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  1. #1
    GrowPhaster's Avatar
    GrowPhaster is offline Junior Member
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    Fat boys and Clen.

    What's up bros,

    A good friend of mine is at least 30+ lbs overweight. (he's 29 yrs old, 5ft 9", 290, not sure on BF% but it is VERY high) A fat boy. He currently does not train at all (actually pretty much no sport-like activity at all).

    Anyway, he has been asking me what he can take to loose weight. Honestly I am not sure what to tell him because I have not had any experience with that type of weight loss.

    I guess he should hit the gym for a while before contemplating taking anything at all. But can he do a Clen /Eca (2 weeks Clen / 2 weeks Eca for 8-10 weeks) cycle to help give him a little boost?

    Should I suggest the Clen/Eca? Something else?

    Any tips or suggestions?

    Thanks a lot!!!
    Last edited by GrowPhaster; 05-28-2003 at 10:55 AM.

  2. #2
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    the fatboys were great!!!

    can he do the human beatbox??!!!!

  3. #3
    partyboynyc is offline Anabolic Member
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    no seriously

    he is the total example of why i hate fat people!!!!fat people always want a quick fix!!!!what can i take? what can i take?that's all they ever say!!!not, wow i think i should make some lifestyle and diet changes and actually do some physical activity. fat people always want shortcuts and i think i am quite right when you see that anyone who is willing to work hard generally has an asthetically pleasing body. tell him to get off his fat ass and do something besides take up space. he can worry about taking shit when he's busted his ass for years like the rest of us!!i find it insulting to all of us that work hard to acheive what we do to have some fat dude ask for some shortcut when he obviously has no discipline or we wouldn't be in this big situation now!!!give him a a copy of my post....

  4. #4
    ironfist's Avatar
    ironfist is offline Elite Hall Of Fame ~ RIP ~
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    In a cage near you...
    LOL...Some good points. The drugs are better fit for fine tuning and getting past sticking points. A little bit of cardio for the fat boy would probably work wonders. You could always try the atkins diet with the tubbo...

  5. #5
    Madmax's Avatar
    Madmax is offline Senior Member
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    bro if hes 5'9 at 290 then hes more than 30lbs over weight, your friend needs to do cardio and eat better, bieng fat for most people is a choice...they have the time to go to the gym but choose not to, he really needs to start on the basics first, and since hes already overweight id tell him to stay away from clen because that would add to the stress on his heart...Madmax

  6. #6
    ichiban's Avatar
    ichiban is offline Female Member
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    Whoa, simmer down partyboy!

    I think it's a great thing that your friend wants to change for the better. However as partyboy put it, there are no quick fixes. I think he just needs to start from square one with weight training and cardio. Help him make better choices with his diet as well.People who have never been athletic or worked out seem to drop weight fast once they start. Their body is so shocked! I would not advise him to do the clen . ECA (or NYC)
    stack yet. Tell him to save that for after the initial fat loss, once he gets stuck. Maybe he could try an ECA or NYC to give him a little boost energy wise but, he needs to be careful that he does not overwork his weak heart! Be a good friend and keep him motivated. I bet once he starts working out he will be hooked for life! Tell him good luck!

  7. #7
    GrowPhaster's Avatar
    GrowPhaster is offline Junior Member
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    Human beatbox LOL , yeah the FatBoys were great I don't think he has the abdominal strength for Beatboxing

    Thanks a lot for the input all! Yup, the first thing I told him was he needed to change his diet dramatically. He out-eats me big time even when I'm in a cycle, yet he does no training at all! (not to mention what he actually eats, all JUNK) Anyway, I wasn't sure about whether or not he should try something to give him a little boost. Guess the consensus is to throw him into some cardio for a while before touching anything.

    I've tried to explain to him that there is no magic bullet (I'm pretty sure he understands this). I've been training pretty darn hard for over 10 years to be in the shape I'm in and I just recently started to dable in gear.

    Guess I'll tell him to run Eca alone for now with some serious cardio and a much better diet.

    Any opinions on what a day at the gym should look like for my fat little friend ??? Should he just be hitting bikes, treadmills, etc.... at first only?

    Thanks Again!!!!
    Last edited by GrowPhaster; 05-28-2003 at 11:42 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Bro, I dropped around 50 lbs of fat when I restarted training a year and a half ago, and let me tell you a few things

    1 - There is no magic solution, your buddy is going to have to get his fas ass to the gym at least 4 days a week.

    2 - At the gym, he will have to do at least 40 minutes of "sweat dripping off your back like Niagara Falls" cardio. (yeah been there, done that, got the puddle)

    3 - For the first 3 months, he should lift LIGHT. Keep him on the Nautilus, Cybex or Hammer Strenght machines. He has do do low weight, high reps.

    Reason for this is that you must get the muscles AND joints AND ligaments AND especially YOUR HEART! used to working before you work them hard with free weights. The #1 reason for quitters at the gym is trying to start off too heavy, too quickly, and getting hurt.

    This step is the hardest on most peoples egos... I know I was lifting my weenie weights in the cybex machines, looking at the big mofos on the free weights and thinking "hell I can lift that!". Drop the macho bullshit, wait 3 months.

    4 - ECA is a good thing to use to drop weight and control appetite, BUT do NOT let him touch it for the first 3 months. Again, ECA can be rough on the heart, specially for an overweight or obese person who has been a couch potato. Cardio 3 months to strenghten the heart, then slowly ease in ECA.

    5 - His diet will have to be ajusted... no more coke, no more chips, no more wendys or pizza hut. He has to really want this.

    Thats how I managed to drop a crapload of blubber, it works.


  9. #9
    GrowPhaster's Avatar
    GrowPhaster is offline Junior Member
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    Nice. Thanks for the info. That's pretty much what I needed to hear. I never even really thought about possible complications with the heart of the fat boy, thanks bros.

    Its pretty obvious that just throwing him into the gym alone and running all that cardio, after being idle for soo long is going to put him under enough strain. Can just imagine what would happen if we threw in some ECA or Clen in there.

    He will have to settle for cardio to start with, no chemical assistance!

    Again, thanks for the responses.

  10. #10
    markas214's Avatar
    markas214 is offline Senior Member
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    I would tell him not to take the ECA before cardio. Too much stress on his unfit circulatory system. That is why people drop over from too much ephadrine. Their bodies can't handle the elevated heart rate and BP. Tell him to take it easy at first. A good idea would be a complete physical exame by a doctor knowledgable in sports medicine. Also, unless he is willing to change his sedentary lifesyle any quick weight loss will quickly be regained!

  11. #11
    footballcat's Avatar
    footballcat is offline Associate Member
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    no where
    diet, and cardio

  12. #12
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    sounds like me!!!
    I started out at 302lbs @5'8" and i'm 28 now I'm 240 lbs and still looking
    to drop 25-30 before I start my first cycle in sept. or oct.

    some pointers

    1. JOIN AR!!!!!!!(these are some smart people and their help isnt
    trying to sell you something... its just to help)

    2. 1hr lifting 30-45 min. cardio 4 days a week

    3. DO NOT DIET!!!!!!!(diets dont work, you have to change your
    way of eating and this is probally forever. What I mean is some
    people can eat McDonalds everyday and not gain a pound and
    some can't. So your friend will have to watch what he eats 95%
    of the time).

    4.try Xenedrine EFX no efedrine for an energy boost(30 days on 2 weeks

    5. remember it took 29 yrs. to get that big its gonna take some time to get smaller

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by damiongage
    sounds like me!!!
    I started out at 302lbs @5'8" and i'm 28 now I'm 240 lbs and still looking
    to drop 25-30 before I start my first cycle in sept. or oct.
    Hell yeah! Good going bro!

    Welcome to the "I used to be a fat bastard and got off my ass and did something about it" club I was president for a while. Hee hee!

    5. remember it took 29 yrs. to get that big its gonna take some time to get smaller
    You know, thats of the sanest and most reasonable things I've heard lately. I like it!


  14. #14
    damiongage's Avatar
    damiongage is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah I tell myself that when i think the progess is not coming as fast as i like.

    oh yeah 6. put your ideal weight on the fridge so you see it before you
    go in it and grab something bad

    7. before you eat anything ask yourself why your eating it?

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