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Thread: The Return of TexasGiant Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Cool The Return of TexasGiant Cycle

    hey yall, hope everyones been well finally back in the game after taking awhile off.
    Age:20 (will be 21 when the cycle starts)
    Current Height/Weight 223lbs 5"11 BF 15-16%
    Goal: 245lbs 11%

    Cycle experience:
    Anavar Only 100mg6 weeks
    (500mgTest E/20mg DBOL/40mgWinny) cycle 12 weeks of T 3 of Dbol 5 of Winny
    (400mgTest C/300mg Tren E/50mg Turinabol/Var) 15 weeks T 10 Tren 5 Tbol kickstart/6 var end
    (300Test Prop/300mg Tren A/100 Var) 8 weeks prop/ 5 weeks tren A/8 weeks var

    Some background info: I was supposed to compete at europa this year in my first BB show and was sitting around 230 10% about to start my cut when I ruptured a perforated ulcer in my small intestine and almost died of internal bleeding (spent 2 weeks in hospital with no food or fluids other than IV) and i ended up coming out of the hospital at 185lbs 2 weeks later. They did a explorative abdominal laporatomy after they failed to find it with the laproscopic surgery. I recovered and now 7 months later im training again and have bulked back up to 223lbs.
    Cycle Plan:
    15 weeks Pentadex (300mg/ml test blend) at 600mg a week
    12 weeks Primobolan at 400mg a week
    15 weeks Equipoise at 500mg a week
    17 weeks Arimidex @.5mg eod or ED (am aromatase sensitive)
    2 week blast of HCG during the 3 weeks phase when the esters are clearing
    4 weeks clomid at 100mg then 50mg
    2 weeks of Nolva at 20mg once clomid is over.

    Goal is to recomp back to my prior size and bring my body composition back up to offseason/pre prep shape.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Also I have an endo and a hematologist now and have bloodwork done regularly. Every 2-3 weeks (everything has been perfect so far) minus my platelets because i received 18 blood transfussions/10 bags of plasma and 2 bags of cryo when I was in the hospital. (i believe its somewhat returned to normal) was about at 1000 if i can remember the bloodwork

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Those are some odd choices for bulking compounds if you wanna gain 22 lbs of lbm....What influenced your decision?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Cycle Plan:
    15 weeks Pentadex (300mg/ml test blend) at 600mg a week
    12 weeks Primobolan at 400mg a week
    15 weeks Equipoise at 500mg a week
    17 weeks Arimidex @.5mg eod or ED (am aromatase sensitive)
    2 week blast of HCG during the 3 weeks phase when the esters are clearing
    - run hcg 250iu from start to pct 2 times a week.

    4 weeks clomid at 100mg then 50mg

    2 weeks of Nolva at 20mg once clomid is over.
    - why are you only running nolvadex 2 weeks? And after clomid ? Run them Simultaneously .

    Just my 2 cents.. Glad to hear you recovered well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AlphaMike View Post
    Those are some odd choices for bulking compounds if you wanna gain 22 lbs of lbm....What influenced your decision?
    I gain weight easily and eat a lot wanted to try and lower body fat while gaining lbm.i wanted the vascularity and hunger effects of eq with the ancillary properties of primobolan and I didn't wanna run 3 aromatizing steroids and progesterones are out of the question for awhile.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Long time no see

    Crazy shit man, at least you're okay now.

    That wouldn't be my choice for a fairly large bulking cycle. But, shit man - you should know this better than me.

    I like the idea of my current run(if my gear wasn't under dosed or bunk) test, tren & deca

  7. #7
    I'm surprised that the experts here aren't blasting you for planning to inject bicycle chain lubricant, and for cycling before the age of 25!

    Looking good Man! Power too ya!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    The "experts" already put him through the ringer

    But, OP is just too impressive to call BS on. I doubt Jay Cutler started at 25. Someone has to do it & except the possible consequences.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nomadic Day Laborer
    Quote Originally Posted by < <Samson> > View Post
    The "experts" already put him through the ringer

    But, OP is just too impressive to call BS on. I doubt Jay Cutler started at 25. Someone has to do it & except the possible consequences.
    LOL yeah I was lookin at his avatar, big mofo that's why I didn't say anything about the EQ. If you're already that big at 20 you're doing something right!

    OP if you keep a log I'll be interested in following your progress.
    Last edited by AlphaMike; 10-10-2013 at 03:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Ill for sure update with pics and progress regularly. I'm starting mid November, considering running the primo all 15. Any thoughts on other ancillary drugs that might aid with the primo or should I be golden with just the Adex? I'm thinking the primo will slowly lean me out as the cycle goes while the eq and test combined with a caloric surplus will do most of the bulking.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Also thoughts on front loading 900mg of eq the first week to help speed the gains

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Not gonna matter. Eq is a very weak anabolic. I ran eq at 900 a week and only effects were screwed up CBC and a few weeks of hunger. I think you'd be better served with higher test or swap the eq for something else
    Last edited by OnTheSauce; 10-11-2013 at 05:15 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by OnTheSauce View Post
    Not gonna matter. Eq is a very weak anabolic. I ran eq at 900 a week and only effects were screwed up CBC and a few weeks of hunger. I think you'd be better served with higher test or swap the eq for something else
    interesting, everyone i know whose used EQ loves it, i can easily get to 235 or so on just a 300mg a week of prop, but am really looking for that extra appetite once i get to 235... thinking eq will give me that. Maybe ill up the primo dosage to 500mgs a week and run an oral or something. But i have a ton of eq so i thought i might as well get some usage out of it.

  14. #14
    not everything works for everybody , EQ works great on me I get really vascular and strong so I stack it with test , mastron and decca works well for me .

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Firstgear
    not everything works for everybody , EQ works great on me I get really vascular and strong so I stack it with test , mastron and decca works well for me .
    And the test, deca and masteron didn't help with the strength? You think it was the eq? There's a reason most vets on here are so against it. I ignored advice and had to try it myself. Waste of time and trashed my bloodwork. The hunger only lasted a few weeks and faded away. The vascularity comes from your raised red blood cell count, depending how high it gets, not always a good thing. If you do run it, I advise getting bloodwork to watch your hematocrit and rbc. Donate blood if it gets too high

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Hope you're completely healed of ulcers, could get worse if its not. But, if you got some extra Primordial id try to extend the Primo a couple weeks.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Anxnymous View Post
    Hope you're completely healed of ulcers, could get worse if its not. But, if you got some extra Primordial id try to extend the Primo a couple weeks.
    for sure, they completely removed a section of my small intestine and reattached it so there is absolutely nothing there, they scoped me 4 times yeah ill try and run it 15 or so

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Nice vtaper

  19. #19
    Join Date
    May 2012
    thanks man appreciate it gotta get it back and then some

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