34yrs old
5'11. Weight 220
Bf- 20%ish
I've been training on and off for 14-15 years. I'm currently about 5-7lbs over were I'm normally at.
Goal- 6 mo's 190lbs I want to gain some lean muscle and lose about 20plus lbs.
I'm not going to start til I'm 215lb. I'm going to do some heavy cardio to drop 5 quick.
So here it goes. I'm goig to be taking the following and want some help tweaking for the best results. My diet will be in check.
Hgh- start 2 I'us from1-4weeks then up it .5 a week til I get to 5 I'us total 6-9mos
T3 or t4 not quite sure yet I will see what's available prob T4 tho. Will start 4 weeks in or so.
What do you guys think of adding primo over test for 12 weeks or so starting at week 12.
Pct will be either clomid or what else I can get.
Also should I throw in hcg somewhere in there. Say a a couple times a week if I do test. Then get off a couple weeks before the test ends
Alright don't beat me up to bad. I need advice this wi be for a lean/cut. The hgh is will help with the fat loss and a couple injuries.