Currently on a cutting cycle, getting leaner and it's going really well. I'll get a photoshoot by the end of the month. My cycle will also end by the end of the month.
I'm currently taking tren A/test P and winstrol tablets. arimidex and casaber for extrogen/prolactine control and hcg 250iu 2xw throughout the cycle.
I often burst the HCG last week, before ending the cycle to EOD 250iu.
1) By any chance Will bursting the hcg to EOD make me retain more water??? I need to look leaner on the photoshoot hope you understand.
2) Even if on a cutting cycle I took creatine 5g/day throughout it. I do look shredded anyway, but should I stop creatine 1 week before the photoshoot, in order to look even more shredded?
tell me what you guys think.