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Thread: Truth and myth about Peptides

  1. #121
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    News, I feel much better but, diarrea, still there.
    And sometimes I feel dizzy, so the hormone is not dead.
    I got definitely more strength, but not maximal strength, I can do 2 reps more in every exercise, and rest less.
    But in the end of the day, I don’t give a sh!t about strength or rest time, I only care about visual changes, BF and size.
    And there is where the f*ck begins! I got definitely fatter, and It seems that I lost some size.
    I went back to my cutting diet, but no way to maintain BF under control.
    But if strength is still there, muscle mass should be there too, so only BF is the madder now.
    I tought IGF-1 could do a very similar effect to Masteron, some very little size gains, and some little fat burn. But ATM, I’m not very convinced…
    And regarding the pumps, there are still no pumps, and I think, I wont get any now, cause I’m half way trough the cycle, and only observed BF increase and some muscle-size loss. If something magical won’t happen in the next few days, I’ll never touch IGF-1 again, due its bad sides, and very dangerous for getting a cancer or a gorilla-gut

  2. #122
    from what ive been told peptides are just chains of short amino acids. a long chain amino acid would be a poly peptide like growth hormone 191 amino acid chain. peptides are just precursors to the real action. most peptides are fake and also if they dont perform an actual function for muscle growth such as 191 amino acid which is a precursor to igf1 output then it wont do much

  3. #123
    192 is a peptide chain but its off so it will not work like 191 amino acid chain. even though its a peptide and its off just by a bit it could be the difference of huge results or no results. from what ive heard from a friend

  4. #124
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    Maybe you’re right, I mean, its too soon to say which results I will get, but if you are at half way in your cycle, you should at least see the tendency.
    And I don’t think its very interesting for me, gaining fat and loosing size, without touching diet.
    But, in fact, IGF-1 could be very useful for some athlete, who needs more power and doesn’t care about aesthetics, and actually got the boost of creatine and Preworkouts, and need some more boost, IGF-1 could do the trick, without being detected.
    but for bodybuilding purpose, I don't see it, but maybe I'm wrong, maybe some MAgic will ocurr in the next days hehe

  5. #125
    i dont know if im correct but ig1 is actually a major factor to structure size and strength. it increasces strength to ligaments tendons and structure overall. it also makes steroids more affective from what i heard. it grows muscle cells increasing their ability to get bigger. igf1 is the biggest factor in sports in general for healing and etc. from what i know

  6. #126
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    the problem is you take 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off.
    With such a slow compound, I don’t think you can give it the time to see some results.
    It should be as fast and as powerful as dianabol to have any sense.

  7. #127
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    the problem is you take 4 weeks on and 4 weeks off.
    With such a slow compound, I don’t think you can give it the time to see some results.
    It should be as fast and as powerful as dianabol to have any sense.
    are you talking about igf1 straight to the blood or are you talking about human growth hormone? gh can be taken all year long and is actually expected. igf1 straight to blood is different story and should be cycled from what i heard

  8. #128
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    IGF-1, and it should be taken 4 weeks on 4 weeks off

  9. #129
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    IGF-1, and it should be taken 4 weeks on 4 weeks off
    if i had to guess i would say a myth. there really is no point to say when on and when off.

  10. #130
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    I know, there’s a lots of bro science behind it.
    Many say, its because receptors get saturated fast, so you have to rest for the same amount of time, exactly like Clen.
    Other say, after 4 weeks, your pancreas will start to fail, so another 4 weeks for recovery.
    Other say, after 4 weeks, gut will start to grow, so stop before it starts.
    You see, lots of theories, lots of BS, but wathever, I’ll do the 4 weeks on /off schedule, for safety…
    But I’m pretty shure, if IGF-1 is so similar to HGH, you should run it at least 3 months non stop

  11. #131
    i would guess juice shots night gh when first wake up workout then simple sugars then igf1 then more carbs then gh.

  12. #132
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    Don't know, sadly there's a lot of BS floating around on peptides. You have to try it out by your own, and think with your own logic and come to your own conclusions.
    For example, I think IM sitegrowth with IGF-1 LR3 is useless due 20h halflife, you will inject, maybe muscle will retain some of the IGF-1, but the most of it will enter bloodstream and float around.
    Another thing about LR3, I think its useless, because muscles will be asking for IGF-1 after workout right?? So you pin after WO, but due its long half life, muscles won`t get all the IGF-1 they need, and after the demanding part is over, they won’t ask any more for IGF-1 so the rest will travel to organs and mainly to the gut.
    So, thinking with my own logic, IGF-1 should be DES, with its 30min halflife, pinned subq or bilaterally, just after WO, big part of IGF-1 will be retained by the muscles that are asking for it, and very little will be left over for the gut.
    Now, If I’m wrong, explain me why I’m wrong.

  13. #133
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Don't know, sadly there's a lot of BS floating around on peptides. You have to try it out by your own, and think with your own logic and come to your own conclusions.
    For example, I think IM sitegrowth with IGF-1 LR3 is useless due 20h halflife, you will inject, maybe muscle will retain some of the IGF-1, but the most of it will enter bloodstream and float around.
    Another thing about LR3, I think its useless, because muscles will be asking for IGF-1 after workout right?? So you pin after WO, but due its long half life, muscles won`t get all the IGF-1 they need, and after the demanding part is over, they won’t ask any more for IGF-1 so the rest will travel to organs and mainly to the gut.
    So, thinking with my own logic, IGF-1 should be DES, with its 30min halflife, pinned subq or bilaterally, just after WO, big part of IGF-1 will be retained by the muscles that are asking for it, and very little will be left over for the gut.
    Now, If I’m wrong, explain me why I’m wrong.
    well you are right everyone should try for themselves and find out. the reason after workout has a lot to do with it acting like insulin which is why simple sugars need to be ingested before pinning. so you will get the insulin like impact pushing nutrients into muscle cells as well as large igf1 spike quickly

  14. #134
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    Today, shoulder day, got some little pumps, but nothing compared to tren. I'm not prone to get pumps, but, when I'm on, I only get pumps in my shoulders and sometimes in bicepts, but only shoulder pumps hurt bad.
    I'm getting fat, and weight is dropping, so ATM, IGF-1 seems to be failing, and doing exactly the contrary. strenght, normal, not more, not less

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Today, shoulder day, got some little pumps, but nothing compared to tren. I'm not prone to get pumps, but, when I'm on, I only get pumps in my shoulders and sometimes in bicepts, but only shoulder pumps hurt bad.
    I'm getting fat, and weight is dropping, so ATM, IGF-1 seems to be failing, and doing exactly the contrary. strenght, normal, not more, not less
    bummer man

  16. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    You look better than me Buzzard? maybe! I'm lifting since 2,5 years, 1 year natural and the rest cycling. I come from an extremely ectomorph genetic and this is what I achieved until now
    from 70kg at 1,86m to 80kg 1,86m in 1 year

    Attachment 145920
    me before leaving italy and go to spain + o - 68kg stock

    Attachment 145919
    august 2011 my last summer photos all natural after 6 months gym and diet 70kg

    Attachment 145916
    august 2013 78-80kg

    its 2 years difference but take in mind, I started my first cycle august 2012, so there was no real improvement from 2011 to 2012

    Well you addressed me by name so I will reply and truthfully .

    You look sick to me and I would be ashamed to abmit I had cycled anything not to mention the huge amounts of compounds you have CLAIMED to have ingested ! You are missing the boat and need to see a Dr. You have taken to many compuounds and claim to have pre teen level experience and are under the age of 30 ! I am 54 and only been back in the gym 13 mths and not done 1 cycle it is all tight diet and TRT level of Test and Deca for Joint pain at 50 mg EOW. So you are a joke , you lie , you tell BS stories and are a legend in your own mind ! You are skinny and again should be ashamed to CLAIM to have taken all the COMPOUNDS you say !

    The reason I say you lie is IMHO if you ran all the gear you claim it would be impossible to be as small as you are you have Claimed to have ran close to over a Gallon of gear that would cause a advanced stage of AIDS pacient to gain weight and you still are skinny and under 200 lbs .

    Don't blow smoke up my skirt about how I look there are huge guys on this forum and they are huge , lean and vascular ! You are none of these from the pics you post and these huge guys just sit back and laugh at your foolish post !

    You say all I want is an answer no less than 20 times and men with knowledge have given you the answer and you arguee with them ! I have issues and I need not explain them to you !

    But please I ask that in the future you never compare me to you in any way other than the fact that you turn my belly sick from your foolishness so please do not relate anything about me or my training to you and you journey through candy land !

    I am not even on the same planet as you so I hope I have made my feelings crystal clear as to the issues you have and how we are nothing alike !

    Thank you for please respecting my request !

    God help you , you are a sick puppy !
    Last edited by BuzzardMarinePumper; 11-14-2013 at 10:21 PM.

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuzzardMarinePumper View Post
    Well you addressed me by name so I will reply and truthfully .

    You look sick to me and I would be ashamed to abmit I had cycled anything not to mention the huge amounts of compounds you have CLAIMED to have ingested ! You are missing the boat and need to see a Dr. You have taken to many compuounds and claim to have pre teen level experience and are under the age of 30 ! I am 54 and only been back in the gym 13 mths and not done 1 cycle it is all tight diet and TRT level of Test and Deca for Joint pain at 50 mg EOW. So you are a joke , you lie , you tell BS stories and are a legend in your own mind ! You are skinny and again should be ashamed to CLAIM to have taken all the COMPOUNDS you say !

    The reason I say you lie is IMHO if you ran all the gear you claim it would be impossible to be as small as you are you have Claimed to have ran close to over a Gallon of gear that would cause a advanced stage of AIDS pacient to gain weight and you still are skinny and under 200 lbs .

    Don't blow smoke up my skirt about how I look there are huge guys on this forum and they are huge , lean and vascular ! You are none of these from the pics you post and these huge guys just sit back and laugh at your foolish post !

    You say all I want is an answer no less than 20 times and men with knowledge have given you the answer and you arguee with them ! I have issues and I need not explain them to you !

    But please I ask that in the future you never compare me to you in any way other than the fact that you turn my belly sick from your foolishness so please do not relate anything about me or my training to you and you journey through candy land !

    I am not even on the same planet as you so I hope I have made my feelings crystal clear as to the issues you have and how we are nothing alike !

    Thank you for please respecting my request !

    God help you , you are a sick puppy !
    Buzzard, why are you so angry with me??
    I know you're superior than me, I never ever thaught about comparing myself to you. I only wanted to share my achievements, that's it. and I know I'm skinny, but if you look at my first photo, you'll see that my genetics are not exactly for being a monster.
    And I don't want to be a monster, I want to be fit.
    And 500mg test EW, 400mg tren E EW, 500mg mast EW, are not that much.
    Bostin Loyd takes twice the amounts.
    And take in mind, Enanthate ester has much less actual hormone in it, 400mg of tren E only has 288mg hormone, plus the fact that it last several weeks to reach the peak, you can see, my cycle was not that heavy.
    But next time I’ll go with greater doses, test E 750-1000mg and tren E 600-800mg. masteron E will be maintained at 500mg, did its job great.
    Both clen and dbol will be maintained too.
    Damn, I love that cycle!
    I’m waiting for next summer to give it a run.
    Start with dbol, clen, test and nolva to get ripped very fast, then third week, start building up tren, and 5th week, quit nolva clen and dbol and start stane and cabergoline and masteron E for the rest of the cycle.
    And if IGF-1 works, so first and last week, IGF-1.

  18. #138
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    For fvck sake man really? Do you have any type of learning disability? Increase your food intake. Stay away from your magic fixes. They haven't done anything for you.

    Wall of Shame

    But next time I’ll go with greater doses, test E 750-1000mg and tren E 600-800mg. masteron E will be maintained at 500mg, did its job great.
    Both clen and dbol will be my cycle was not that heavy.
    But next time I’ll go with greater doses, test E 750-1000mg and tren E 600-800mg. masteron E will be maintained at 500mg, did its job great.
    Both clen and dbol will be maintained too.
    Damn, I love that cycle!
    I’m waiting for next summer to give it a run.
    Start with dbol, clen, test and nolva to get ripped very fast, then third week, start building up tren, and 5th week, quit nolva clen and dbol and start stane and cabergoline and masteron E for the rest of the cycle.
    And if IGF-1 works, so first and last week, IGF-1.
    Damn, I love that cycle!
    I’m waiting for next summer to give it a run.
    Start with dbol, clen, test and nolva to get ripped very fast, then third week, start building up tren, and 5th week, quit nolva clen and dbol and start stane and cabergoline and masteron E for the rest of the cycle.
    And if IGF-1 works, so first and last week, IGF-1.

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    For fvck sake man really? Do you have any type of learning disability? Increase your food intake. Stay away from your magic fixes. They haven't done anything for you.

    Wall of Shame

    But next time I’ll go with greater doses, test E 750-1000mg and tren E 600-800mg. masteron E will be maintained at 500mg, did its job great.
    Both clen and dbol will be my cycle was not that heavy.
    But next time I’ll go with greater doses, test E 750-1000mg and tren E 600-800mg. masteron E will be maintained at 500mg, did its job great.
    Both clen and dbol will be maintained too.
    Damn, I love that cycle!
    I’m waiting for next summer to give it a run.
    Start with dbol, clen, test and nolva to get ripped very fast, then third week, start building up tren, and 5th week, quit nolva clen and dbol and start stane and cabergoline and masteron E for the rest of the cycle.
    And if IGF-1 works, so first and last week, IGF-1.
    Damn, I love that cycle!
    I’m waiting for next summer to give it a run.
    Start with dbol, clen, test and nolva to get ripped very fast, then third week, start building up tren, and 5th week, quit nolva clen and dbol and start stane and cabergoline and masteron E for the rest of the cycle.
    And if IGF-1 works, so first and last week, IGF-1.
    I won’t increase food intake, especially when I’m off.
    I stay a little bit above my caloric output to prevent catabolism, and cut sometimes, to go back to my maintenance BF.
    But I won’t be higher than my total output, because I like to be lean, If you like to be fat, Its up to you, If your genetics are that good that you don’t retain fat, but only muscle, good for you. My diet is adapted to my genetics, and even so, I’m still too high in BF.
    I don’t like big guys aesthetically, but I respect them, and if I can help them out I’ll do that, but I don’t force them to look like me.
    When I go out for party, I usually go to places for steroid people. And I see that girls, don’t want the big guys, they rather prefer normal, very lean and shredded guys, that might look natural (although they know we aren’t).
    Don’t know how girls are in the states or elsewhere in the world, but here, they are hot about very lean and shredded guys… like I am…

  20. #140
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    Man, I don't know what I are yesterday, but my poop smells like burning today. Shheeeesh.

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I won’t increase food intake, especially when I’m off.
    I stay a little bit above my caloric output to prevent catabolism, and cut sometimes, to go back to my maintenance BF.
    But I won’t be higher than my total output, because I like to be lean, If you like to be fat, Its up to you, If your genetics are that good that you don’t retain fat, but only muscle, good for you. My diet is adapted to my genetics, and even so, I’m still too high in BF.
    I don’t like big guys aesthetically, but I respect them, and if I can help them out I’ll do that, but I don’t force them to look like me.
    When I go out for party, I usually go to places for steroid people. And I see that girls, don’t want the big guys, they rather prefer normal, very lean and shredded guys, that might look natural (although they know we aren’t).
    Don’t know how girls are in the states or elsewhere in the world, but here, they are hot about very lean and shredded guys… like I am…
    Just curious. You go to places where steroid people are and girls are there. But they don't like steroid guys. Why are the there? And if you don't like them why are you there? Do you like to catch?

  22. #142
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    Do you have a current pic of your shredded ness?

    Also why take copious amounts of steroids when your goal can be achieved with diet and cardio?
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 11-15-2013 at 05:55 AM.

  23. #143
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    I'm not shredded anymore, but look at page 3 the last post, there are some fotos of my transformation, the last foto, was this summer. had veins all over my abs, was really sick, but next year I want to be something leaner and something bigger. here in valencia where I live, its known for its steroid use and abuse. that doesn't mean everyone is big like colemann, the most are big and "fat" around 15% BF. There are big and shredded guys too, and obviously others like me.

  24. #144
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    Can you answer my questions?

    And why aren't you shredded anymore?
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 11-15-2013 at 06:35 AM.

  25. #145
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Can you answer my questions?

    And why aren't you shredded anymore?
    Because he needs shit tonnes of gear to look even remotely like a swimmer.

    Don't waste your time with him anymore, he is beyond help. For a few years anyway when he needs our TRT section.
    Last edited by Back In Black; 11-15-2013 at 07:34 AM.

  26. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Because he needs shit tonnes of gear to look even remotely like a swimmer.

    Don't waste your time with him anymore, he is beyond help. For a few years anyway when he needs our TRT section.

    Swimmer may be a stretch.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	218 
Size:	27.1 KB 
ID:	146013How many cycles is this?

  27. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Swimmer may be a stretch.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.jpg 
Views:	218 
Size:	27.1 KB 
ID:	146013How many cycles is this?
    In that foto, I was natural, and you see it by yourself, I’m very very skinny, I’m a freakin hardgainer.
    To answer your question about cardio, I can’t achieve anything with cardio, because I loose muscle, the only way to stay lean, is to train very hypertrophic, with much rest between sets.
    And eat every 2 hours.
    I uploaded the photos to see, that I don’t come from a real mesomorphic genetic, maybe the most of you can achieve my muscularity 100% naturally, and sh!t, there are people that without touching any weight, have more size than me, but at the end of the day, I like my genetics, I have very thin bones, and very defined abs.
    For god sake, my waist was wider than my shouders, my arms were as thin as my forearms, and my legs were thinner than my sister’s ones. I was a living skeleton!

  28. #148
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    You could have done it yourself naturally too. Stop bitching about being a hard gaining ectomorph and fvcking eat. I can't imagine the size of your meals if you eat every 2 hours. One quail egg and 20 grains of rice?

  29. #149
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    Back in Black, if you would read my posts... I eat till the limit of my capacity of maintaing BF. When I see I’m increasing BF, I step back with carbs. Proteins are stuck the same more or less every day, and fats too. I only go up and down with carbs, I adjust them to my BF. Like I told you, I don’t want to get fat, I prefer stay lean, and even I’m so skinny, I still retain fat especially on my waist. And the ugliest thing on a man, is to have a waist like a woman. But maybe you have a trick, to eat more and stay lean without doing cardio or loosing muscles…. Every advice is welcome

  30. #150
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    No tips, it's a kind of magic. I can't reveal my secrets to anybody who isn't prepared to work for them.

    You just don't get it.

  31. #151
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    You need to eat 24/7 end of story and stretch your stomach, stop fuking around with foods and eat eat and eat, you want to be big, build new tissue eat eat eat. Your not going to get fat your skinny what's worse? once you start seeing movement you adjust the diet accordingly. STOP MESSING AROUND AND TRAIN HARD AND EAT BIG

  32. #152
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    No :S
    But maybe you just need my genetic to find out why I have to do it like I do it, because trust me, I tried out everything, even to eat more and do cardio, trust me 

  33. #153
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    No :S
    But maybe you just need my genetic to find out why I have to do it like I do it, because trust me, I tried out everything, even to eat more and do cardio, trust me 
    Sorry but you haven't, I am from a different breed than you and you haven't done nothing. Many people talk the talk but you can just tell by looking at you that you don't eat enough, its simple you need food and train properly sorry if that hurts you but trust me the human body will change if you feed it with the calories and if you stimulate growth enough. My guess your not doing any correctly, this is the hard truth please listen and get motivated and do something about it instead of moaning.
    Hard work!!!!

    Best of luck

  34. #154
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Just curious. You go to places where steroid people are and girls are there. But they don't like steroid guys. Why are the there? And if you don't like them why are you there? Do you like to catch?
    No. No. These questions. Please explain.

  35. #155
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Sorry but you haven't, I am from a different breed than you and you haven't done nothing. Many people talk the talk but you can just tell by looking at you that you don't eat enough, its simple you need food and train properly sorry if that hurts you but trust me the human body will change if you feed it with the calories and if you stimulate growth enough. My guess your not doing any correctly, this is the hard truth please listen and get motivated and do something about it instead of moaning.
    Hard work!!!!

    Best of luck
    And markus, what if I eat more and I put on 2 parts of fat and 1 part of muscle???
    Depending on your genetic, you can’t bulk naturally below 10-12% of fat.
    How do you want to do it??? Even if I’m ectomorph, I put on fat, and all at my waist, I don’t want to look like a woman!!! And to avoid the woman look, I have to stay below 12% fat, simple like that.
    And I have no Idea how to bulk naturally below that BF.

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    And markus, what if I eat more and I put on 2 parts of fat and 1 part of muscle???
    Depending on your genetic, you can’t bulk naturally below 10-12% of fat.
    How do you want to do it??? Even if I’m ectomorph, I put on fat, and all at my waist, I don’t want to look like a woman!!! And to avoid the woman look, I have to stay below 12% fat, simple like that.
    And I have no Idea how to bulk naturally below that BF.
    You learn to have balance with your diet, you learn to know how your body reacts to cardio, you learn how to stimulate muscle correctly and you learn how you respond with foods. It isn't easy its hardwork just put it in and you will enjoy the rewards. I will bet you don't train right, I am without doubt you don't eat right and those two things if you change them will make you get closer to your goals...

  37. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    No. No. These questions. Please explain.
    I answered you before, I like that kind of girls, operated tits and tattoos and gym look. These girls normally go where they smell testosterone.
    But I found out, when I go to that places with my friends, we speak with girls, and they all tell us, they don’t like us to be too big, and we are at the limit, actually one of us, is too big, and they often say that they’re not interested in him because he’s too big. Now he’s doing cardio like a fool, but due his true mesomorph genetics, he can’t get rid of his extra-muscles.

  38. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    I answered you before, I like that kind of girls, operated tits and tattoos and gym look. These girls normally go where they smell testosterone.
    But I found out, when I go to that places with my friends, we speak with girls, and they all tell us, they don’t like us to be too big, and we are at the limit, actually one of us, is too big, and they often say that they’re not interested in him because he’s too big. Now he’s doing cardio like a fool, but due his true mesomorph genetics, he can’t get rid of his extra-muscles.
    Maybe I'm missing something. So these girls to to a place where big muscular guys hang out. But they don't like big muscular guys. It's the smell of testosterone that brings them in? Interesting. And you go to a place where big muscular guys hang out and you don't like them either. Is it the smell of testosterone that brings you in? I don't understand. Just curious on my lunch.

  39. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Maybe I'm missing something. So these girls to to a place where big muscular guys hang out. But they don't like big muscular guys. It's the smell of testosterone that brings them in? Interesting. And you go to a place where big muscular guys hang out and you don't like them either. Is it the smell of testosterone that brings you in? I don't understand. Just curious on my lunch.
    Never said that there are only big guys.
    I said, they’re all on steroids, but they are not very big. I mean, there’s all kind of type of guy, big guys, shredded guys, I saw even a group of big guys with HGH-Gut, and the typical fails, with bitch-tits and so on. But the most of them, are the average summer cycle guy, 250 of test EW, Winstrol, and 200-300 Deca EW, and maybe 100 of tren EW and no AI, with his 12-15% BF with no diet.

  40. #160
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    Defiling Myself
    Quote Originally Posted by XxAndreaxX View Post
    Never said that there are only big guys.
    I said, they’re all on steroids, but they are not very big. I mean, there’s all kind of type of guy, big guys, shredded guys, I saw even a group of big guys with HGH-Gut, and the typical fails, with bitch-tits and so on. But the most of them, are the average summer cycle guy, 250 of test EW, Winstrol, and 200-300 Deca EW, and maybe 100 of tren EW and no AI, with his 12-15% BF with no diet.

    Sounds like you live in a paradise.

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