sides, the sick feeling is away, maybe it was not caused by IGF-1, or maybe my IGF-1 just died.
    I don't feel the pumps, still no numb hands, altough, get very often numb arm, or leg... don't know if it has something to do with IGF-1. When should I notice something visible???

  37. #117
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    update: I don't feel sick anymore, but I'm deadly tired. I can't wake up in the morning. Yesterday I pinned 50mcg.
    I notice, same power but much less rest between sets.
    So about the sides, the sick feeling is away, maybe it was not caused by IGF-1, or maybe my IGF-1 just died.
    I don't feel the pumps, still no numb hands, altough, get very often numb arm, or leg... don't know if it has something to do with IGF-1. When should I notice something visible???
    No one is answering you ? Can you not tell nobody gives a ship aabout your cycles ?

  38. #118
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    N. GA. Jaw Ja N A Cave
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry I was more or less talking about the poor mans gh alternatives peps, not the rest of them which ive seen get good feedback.
    I am so sorry about all of those spelling errors . I am really having a hard time lately with my memory and spelling dammit ! I try but the harder I try seems the worse my spelling gets I was crushed pretty bad and told I would die 3 times ? Guess that is why I am so proud of where I am today . . .GOALS ! Acheivment for one may be a lot different for another ? I can remember when waking to the car unassisted and get in and ride to the Dr. was a goal Now my goal is to ride a MTB 20 - miles and hit the gym daily and acheive something ! Please bear with me as I am going back to school at 54 to learn to spell and proper grammar another goal

    I can remember things I read and what I have learned since the trauma but the things before ot are what makes life so hard ! Imagine am 54 year old man not showing signs of retardation yet I cana't even spell on some days and others I can ? I never know ?

    That is why it pisses me off to see a young punk like aandera abuse his bosy and seemingly try to kill himsel ? Why do people like hum get a free ride and if he does all the compounds he claims and spends all that $$$ on it and he is a skinny sick looking by and should be as big as the side of a barn so he has to be injecting sugar water or lying one I am on TRT and see better results than him at my ripe old age of 54 ? So why do he get a free ride and claim to abise his bosy like he does and I just try to live healthy and I am challanged every where I turn ! Life is not fair ot really sux sometimes and to read hus BS post really make me mad and they should not bother me butit does because I try to get well and he abuses his young body 9 x's to Sunday !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-12-2013 at 11:25 PM.

  39. #119
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    GHRP pretty much just increases my appetite, which throws off my eating schedule if I'm not careful. Which then that gives me a 'turtle shell' or distended belly.

    At doses higher than 100mcg I started to retain a lot of water. This was on both 2 and 6, plus mod GRF 1-29.

    I've never gotten any pumps or noticeable strength increases. It may have been the big amounts of food, but I was also a lot more tired and sluggish.

    It didn't make me sleep any better.

    I didn't notice any unusual size gains or loss on fat due solely to the peptides. If anything, size gains were due to the increase in food.

    Also, sadly, I've been running peptides for close to a year now and just recently stopped. I ran them through TRT and even on cycle, so I've given them plenty of time to work.

  40. #120
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    You look better than me Buzzard? maybe! I'm lifting since 2,5 years, 1 year natural and the rest cycling. I come from an extremely ectomorph genetic and this is what I achieved until now
    from 70kg at 1,86m to 80kg 1,86m in 1 year

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Instantánea 3 (13-11-2013 14-34).png 
Views:	639 
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ID:	145920
    me before leaving italy and go to spain + o - 68kg stock

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	3a (4).jpg 
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ID:	145919
    august 2011 my last summer photos all natural after 6 months gym and diet 70kg

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	145916
    august 2013 78-80kg

    its 2 years difference but take in mind, I started my first cycle august 2012, so there was no real improvement from 2011 to 2012
    Last edited by XxAndreaxX; 11-13-2013 at 06:39 AM.

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