well bros!ý love this board incredibly thats why ý cant help myself lookýng it everyday.above all I'd like to thank all the bros for their patience among my questions!!!SOME PEOPLE IN THE GYM SAY THAT WHEN AS USERS GOT OLD THEIR SEXUAL ACTIVITY WILL STOP EARLY THAN THE OTHER MALES??IS THAT SO COMMENTS PLEASE...THANKS FROM NOW ON
HONESTLY BRO IN MY GYM EVERYBODY USES AS WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE BUT THEY PROTECT THEMSELVES SAYING "I DUN USE AS MATE I ATE AND PUMPED DORKS USE IT MY MUSCLES ARE PERMANENT NOW U TIGHT ASS GET AWAY THIS BENCH I HAVE 2 MORE SETS!"goes like this bros then ý keep on workýng, thinking when ý got back home my friends are waiting at board!!ýt has really a synergetic effect than ephedrine!!!!!