I won’t increase food intake, especially when I’m off.
I stay a little bit above my caloric output to prevent catabolism, and cut sometimes, to go back to my maintenance BF.
But I won’t be higher than my total output, because I like to be lean, If you like to be fat, Its up to you, If your genetics are that good that you don’t retain fat, but only muscle, good for you. My diet is adapted to my genetics, and even so, I’m still too high in BF.
I don’t like big guys aesthetically, but I respect them, and if I can help them out I’ll do that, but I don’t force them to look like me.
When I go out for party, I usually go to places for steroid people. And I see that girls, don’t want the big guys, they rather prefer normal, very lean and shredded guys, that might look natural (although they know we aren’t).
Don’t know how girls are in the states or elsewhere in the world, but here, they are hot about very lean and shredded guys… like I am…