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Thread: Tren question

  1. #1
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    Tren question

    I am planning on doing a cycle soon of test e 250 500mg per week. 12 weeks followed by standard pct and hcg on cycle.
    and of course an AI
    my question is I have 2 bottles of tren ace 100 I have and was considering adding them to this cycle. wasn't sure if I should add them at the beginning of my cycle while test is still low so the tren will get the base of the receptor, or wait till more towards the end of the cycle. just curious on peoples opinion. or if I should just wait and buy more tren. I have caber as well.

    Thanks any feed back is appriciated

  2. #2
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    What are your stats and cycle history?

  3. #3
    4linked's Avatar
    4linked is offline Associate Member
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    yea forgot I haven't updated my info in a while.
    im 24
    183 lbd
    14 % body fat
    training almost 5 years
    1 cycle test e 500mg per week 12 weeks +pct
    2nd same as first but 40 mg dbol for first 4 weeks

    I had to take some time off due to surgery a while back but wasn't out too long

  4. #4
    Lesmav is offline New Member
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    I've just started a cycle of only primo teston enanthate and am getting symptoms of fever and aching bones, this has happened to me in the past and was happening for the hole 12 weeks of my cycle, someone said I need to mix tren to brake down the enanthate from crystallising, please need some information as everyone I ask has no answers for me

  5. #5
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lesmav
    I've just started a cycle of only primo teston enanthate and am getting symptoms of fever and aching bones, this has happened to me in the past and was happening for the hole 12 weeks of my cycle, someone said I need to mix tren to brake down the enanthate from crystallising, please need some information as everyone I ask has no answers for me
    Never heard of that buddy.

    Start a new thread btw...

  6. #6
    Gaspaco's Avatar
    Gaspaco is offline "The Italian Stallion"
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4linked
    yea forgot I haven't updated my info in a while.
    im 24
    183 lbd
    14 % body fat
    training almost 5 years
    1 cycle test e 500mg per week 12 weeks +pct
    2nd same as first but 40 mg dbol for first 4 weeks

    I had to take some time off due to surgery a while back but wasn't out too long
    If its your 2nd cycle you have plenty time for tren .

    Keep it slow... Add compounds and dosages slowly...

    Grow to your dosages, if you grow from 500mg test run it till you hit plateau.

  7. #7
    Bert is offline Senior Member
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    Go very low dose on the tren if you use it. A lil tren goes a long way.

  8. #8
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 4linked View Post
    I am planning on doing a cycle soon of test e 250 500mg per week. 12 weeks followed by standard pct and hcg on cycle.
    and of course an AI
    my question is I have 2 bottles of tren ace 100 I have and was considering adding them to this cycle. wasn't sure if I should add them at the beginning of my cycle while test is still low so the tren will get the base of the receptor, or wait till more towards the end of the cycle. just curious on peoples opinion. or if I should just wait and buy more tren. I have caber as well.

    Thanks any feed back is appriciated
    3rd cycle right?...most people consider tren to be the last drug to experiment with. What are your goals for this cycle?

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    You only have 1 cycle under your belt.There is really no need for tren .You can get where you want to go with test only.Wait until your gains have slowed with other compounds before you add the tren.That is the way it should be done.Good luck

  10. #10
    Euroholic is offline "ARs Pork Eating Crusader"
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    A world without islam!!!!

  11. #11
    Cuz's Avatar
    Cuz is offline VET
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    You only have 1 cycle under your belt.There is really no need for tren .You can get where you want to go with test only.Wait until your gains have slowed with other compounds before you add the tren.That is the way it should be done.Good luck
    I think he said he had 2 previous cycles but I agree 100%

  12. #12
    justleag3 is offline New Member
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    My usual schedule is I work for 9 hours 7am-4pm. I eat my meals, drink liquids, protein shakes and such. Then I go home and sleep for about 2 hours then wake up do my shot(75mg prop, 75mg tren ) and go to the gym. Now the problem is that occasionally I will get a horrible cough that lasts 5-8mins that is non stop, my abs lock up, and I sweat a bit. If someone could tell me how to prevent or stop this or any information on what's going on it would be greatly appreciated. Future thanks!!!

  13. #13
    AlphaMike is offline Productive Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by justleag3 View Post
    My usual schedule is I work for 9 hours 7am-4pm. I eat my meals, drink liquids, protein shakes and such. Then I go home and sleep for about 2 hours then wake up do my shot(75mg prop, 75mg tren) and go to the gym. Now the problem is that occasionally I will get a horrible cough that lasts 5-8mins that is non stop, my abs lock up, and I sweat a bit. If someone could tell me how to prevent or stop this or any information on what's going on it would be greatly appreciated. Future thanks!!!
    Dude you resurrected an old thread just so you could hijack it. Second time I've seen you do this. Start your own thread.

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