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Thread: LOW DOSE Tren A/ Test cycle log {with questions}

  1. #1

    LOW DOSE Tren A/ Test cycle log {with questions}

    First off a few stats.
    42 years old
    250 lbs
    6'4 height
    -ConCret Creatine Optimum Amino tabs plus assorted high doses of Multi Vitamins.
    Lifting off and on for 20 years.
    Last 3 years have been 4 days weekly minimum.
    I look like I lift weights---but I don't have 'THAT' look. Does that make sense?
    Goals : fat loss and increased muscle. What else is there?

    I've been on TRT for about 5 months and this is my first ever cycle.
    TRT-200 mg Test Cyp weekly divided into 2 injections// HCG divided into 2 injections// Anastrazole @ one half tab every other day.
    HOWEVER--for the last 2 weeks I've upped my Test to 500 mg /week divided into 2 injections.
    Recent blood Test} {@200mg work showed TESTOSTERONE FREE TOTAL WITH SHBG :700 and my TOTAL ESTROGENS :87
    Not the MOST accurate Estrogen test was given by the lab as it does NOT show my Estradiol (E2..but I will be re-testing next week with a private lab.

    Yes. I'm aware of the risks involved with Tren.
    Yes I'm aware of how POTENTIALLY dangerous this compound is.
    Yes I'm as aware as I could be.
    I made the decision for Tren but if the sides become unbearable I will 100% discontinue use ASAP. This is a LOW DOSE of Tren.

    Today was my first injection.
    Tren A--30 mg. YES...only 30. I will be injecting every other day @ 30mg for the first 4 doses--if all goes well--I may leave it there OR go to 50. If 30 yields anything--I'll leave it there.
    Test Cyp-250 mg.

    A few questions...

    --I understand the Test should be lower than the Tren. But if I'm only on 200mg of Tren A weekly MAXIMUM--should I just keep my original TRT Test Cypionate dose of 200mg/week?
    --How much HCG should I be on?
    --How much Anastrazole should I be on?
    I understand that controlling the E2 levels are the key for normal sexual function. I also understand that Prami or Caber should be used from day 1.
    I'm holding off on the Prami for now.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself

  3. #3
    U did.
    ...and I thank you.
    This thread will be more of a log---a log WITH some initial questions.
    Thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    Got ya. Welcome

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Somebody put the fear of god in you @30mg of tren eod I'm not really sure you can accurately gauge its effects on your body.
    The test/tren ratio is not a rule, its personal preference for some and necessary for others. Don't change your trt dose, that's as low as you wanna go no matter what else you're running.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Mate, once you know how Tren makes you feel you can use a lot more. When on cycle I have used 250mg Test and 600 mg Tren E per week.

    Tren Is the best for getting stronger. That is why I use it. Stronger usually means bigger. Just be careful. I see my doctor every 2 weeks! Check everything!

    Good luck. John

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If you are set on running it, then run it. It will take the same amount of time to clear your system whether you use 30mg or 100mg. I'm would not bother with such a low dose as you are bound to have all the common side effects and very little of the hoped for gains. If I have to put up with the sweating, the high BP and the insomnia, I'm going to make it worth it.

    I think as long as a person stays under 400mg they will be able to tolerate it fine (unless they are the unfortunate that simply cannot tolerate tren). I would def. follow Capes advice of running 300mg. It's a nice dose to start with.

  8. #8
    Thank you all for the replies.
    300 still seems high to me. Next week barring any negative sides {so far}-I'm going to kick it up to 50ml EOD.
    I think...........

  9. #9
    Day 2.
    Nothing new to update.
    Unless of course you count the psychosomatic effects.
    Cause I sure as shit think I feel good.
    I know it's not due to the Tren...but hey---I dont care WHAT it is...i'll take it.
    Been doing lots and lots of additional reading.
    I'm already thinking of bumping this puppy up to 50 EOD.
    Not sure how much Test and Anastrazole to add thou.
    Since before I started this, my acne is acting up.
    More Anastrazole maybe?
    Day 3--nothing to add.
    Day 4---second injection. Feeling the same. No sides yet.
    Still @ 30mg. EOD
    So far so good....
    Day 5.
    Third injection-Test 250mg// Tren 50mg
    Yeah so I bumped the Tren up to 50.
    No sides with the possible exception of loss of appetite. Which for me isn't such a bad thing. I dunno if it too is in my head, but I'm just not hungry.
    For my Test- I'm staying at around 500mg weekly.
    1 pharmacy grade Watson Test Cyp 200 and 1 UGL 250mg.
    So far so good....
    . ANY and all suggestions welcome!

  10. #10
    Day 6--nothing new to report
    Day 7--injection 4 of Tren 50. Nothing new to report.
    Day 8--nothing new to report/ Pharmacy grade Test cyp 250mg.
    Day 9-- injection 5 of Tren 50.
    ::KA-BOOM !:: Something is working. Either that Tren or the 500mg of test for the last month. Today was biceps and triceps. I've read that you'll know it kicks in when you feel it on a smaller muscle day like biceps and triceps.
    Like week in...and something is happening.
    Easily one of the best bicep days I've had in quite a long time.
    What a pump!
    No sides yet other than today when I noticed I was sweating a bit more in the gym.

    So far so good.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Proud Bostonian
    I wouldn't bother with less than 300 mgs. a week. I am in my 40's and found this dosage to be very manageable.

  12. #12
    I understand what your saying Buster, but for me, I'm gonna take it slow.
    If this Tren is working the way I think {and read it's SUPPOSED to work}, then 50 EOD isn't too shabby for a first run.

  13. #13
    At the very minimum 250 a week. Start there and ramp up to 300-400 if you have the sides under control and are feeling good. Also, how long do you plan to run the cycle for?

  14. #14
    I was thinking 6-8weeks. Then just go back to my TRT dose of test 200/week without the tren

  15. #15
    My usual schedule is I work for 9 hours 7am-4pm. I eat my meals, drink liquids, protein shakes and such. Then I go home and sleep for about 2 hours then wake up do my shot(75mg prop, 75mg tren) and go to the gym. Now the problem is that occasionally I will get a horrible cough that lasts 5-8mins that is non stop, my abs lock up, and I sweat a bit. If someone could tell me how to prevent or stop this or any information on what's going on it would be greatly appreciated. Future thanks!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    The Matrix
    Quote Originally Posted by justleag3 View Post
    My usual schedule is I work for 9 hours 7am-4pm. I eat my meals, drink liquids, protein shakes and such. Then I go home and sleep for about 2 hours then wake up do my shot(75mg prop, 75mg tren) and go to the gym. Now the problem is that occasionally I will get a horrible cough that lasts 5-8mins that is non stop, my abs lock up, and I sweat a bit. If someone could tell me how to prevent or stop this or any information on what's going on it would be greatly appreciated. Future thanks!!!
    Please start your own thread. Not only are you hijacking this one but the op here will have a hard time reading his own thread if people start answering your questions here. Thanks

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    I wouldn't bother with less than 300/wk either. the cycle I just came off of was 1.6g test, 700mg tren. I ran 12 weeks. I'm also in my 40's. I'm not saying you should run 700. I wouldn't tell anyone to do that, just to illustrate where I go with it. I'm honestly not that impressed with tren. I may not run it again. I ran 300/wk once. Sides were actually worse than at 700 but test/tren were equal. This time I ran test at double the tren. Better results and less sides. Tren will turn your lipids upside down. Be aware of that.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remington View Post
    I understand what your saying Buster, but for me, I'm gonna take it slow.
    If this Tren is working the way I think {and read it's SUPPOSED to work}, then 50 EOD isn't too shabby for a first run.
    Agreed, no need to rush anything with tren.

    If one day I decide to try it. I would probably do like you are doing right now.

    The effect may be minimal, but I do think you will feel it.

    And you have 500mg test/week, If diet and training is in check its far from a wasted cycle anyway.

    I like that you take it slow. However, I have no experience with tren so I can't comment on the dosage who is working.
    But everyone always say less is better.

    If you can ramp it up gradually and find your perfect spot gain/side effect, you will like it on the long run.

    Good luck, keep us updated.

  19. #19
    Day 10--nothing new to report.
    Day 11--nothing new to report.
    Day 12--nothing new to report.
    Day 13--missed Tren and Test injection because I was forced out of town for 2 days.
    Back on track 10/19/13: Today Tren A 50// UGL Test Cyp 250.
    Sweat like a beast in the gym today. Felt good.
    ***Effective Monday 10/21/13 Tren goes to 75 EOD.*** Test stays at 500mg/week.
    So far so good.....

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    If you want to log your cycle, there is a section for it

  21. #21
    Day 15--75mg Tren A /// 250 mg pharmacy grade Test.
    This is day 1 of 75 mg Tren.
    So far so good....

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Nomadic Day Laborer
    you'll be fine don't sweat it.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man
    I wouldn't bother with less than 300/wk either. the cycle I just came off of was 1.6g test, 700mg tren. I ran 12 weeks. I'm also in my 40's. I'm not saying you should run 700. I wouldn't tell anyone to do that, just to illustrate where I go with it. I'm honestly not that impressed with tren. I may not run it again. I ran 300/wk once. Sides were actually worse than at 700 but test/tren were equal. This time I ran test at double the tren. Better results and less sides. Tren will turn your lipids upside down. Be aware of that.
    1.6g of test and 700 of tren?! Do you have a thread with pics and stats? You must be huge. I don't want to hijack this thread anymore than I have.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dante Diamond
    1.6g of test and 700 of tren?! Do you have a thread with pics and stats? You must be huge. I don't want to hijack this thread anymore than I have.
    Just like anyone who takes steroids is jay cutler lol.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    A rock & a hard place
    ^^^Right!?! You can take as much juice as you want but in the end, diet and training dictate success. Moreover the longer you remain on cycle, the more frequently you cycle, and the larger the doses and stacks, more gear may be required to see results.

    Java Man is a good guy and I'm not accusing him of the above. Simply stating that there's much more to success in this area than how much gear or how often you use. Many of us know this from direct experience.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    Just like anyone who takes steroids is jay cutler lol.
    I was hoping he would post his stats, because I guarantee that his size doesn't warrant those big doses. That was the point I was attempting to make. I'm not sure what you thought I was after. Or where Jay Cutler came about in all this.

    Java, I'm not attacking your character at all. It's your body and you do as you wish.

  27. #27
    Day 16--felt okay in the gym. Not nearly as much sweat.
    Day 17--75mg Tren A
    Day 18-- nothing new to report.
    Day 19--250mg UGL Test Cyp...100mg Tren A...not fooling around with anything less from this point forward.
    Day 20--nothing new to report.
    Day 21---100mg Tren A.

    So almost 3 weeks into this. Noticeable difference in vascularity, esp in forearms. Some days my strength seems improved. The pumps in the gym are nice.
    One thing I did notice FOR SURE is my recovery time. No matter how hard I train, I almost feel like I can hit the same muscle the next day.
    Now I'm at 100 mg Tren A EOD.
    Next week I may switch to 50mg ED to keep it more constant.
    However I do see 75 ed in my future.
    No negative sides AT ALL to report. No night increased insomnia.
    Erection quality seems about the same---which is good.
    I WOULD however like that and the libado to increase to those insane levels I've read about.
    So far so good.

  28. #28
    Day 22--I really don't think I'm taking enough.
    Today I took another 50 mg of Tren A.
    I'll be doing 50 ED from now on 350mg total a week.
    The gains and fat loss arent coming fast enough judging by everything I've read.
    Is even 350 gonna be enough?

  29. #29
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    Not feeling it kick in is normal for at least 4 weeks for me, but I usually get the sides within a week of starting. Odd that you haven't gotten any yet.

  30. #30
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    50mg ED is definitely enough, if you don't feel something off of that your gear is bad.

  31. #31
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